Chapter 36

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Review Please :) Secret coming out :)

Chapter 36 Secret.

Yuki walks into the sitting room calm like nothing took place. Going over to Zero giving him a hug and kiss. "Its time to go." Yuki says. "Works for me. What did he have to say now?" Zero asks. "Just that he wants me home after tomorrow. Using Al against me. That same old." Yuki admits. "He always has to be a dick doesn't he?" Zero hisses. "Pretty much, but don't let him bother you. There isn't much he can do now. "Yuki states. "I am sure there is a lot he can do Yuki. He just isn't at the moment." Zero states. "Like I said before. Don't let him worry you. Let's go home. Enjoy our time alone." Yuki replies. "Ok. Let's go." Zero responds.

Yuki and Zero head out into the jeep. On the way home, they pick up some pies and goodies to snack on. While laying in bed. They have it really nice together. Yuki hates to leave this. She also knows she needs to come clean before Kaname does it in his way. And ruins everything.

Once home they go to the apartment, get changed and snuggle into bed. Watching a little tv. It starts to snow and they look out the window from there bed, just watching it come down. The snow always reminded her of when Kaname saved her. How he was her knight in shining armor. How far they have come from that. How she once looked up to him. Now betraying him, In every way she could. It bothered her deeply. This isn't what she wanted, or planned. She thought she could have been happy with him. That it could have worked. Things have just gotten way out of hand. Her feelings for Zero taken over everything else. But she could never let go of her White knight. Even if it meant letting go of the Dark Knight. Her love for him was too strong.

They fall asleep in each other's arms. The warm fireplace glowing on them. The street light from outside shining into there room. Yuki loved it here. She didn't need anything more, Just Zero. The morning comes before long. Yuki waking up in Zero's coffee maker going off to make the room smell of fresh hot coffee. Zero kisses her head and holds her tight.

"Good Morning Yuki." Zero says. "Morning." Yuki answers with a smile. "I guess, I should say Merry Christmas also." Zero adds. "Same to you." I have a present for you."Zero replies. "Oh, what did you get me?" Yuki answers. As Zero hands her a small box. She opens it to reveal a necklace with two birthstones that say Zero & Yuki. "Oh, Zero I love it! Put it on me please." Yuki says. Zero taking it out of the box and clasping it around Yuki's neck. "I will never take it off." Yuki says. Gleaming. "I am glad you like it." Zero states. "I love it. I have a few for you too. First, open this one." Yuki states. "Zero opening the box to a Rolex watch. "Yuki. You didn't have to." Zero says with his mouth open." I wanted to. Zero I have to tell you something. I am not sure. How you're going to react. I don't want to hurt. What we have here. I love you dearly." Yuki responds. "I love you too. What is it?" Zero asks. "I don't know where to start." Yuki says. Handing Zero the three books on bonding and how not to hurt your loved one. "Ok, I think we are past this part aren't we?" Zero asks. "Yes. But its how I did it. I used what the books told me. So, I didn't hurt you." Yuki admits. "Ok. That's fine. It worked." Zero says. "Yes, it worked exactly how they said it would." Yuki answers. Handing Zero another small box. Zero looks at her a little baffled. Opening the box to reveal a pregnancy test. With two pink lines. Zero looks at Yuki then back at the test. "You're pregnant?" Zero asks. "Yes, Zero. We are going to have a baby." Yuki admits. Zero just hugs her pulling her closer."How long have you known?" Zero asks. "I have known from our first encounter. It's what kept me calm. I wasn't sure if it was going to work or not. Most of the time it doesn't. It only works when you been getting ready prior to the mating session." Yuki states. "So that's what all that other stuff was for?" Zero asks. "Yes. I still didn't know if it was going to really work. I was just hoping it would. I wanted to have your child more than anything. At the same time, it would tame me. So, I wouldn't hurt you. The vampire instincts would know. You're the father and want to protect you. Not ever hurt you. I know. I should have told you sooner. I just didn't know how you would react. If you would even hate me for this." Yuki says looking down at the bed. "I don't hate you. I mean really. I was shocked. When you didn't say something earlier. We never use protection Yuki. It was going to happen sooner or later. Neither of us trying to stop it. I know it was my first time, But I do know how babies are made. I didn't take any precaution. I didn't want to. If it happened. I felt it was meant to be." Zero confesses. "Really? So you're ok with this?" Yuki says happily." Yes more than ok. The woman I love is carrying my child." Zero answers. "Oh, Zero. You don't know how happy you just made me. I want this baby so badly. It is part of you." Yuki says with a smile.

"I am glad your happy. Not sure where this leaves us with Kaname. I think it does make it a bigger mess. I also like that he is now stuck with me. But in reality what are we going to do? "Zero asks. "Kaname will have to protect you me and the child. I know he is an ass but he will do it. He will just, have a price." Yuki states. "Yea that's what I am afraid of. His price. What does this mean for our future? Our child's future?" Zero asks. "We will be fine. Trust me. There may be a few things coming you don't want to do. But if you do. Things will work out fine." Yuki states.

Not telling Zero what is in store. What the future holds. Holding that back. Giving him one blow at a time. This one went over well. Zero is fine with having a child with her. Would he like the next step? She saw Kaname in herself. How she hides things. Big things. But it was all her plan to get Zero. To keep him. She was just as bad as Kaname. The only difference was in time she told you the truth. Where he never did.

Vampire Knight Lover's Betrayal (#Watty2019) (#FloVamp2019) PT 1Where stories live. Discover now