Chapter 56

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Chapter 56 Live Better?

Yuki heads to her room a bit confused. The day was the nicest one. They have shared in years. Giving Ai a regular family day. With her real parents. It was something the child needed. Maybe they did also. If Kaname would stay like this. Maybe they could have some kind of relationship. Maybe it could grow. Then she thought, he would only go back to his old self once, he got what he wanted. Was this just a game? Or was it real? She did know he cared. She also knew. How he liked to play games. She always knew he wanted back in her bed. It was something he was after for a while now. She had a few more months to be protected by this baby. In that time, she could see how he acted and what he did. Also, enough time to think something else up. It wasn't bad to sleep with Kaname. That wasn't her fear. It was doing anything to hurt Zero. He was her real true love. Her heart. She knew. he didn't believe in things like this. He wanted her all to himself. She also knew that Kaname stated that in the future. He would want his wife back. So Zero had an idea it would come sooner or later. That they were not in a regular marriage. That she was married to them both. Just at the moment, Zero got more than Kaname ever did. He was use to her full attention in every way. Kaname did have a point That when Zero was at work. She could be with him. Than Zero at night. So they didn't interfere with each other. That might work. Kaname wasn't home all the time either, which gave Yuki some freedom. She didn't know how to take this. She knew it would come sooner or later. Was just hoping for the later. She did buy some time, With the friendship. That wasn't totally a bad thing. If Kaname would keep his end.

Yuki laid there thinking as she fell asleep. Tried for the day events. Which were very pleasant. After a few hours of sleep. Zero is home from work. Walking into his quarters seeing Yuki sleeping in bed. He knew she got tired out faster these days. He just smiles at the site of his pregnant wife. Laying in bed. How peaceful she looks. He goes over and places a warm kiss on her cheek. Which makes her open her eyes. "Zero your home." Yuki says. "Yes, I see you got sleepy." Zero states. "Yes. We went out together. Kaname took us out to lunch and the park." Yuki comments. "Oh really? Since when does he do that?" Zero asks. "I guess. Since today. It was actually very nice. We said we were going to try being friends." Yuki says. "Freinds? Arent you two past that?" Zero asks. "Not really. We haven't been friends in a few years. We thought we would try for Ai sakes. I think it was nice for her to have both of us today."Yuki admits. "I guess. Since we live together. Friends...Is ok." Zero comments."He wants to spend more time with me. Zero. "Yuki admits. "I knew he did. He has been trying for a while. Always saying and pushing that you are his wife too."Zero says as he throws his shoes to the side of the wall. With a large thump. "So he is after to screw you. Isn't he?" Zero adds with Hiss. "He has been. I have been putting it off. He said he won't touch me until the baby is born. So, I have some lead way. I told him to go slow. That we should be friends first. I am trying to stretch it out as long as I can. I love you Zero. I don't want to do anything to hurt you. If I could, you would be the only man, I ever slept with. I just don't know what to do." Yuki says. "I knew he was going to use this against me. Its the only thing he has left to play. We have a few more months of this pregnancy. Since it's not the regular nine months like humans. The friendship was a good idea. We will have to see what we can do. Our house isn't done yet either. String the friendship on. It's not a bad thing if you two had one either. Its better than all this tension. Everyone hating each other. "Zero admits. Taking it a tad better than she was expecting. Still throwing his work clothes around the room. With frustration.

But Zero did know sooner or later Kaname was going to play his hand. That it was the only thing left he had to play. Zero didn't like it at all. But at the moment there wasn't anything he could do. They were both her husbands. It was stated in the agreement that she would be equal to them both. That they would share her. Zero just hoped that time wouldn't come. It just came sooner then he wanted it to. He was hoping that once they moved into there own home. It wouldn't be that easy for Kaname to always be around. Or at least he hoped. The thought of Kaname touching her made Zero pissed. He remembered the Ceremony when Yuki made it that it wasn't so harsh. That nothing entered her. He knew that wouldn't stay the same for this. That its what Kaname was after. Would they do it alone? Would Zero have to watch? So many thoughts went through his mind. Not really sure of which way he would even want that to go. If he wasn't there, he would only be wondering what took place. If he was, to see and witness it would kill him. Maybe he would even kill Kaname. Not able to keep himself in control. Then he remembered Yuki would keep him in control. She had that way of making him feel calm no matter what. This was just something he really didn't like.

After there talk they head down to dinner. Kaname and Takuma already there. Zero giving dirty looks to Kaname. Kaname knowing that Yuki told him the truth. He was a little shocked to know that. Feeling she would have kept it from Kiryu so it didn't upset him. He saw that she wasn't lying to him.

"My dear I hope you got some rest." Kaname asks. "Yes, I did. Thank you." Yuki responds. "Good I am glad. I will be going away again. But when I return, I would like to do something like that again. Me you and Ai. " Kaname remarks. "Sure. Just let me know." Yuki responds. Zero just listening. Gritting his teeth while he eats. "Zero how was work today?" Kaname asks. Zero looking at him. Like why the hell do you care? But instead answers in a nicer way. "It was fine." Zero states "Good. I know you like your job. I hear a lot of good things about you. How good you are at it." Kaname replies." I am very good at my job. It was the only thing I had. For a long time. I put my everything in it." Zero answers. "I see. You make this family proud. I was happy to hear about all the good things about you. It was good for the family and our name."Kaname comments. "I didn't do it for you. Or Your name. It is just how I do things." Zero answers. "Oh, I know. But it worked out good for us all. I can give complaints you know. " Kaname says. "Really? Since When?" Zero snaps back. "Look, we are all stuck together. I have come to a conclusion. That it would be best for us to be nice to each other. Than to always try to screw the other over. We will be together for a long time. Sharing the same wife. isn't it better we are friendly? Than killing each other? We also will be having two children in the middle of this. We want to give them the best life we can. Right?" Kaname asks.

Zero taken back not sure what the hell Kaname is after. " Yes. have you hit your head or something this afternoon?" Zero hisses. "No, I just spent a lovely day with my wife and child. I made them both very happy for a change. I saw how things could be. I wanted to offer the same to you. Decisions we make now are for the three of us. Including two little children. It's best we show them the good way things can be."Kaname states. "If you're being for real. Then I can see what you mean. I don't mind trying to make things friendly. For our children. I do know what you're after. I know you want to screw her. So you will do anything to do so. No matter what you do Kaname. She still loves me. And wants me. Its never going to take that away." Zero huffs. "I been thinking about that and I know. But that doesn't mean she can't love me as well. She wanted both of us. Now she has us. It can work for both of us. Instead of destruction."Kaname remarks. "We will see. I am not so eager to let her share your bed. That's not my thing."Zero admits. "I understand that. It's not really mine either. But as you can see. I had no other choice. When backed into a corner we do the best we can to make it work." Kaname reveals. "We will see how this one goes." Zero answers. Still pissed but not blinded enough not to see Kaname's point.

Zero a little unsure what happened to Kaname. Why does he want to make things right? What really took place this afternoon. Yuki and Kaname were acting a lot better towards each other. Nothing sexual as of yet. But nicer. Dinner remained cordial till the end. Takuma and Yuki both stayed quiet during the conversation, Kaname and Zero had. Just listening. Yuki knowing this was hard on Zero. Just not sure what to do. Also seeing another side of Kaname. One that was trying to make this work. One that was making sense of all this. She knew today was very nice. Now realizing so did Kaname, and it wasn't a game to him. He wanted it to last and stay. To be a family.

Vampire Knight Lover's Betrayal (#Watty2019) (#FloVamp2019) PT 1Where stories live. Discover now