Chapter 122

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Chapter 122 Sara.

Its been a few weeks, Yuki still thinks about what she walked in on. How it burns her. To know Kaname took on a lover. Seeing Sara's body all over him. drove her mad. She now knew she cared more than she thought she did. Even as Regular Yuki it still ate at her. Just doing her best to keep calm around Zero. Not going back to the Manor. Or even taking to Kaname. She knew it would bring out her dark side. And she wasn't sure. She could control it. She did know if that it was Zero, Sara would have been ripped to shreds within seconds. So she figured she did well at the moment.

In the meantime, Kaname let Ai come over on Saturdays for a few hours. Letting the Driver wait for her outside their townhouse. Kaname wasn't taking any chances. He knew what was swirling around. He didn't want Ai hurt or caught up in the middle of it. There was always someone wanting to hurt them. For money, power or blood.. There was always a reason. Just now Yuki made it worse introducing Zero and Ren to this. Making more enemies. People having more reasons to fight the purebloods. Kaname couldn't keep everyone happy. There was no way around it. Someone would always get hurt or feel something was wrong. That was in any business you would be in. People are people. Everything thinks and feels differently. Its what makes them, who they are. Kaname just knew he had to protect the one who was the dearest to him. That was Ai.

Kaname was seeing Sara for a few months. He suspected that she might have had something to do with Ren's Kidnapping. That she was up to something. He just wasn't sure of what yet. Sara didn't mind going to the Manor to see Kaname. She was totally different than Yuki. She was fine with being a Pureblood. She was happy in her own skin. Where Yuki was fighting within herself to keep the dark away. Sara had no problem with it. She wanted to be Pureblood Queen. The only way to do that. Was to be with Kaname. She wanted to take over Yuki's role. Figuring she didn't want it anyway. SHe was too busy with her dear Hunter. At first, Sara thought this was going to be an easy match. That Yuki would walk away and want to get rid of Kaname. Making it easy for Sara to step in and take over. But after there last encounter she saw that Yuki wasn't too into letting Kaname go either. That didn't make her very happy at all.

One evening while Sara is laying in bed with Kaname after making love. She figures to ask. "Kaname I thought you said that Yuki wanted the hunter? It didn't seem that way the last time I saw her." Sara states. "I have to say. I was very surprised by her reaction. I didn't think she cared what I did. Or who I did."Kaname answers. "Kaname I want a relationship with you. More than just your lover." Sara replies. "My dear. I never promised you anything in this. Yuki is my wife. Always will be. I have no intentions of leaving her. She knows this. I think maybe our little twist, Made her see her true feelings towards me." Kaname states. "Kaname, Please. I love you. I want to be with you. How can you say this?" Sara responds. "You're a pureblood, you don't love anyone. You're just after something. Why don't you just state the truth?"Kaname reveals. "I want to be Queen. She has a husband. She didn't come back here. She left you again for the Hunter. ANd you let her. The big bad King. Lets that twit walk all over him. What would others say if they knew what a real pussy you are?" Sara states. "There is the pureblood bitch I know. Yuki is my queen. Always will be. I am sorry to disappoint you. If you want to just mess around that's fine. Otherwise. I guess this will have to end. I am not leaving her."Kaname admits. "You're a fool!" Sara shouts.. "That may be true but I am an honest one. I love Yuki with all my heart. You Can't change that."Kaname says. "Yea, you love her as she stays with him. You will never get rid of him. People laughing at you, that you married a Level D. You stupid bastard!"Sara snaps. "You knew how I felt from the start. If anyone was stupid it was you. You slept with a married man, thinking I was going to leave my wife for you? Who is truly stupid." Kaname says. Getting up from the bed. "You know your way out." Kaname adds.

Sara getting up from the bed, Fuming with anger. She puts her clothes on and leaves. "I will be back. I will be Queen." Sara says to herself walking out the door.

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