Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

After a while, Yuki started doing more and more for the child, getting closer to her. Being the mother, she wanted to be. Still not her full self, still not spending much time with Kaname. He would go on trips and she would stay away. Even when he was home, Kaname tried doing family things together. Making them spend some time together. Putting the blame on Ai, just so Yuki would spend time with him. He would try to get close. She would push him away. Never telling him the real reasons.

Deep down Kaname knew, he knew it was Zero eating away at her. The blood she uses to take from him, now stop along with the sex. There was no bond for her to Kaname. It made him sad and even more lonely than he was before. 

He took her away, But she went on her own. He told her,  she didn't have to come. That he wished, she would but he would let her go. She went. They were happy for a while. Kaname wanted that back but only saw it falling further down than it already was.

In the last three months, it has gotten even worse. To the point, she only sees Ai for a short few hours a day. Spending the rest of her time, In her room. Sitting in her red Plush brocade chair, staring out the window. Like she is waiting for something or someone to come rescue her. She doesn't talk to anyone. Not even Hanabusa. She just sits there and stares. Kaname is at his wit's end to figure out something to fix this.

He has tons of daily business to tend to. This is only making it worse. He can't give her the time she needs, with major things taking place. He feels the mansion needs more security. That his enemies might take it upon themselves to get back at him. They knew his weakness was Yuki and there daughter Ai. Which was also known for Kaname. In the past, he had no weakness. He didn't have to take care of anyone, or care. Now he did. He had to be extra careful, no one would hurt them. This was becoming a pain in more than one way.

One day, while Kaname is sitting in his office. He tells Takuma to come to see him. That he needs to speak to him in private. Takuma is a long trusted friend. Someone Kaname can trust and talk to when needed. He knew anything said in this room would stay there. Takuma knew better.

"Takuma. Thank you for coming." Kaname says in a smooth voice.

"Anytime Kaname. What seems to be the matter?" Takuma asks. 

"There are a few things going on. First Yuki is a mess. She is in a deep depression. I feel if I let this keep going. She will put herself to sleep or even worse."Kaname states. 

"Is it still over him?"Takuma asks." I am afraid so. She might not tell me but I feel it is. She never forgot him and it's only has gotten worse after Ai was born. I don't think, I can keep her hidden anymore."Kaname confesses.

 "I am so sorry to hear that Kaname," Takuma responds. 

"The second thing is. I need some more security here at the mansion. I am away for long periods of time. Seiren is with me most of the time also. I need someone who can take our place. When we are not here. I was thinking of making one of the Vampire hunters come to watch over them." Kaname admits.

 "Kaname. If you are looking for the best. We both know who that will be. You can't let him come here. If you do. You might not like the end results."Takuma reveals. 

"I Know. To be honest with you, I don't think, I have a choice. First, she is dying slowly. Second, I need someone who would protect her until the end. Without putting themselves first. He is the only one that would do so."Kaname Confesses. 

"I know that's true, but this is crazy. You're bringing the Cheese to the Mouse. Do you know how dangerous that could be?"Takuma states. 

"Yes. I do." Kaname responds. 

"He might not even take the job once he knows who it's for, "Takuma replies. 

"I doubt that. He might put up a fuss, but to make sure she is safe. He will take it. He can't deny her, he is as bad as me."Kaname comments. 

"And if something takes place you can't change or fix?"Takuma asks.

 "Then I will have to deal with it. She can't leave me even if she wanted to. Too much is entwined in our marriage. She can't live freely with him anyway. So It would only be getting it out of her system." Kaname admits.

"I am not sure of this, I think its a very bad idea," Takuma responds.

 "Watching her die, isn't a good plan either. Either way, I am going to have to deal with something I don't want to. Something hard. Just this way maybe she will come alive again. Our child needs her."Kaname replies. 

"I will do whatever is needed for you, my lord. Just heed my warning please."Takuma says. 

"I will. Thank you for always being a good friend." Kaname comments.

Vampire Knight Lover's Betrayal (#Watty2019) (#FloVamp2019) PT 1Where stories live. Discover now