Chapter 110

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Chapter 110 Going Home.

When Zero gets home from work. Yuki is waiting for him. Ready to tell him that they will be leaving. "Zero, I think its time for us to go home now. Go back to our regular life." Yuki says. Kissing him on his cheek. "Are you sure? I mean. Do you think it is safe for the kids?" Zero asks. "We are only taking Ren. So it will just be our family. Ai is staying here with Kaname. She will be safest here. He will not make anything happen to her." Yuki answers. "Yuki are you ok with leaving her? We can stay a bit longer if you want to." Zero replies. "It's fine. I think its best we leave. I am hiring extra security to watch over Ren. I will not have what happened to him again. " Yuki states. "That's fine with me. I would like to get away from here. Be our own family again. I really dislike having to live with him. Under his roof. Always watching what we are doing." Zero admits. "You won't have to worry about that anymore. We are leaving tomorrow. I had Berta pack everything up and it's on our way to our house. When we get up tomorrow morning we will leave." Yuki states. "Ok. Sounds good." Zero replies. Happy but in a way a little curious about why Yuki wants to leave so fast. What happened to make her want to go. Just knowing it was for the best. He felt bad to leave Ai behind, not knowing if that was Kaname being an ass again or just to protect her. Either way, he knows that was another thing hurting Yuki. She just wasn't showing it this time. She was getting better at dealing with her emotions. Or was that just the dark Yuki taking over. Zero really wish the dark side of her would stay away.

The next morning the car pulls up and takes the three of them home. Yuki seeming very happy. Not able to wait to get there. Holding baby Ren in her arms. And leaning her shoulder on Zero's. She had everything she wanted. Zero knew no matter what Kaname did, as long as she had him and their son. Yuki truly didn't care. Once back at there own home, Yuki starts dinner sitting down with Zero and there son Ren. Feeling at peace. There was a guard there watching them all. 

Her name was Zima Frost. She had long white hair she always wore in a ponytail, her eyes are Icy blue, she is taller then Yuki. She was the best in her field. They had nothing to worry about. Kaname hired the best. She was so good at what she did. It was like she wasn't even there. It just put Yuki's mind a little at ease. They enjoyed their dinner, Spending a nice time as a family. Yuki trying to put the past few months behind her. Trying to forget what she did with Kaname. Even though her dark side wanted more.

After they clean up they head upstairs to put Ren to bed. Yuki still a bit nervous to leave him in his own room." Babe. He will be fine. The Garud will be in here with him. Its why we hired her. Let her do her job."Zero states. "I know, but I still worry. I don't want anyone taking him. This is the first time he is sleeping in his own room since we got him back. Maybe he should stay in ours." Yuki comments. "Babe, he is fine. Not to mention, I would like my wife back. I miss being that close to you. It's like your staying away from me in the department on purpose. Is there something wrong?" Zero asks. "No. of course not. Just been focused on Ren that's all." Yuki says. Even though she knows its a bit more. Her quilt bothering her, so much. That when she touches Zero she just wants to cry.

Zero and Yuki walk back to there own bedroom. Zero pulling her close into his arms. He places tender kisses on her lips, and her body just falls tenderly into his. "My sweet Yuki is back. How I so missed her." Zero says. That statement hurts Yuki. Hitting her deep within. She just cries in his arms. Knowing that she isn't that at all. "Babe are you ok?" Zero asks. "Yes. I just love you so much. I am sorry for all that I put you through." Yuki says. Zero lifting her head to look into his eyes. "I love you. There isn't anywhere I rather be Than with you." Zero responds Kissing her again. They make love in their own bed, laying close together. No dark Yuki present. It was gentle and loving. Yuki didn't even do much she just let Zero take full control. Which he loved. This was the Yuki he loved most. The sweet, gentle kind one he knew most of his life. Not the dark scary one. Zero hoped that now that things were getting back to normal. Yuki would stay as herself. They would go back to the life they had before all this took place. He was glad they were away from Kaname as well. There was so much and no more he could deal with, being around him. Still not knowing if they did anything or not. He just pushed the thoughts back in his mind. Not really wanting to know. Just holding the woman he loved dear in his arms.

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