Chapter 188

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Chapter 188 Wary.

In a few days, Kaname is still not his true self. He is trying his best. Not to show how he is feeling. Just at times, he can't seem to help himself. Yuki is still out cold. Kaname letting her sleep for a bit as she asked. Just not planning on it to be for a long time. He wants her awake. To be with him and their children. Kaname still hasn't told Ai about Zero. He doesn't know how to approach this. Knowing this is not going to make the little girl happy. Not to mention when Yuki wakes to find out that its real.

Kaname wants to ask Hanabusa another question. One that has been on his mind. He hasn't seen him in a few days. As he is upstairs taking care of Yuki. Kaname hasn't brought himself to go see her himself just yet. He has mixed emotions about all of this. Its been at least a week that he hasn't seen her. Since he took her back to the mansion.

He goes upstairs into her room, feeling sad and down. He just looks at her laying there peacefully in her queen size bed. Her small dainty body in this huge bed. It brings tears to his eyes. Which he quickly removes. Knowing that being around her breaks his cold hard facade. He cares way too much for her. It was his biggest mistake.

"Hanabusa. May I have a word with you?" Kaname asks. "Of course. What can I do for you?" Hanabusa answers. "I forgot to ask you when you saw Kiryu quickly that day. Was he wearing a shirt or not?" Kaname asks. "I believe so yes. He wasn't bared chested. He was wearing a shirt. White, I believe like the ones he wears to work."Hanabusa states. Ahh, ok. I want to give you some of the Ashes from Kiryu. Please check them. Like you did the last ones. I want to make sure they are real body ashes. Really Kiryu. " Kaname remarks. "You got it. But why?" Hanabusa asks. "I want to make sure he is dead. I have my reasons. Just do as I say."Kaname comments. "It will take time. I can find out if the ashes are a real vampire. But finding out if they are Kiryu will take a bit longer. I have to run a few tests." Hanabusa states. "That's fine. Just do it. Do whatever you need. Don't tell anyone but me. Do not let Alex know what you are doing or testing. Keep him out of everything. I don't trust him." Kaname remarks. "Ok, that's not a problem. He hasn't really been around much. He just comes to visit Yuki, here and there. I don't leave her side as you asked."Hanabusa says. "Good. I know you will have to get away to test. So I will take the night shift to watch her. While you run your tests." Kaname replies. " Don't you have to go out of town?" Hanabusa asks. "I won't be going anywhere for a while. I am going to do my best to do business from my office. I want her up. Once she is, I plan on spending as much time with her and the children as I can. I need to watch her. I know how she can get. has Alex said anything about something to bring her back?"Kaname asks. "Not yet. "Hanabusa replies. "Ok. Keep me updated." Kaname responds. Taking a look at Yuki once more before he leaves the room.

Kaname goes back to his office, making a phone call. Knowing he will need this. Knowing Alex is the only one to have what he needs. He has to act like everything is normal. Which he does very well.

"Alex, sorry to bother you. I have to ask you a question."Kaname states. "Sure, What do you need now Kaname?" Alex answers. "Remember, when you took Zero's blood. To make the tablets for Yuki. When she was remembering?" Kaname asks. "Yes."Alex answers. "Do you have any more?"Kaname comments. "Yes, I have a lot of them. I made them in case it took her a while to get over. Why?" Alex asks. "I will be needing those. If you don't mind. Please drop them off to Hanabusa the next time you're at the mansion." Kaname remarks. "Ok. there should be some in Yuki's bedroom side table. I put some in there for her. Unless she took them all. But she had Zero with her. She could have just drank from him." Alex responds. "I will take a look. Thank you for all your help." Kaname answers. Hanging up.

Kaname knew that Yuki was going to need those pills to keep her sane when she woke up. Zero is no longer here for her to drink from. That didn't stop the bond. She would still crave him. Still, desire him. Its what Kaname was the most worried about. He could curb the blood bond for awhile with the tablets. Until they would run out. He just didn't know what to do about the sex bond. Would she come running back to him? Or look for it elsewhere? Or fight it? He wasn't sure how this was going to go. He just knew he was going to have to put up with all this again. He wasn't looking forward to her grief. This could go many ways.

He also needed the tablets to give to Hanabusa. So he could test the blood in the tablets to the Ashes. To see if they were really Zero. It was the only thing left to test with. As his body was gone.

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