Seventy six

319 1 2

Aaliyahs's POV

Fans were crying, and upset. I didn't know what to do at this point. My boyfriend was in the hospital being treated for appendicitis or whatever the hell it is, and i found out by Ethan's twitter post. Not exactly the best way to find out, not to mention no one bothered to tell me personally, to which i had to find out on social media. I was so sick of the media but this is what my life is surrounded by.

Here i am, in LAX airport waiting for my plane to England to care for Grayson. I needed to be by his side. To be honest with you, i couldn't stop crying all last night. I couldn't even believe the words i was reading. You can't exactly read that well when you have blurry vision from your tears filling up your fucking eyes. I don't understand how the situation came about. He wasn't even sick before he left, or was he?

I was sipping on my water as the boarding for my flight began and people started lining up and were being let in. It was humid and disgusting, being surrounded by strangers i felt very vunlerable. The plane was ride was about ten to eleven hours and Kyle was going to pick me up from the airport.

The plane ride was unbearable and it felt like it was going on forever. I was stuck next to some guy who wouldn't stop eating nuts from his pocket, as if someone was going to catch him or something. They were nuts owned by the airplane company anyway. Let's just say he was the most entertaining part about my plane ride there. I was constantly listening to music and charging my phone, i never liked watching movies on there considering they were pretty shit anyway and not to my liking.

As i closed my eyes and listened to music on the plane, i couldn't help but worry about Gray. I would never let myself live if i knew he was really ill. I keep reliving in the moment when i found out he was admitted into hospital.


"I'm so bored Amy, let's do something," i whine. Amy rolls her eyes as she texts Ethan and ignores me. What the-

"Let's go for some yoghurt," she suggested. I make a weird face and shake my head. I wasn't in the mood for food, unlike every other time. I wanted to go out on an adventure. I was constantly drowning myself in books and meetings, all that adult stuff i didn't want to prepare for that i forgot i needed to have fun and let loose.

"You ask me to do something and i suggest it yet you decline my offer," Amy says chuckling. I grab her phone and throw in onto the edge of the bed and cross my arms. Amy gives me A LOOK and i could tell she was annoyed. I liked getting on her nerves, she was sassy and this was the missing puzzle to our relationship.

"I swear to your mama that if you touch my phone again i'm going to go crazy," she threatens me. I burst out laughing, which makes Amy go from serious to goofy real quick.

"Wow Gray was right. Fortnite took Ethan away from him and your phone is getting more attention than me right now," i say pouting my lips like a child. She pinches my lips with her fingers and pulls them making me slap away her hand.

"Bitch i swear to YOUR mama that if you touch me one more time i'm gonna go crazy," i say mimicking her. She throws a pillow at my face and goes in for the attempt to grab her phone, but i reach for it first.

"Oohh look at what we have here. A tweet from THE Ethan Dolan, brother of Grayson Dolan. Aaliyah Montaneo's boyfriend," i say waving her phone in the air. She sits there giving up as she crosses her arms in front of me. She had her face ID on but it didn't matter because i knew her password anyway, this girl doesn't hide shit from me.

"We're incredibly sorry to say that our sho--," i start mumbling to myself as i realise the words i was reading.

" each and every one of you. We will keep you all updated," Amy says out loud as she finishes reading. I cover my mouth with my hand as the tears fell constantly onto my cheeks. Amy pulls me into her arms comforting me but it wasn't helping.

I quickly pull out my phone calling Grayson but of course he didn't pick up like i expected. I called Ethan and he picked up within 2 rings.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME ETHAN?" I yell immediately into the phone. I could tell Ethan was definitely taken back by how loud my voice was but i couldn't stop the waterfall on my face thus far.

"I was just about to call you Ally, please don't freak out. He's okay and he will be okay," he tries reassuring me.

"Why didn't he pick up my call, i just want to hear his voice," i beg. Ethan sighs.

"He's resting right now before his surgery." Surgery? It's that serious?

"Keep us updated alright babe? Tell Grayson to call her as soon as he can when he's up and well," Amy says to Ethan. They say their goodbyes and i wrap myself in Amy's blanket as she plays with my hair until i fall asleep with dry tears and swollen eyes.


I fell asleep and was woken up to the nudging of my shoulder by a flight attendant. I grabbed my carry on luggage and was slowly walking out of the plane and into the airport. I hated lines here, they always took so long and i felt like i was getting nowhere.

I made it out of security and baggage. I came down the escalators as i see a gigantic man holding a sign saying "AH-LEE-YUH MOAN-TUN-NEE-OHH"

I giggle to myself knowing Ethan most definitely made the sign and i run up to Kyle.

"KYLE!!" i say jumping in to hug him and of course he hugs me back.

"Good to see you again Ms Montaneo," he says.

"What the fuck Kyle, since when do you talk that formal to me? We're friends, call me Ally like you've always have," i say gently hitting his arm. He flashes me a toothy smile and picks up my luggage and we walk to his car.


"Gray?" i ask softly not sure if he was awake or not.

"Ally?" he replies. I smile at him but my face softens when i see the condition he's in. He looked so pale but he still managed to have a smile on his face.

"I'm here baby, and you're going to be okay. I won't leave you and i'm here for you all the way."

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