Fifty three

393 4 2

Aaliyah's POV

219..220..221..222.. finally, 223.

I took a deep breath and think about what was going to happen. Grayson squeezed my hand reminding me that he was there for me. I stepped forward towards the door and knocked twice before hearing a voice telling me to enter.

I opened the door with Gray following closely behind me. There, i saw a very young girl probably around the same age as me. She had medium blonde hair, and green hazel eyes much like Grayson's. I saw the bruising and scratches left on her body and a wrap around her head. I didn't know how to feel.

She looked up from her phone and gave us a confusing look.

"Who are you?" she asks.

"I'm the woman's granddaughter who you crashed into this morning," i reply sternly. The shakiness in my voice was long gone and i was talking with confidence. Her eyes had widened and she put her phone to the side. She tried getting out of bed but i told her to stay where she was. I came closer to her.

"I'm... so terribly sorry. I don't know what to say. I never wanted this to happen, it was all an accident i swear on it," she says. She couldn't look at me, and i could see the guilt in her eyes as they wander the room with tears on the verge of pouring out.

"I just wanted to get away from home.. To get away from my toxic family, and my abusive boyfriend. I was crying whilst i was driving and didn't realise how fast i was going.. I am so sorry.. Is your grandmother okay?" She says looking up meeting my eyes. I took my hand and placed it on top of hers as i sat down on the bed with her.

Grayson gave me a kiss on the forehead before telling me he will be waiting outside giving us privacy.

"She's not in the best condition, and she's getting older you know so it's harder to know when she'll wake up. I'm sorry to hear about your personal story, and to let you know i can be someone you can talk to. I didn't come here to argue or fight over this situation, i just needed an apology and explanation, and i got that. Thankyou," i said.

A small smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"My name is Julie, you can call me Jules," she says sticking out her hand for a handshake.

"My name is Aaliyah, call me Ally," i say shaking her hand.

Grayson's POV

I stood outside waiting for Aaliyah. Man, i hope she's coping well with this. Her grandmother is basically the only one in her family who actually pays attention to her, and loves her, besides me of course. I just know her grandmother's going to be okay. She has to be, for Ally's sake.

I felt a vibration from my phone and reached for it from my back pocket.

G: "Hey mom whats up?"
L: "Just wanting to know if Aaliyah's okay and when you'll be getting here darl"
G: "She's doing okay for now and we'll get going soon, love you mom"
L: "Love you Gray"

As soon as i ended the call, Ally comes out of the room and half heartedly smiles at me. I reach my hand out for her and she grabs hold of it. I kiss the back of her hand and smile.

"Everything okay princess?" i ask.

"More than okay baby," she replies.


"Well i'm stuffed," i say as i take a spot on the couch. Ally comes down next to me and cuddles into my chest. We finished our breakfast, well brunch with my family and Amy and came back home while the others deciding to go out shopping. Ally wasn't up for it.

"You barely ate Ally, i want you to keep your strength up," i say looking into her beautiful orbs. They look sad, like they could create a tsunami of tears any moment. I tried feeding her food every so often at the restaurant but she was stubborn on not eating much, i don't blame her though.

"I know.. i can't help it," she sighs. My hand lightly grabs a hold of her face and my thumb rubs circles on her soft, pink cheeks. I lean in for a kiss and our lips connect. Her lips kissed me back and they were so soft and plump. I pulled away as our foreheads stay connected and noses touching.

She loosens out of my grip and straddles me. I gotta admit it took me by surprise. She wraps her arms around the back of my neck and pulls me in closer. We had a mini make out session when i feel myself losing control. I knew she felt it too so i slightly pushed her off back in her original position when we first came in.

She looked at me confusingly as i scratch the back of my head.

"Aaliyah, we shouldn't be doing this right now. You're vulnerable at the moment and when we make love i want it to be for a good reason, not just for .. a distraction. I know you wouldn't want the same," i tell her.

She looks down at the ground, i know probably beating herself up in her head. She knew i was right. She looked so adorable and obviously i would do so many things to her right now if it wasn't for this situation. I just had to hold myself back.

"Can i still kiss you though?" her soft, voice asks. I chuckle and she kisses me like she needs me.

"I love you,"

"I love you most."

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