Chapter 78

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Chapter 78 Surprise

Later in the day, they get back into the car and pick Ai up from school. The little girl so happy to see them both there for her. This never happened before. It was normally Zero there. Not Kaname. It was a nice surprise.

"Ai. Sweety, I have a surprise for you and mommy tonight." Kaname states. "Oh, really Father. What?" Ai asks. "You like pizza right?" Kaname says. "Yes, Father."Ai answers. I was thinking. We would have Pizza and watch a movie together as a family. What do you two think?" Kaname asks. "Yay daddy. That would be fun! Ai says jumping up and down in her car seat. "I think that would be very nice." Yuki answers. "Great. We will go home and order the pizza. Put our PJs on and get a movie."Kaname states.

Yuki just looking at him. Like who are you? Do I know you? "Stop looking at me like that."Kaname chuckles. "Are you ok?"Yuki asks." Yes more than ok. I told you. I want family time. I want you. If I have to do things like this. Then so be it. I am willing to do anything to have you back. No matter what you think. I do love you Yuki." Kaname admits. "I know you do. I have seen a different side of you lately. I have to say its nice. I just hope it stays." Yuki comments. "It will. If it means, I have you and my child. I will do it." Kaname remarks. "I truly hope you mean that." Yuki replies. "I do." Kaname answers.

They head home, Ai running upstairs to get her PJs on. Not able to wait or control her excitement. Kaname does the same and so does Yuki. Yuki also gets Ren's PJs on. All ready to eat their pizza and watch a movie. While they are waiting for the pizza to arrive. Kaname and Ai are picking the Movie. And Yuki is feeding baby Ren. So he will be full and happy. While they watch the movie.

The pizza arrives and they all sit on the sofa. Eating and watching the movie Ai picked. Kaname the happiest, he has ever been. Seeing what Zero has. He can too. He was determined to. They sit there a few hours enjoying one movie after another. Both kids falling asleep. Kaname Carries Ai to bed and Yuki takes Ren. They tuck both children in. Then heading to Kaname's quarters.

"I really did enjoy tonight." Yuki says. "So did i. We will do that again."Kaname replies. Both walking over to the bed. "That sounds nice." Yuki replies. Getting in her side of the bed. Kaname on his. Moving close together. Kaname puts his arms around her. Holding her close. She puts her hands on his chest. Actually enjoying being close to him.

"Do I get my goodnight kiss?" Kaname asks."Yes. I guess you couldn't wait?" Yuki laughs."No, I was just making sure. I was getting one. I look forward to it." Kaname answers. Yuki lifts her head up to reach Kaname's lips. Her hands move up his warm soft chest. She places her lips on his giving him a kiss. Kaname places his hands on Yuki's back. rubbing it up and down. She feels something she hasn't in a long time for him. Desire. She kisses him again which takes him by surprise. It leads to another which is more passionate. Kaname moving his body closer to her. Her not pushing away. She keeps it going until a thought of Zero passes through her mind. How much she loves him. How he trusts her. She knows he told her not to feel bad or guilty, But she can't help herself. She stops the kiss, putting her hand on Kaname's chest. "I am sorry. I shouldn't of." Yuki says. Kaname trying to regain his composer." I think it was nice. It's a start."Kaname replies. Kissing her tenderly on her lips. Lying his body back down onto the bed. Not pushing the issues. He knows those kisses were different than before. That they meant something. He knew it was growing. If it was he could wait. He did when she first came to the manor he could now. They lie in each other's arms. Kaname falling asleep.

Yuki just lies there not sure what just happened. Why was she feeling these feelings towards him? She was laying next to him and enjoying it. Taking in his scent. This scared her. She didn't want to have feelings for him. First because of Zero and also what happened in the past. She knew he craved control. It's all he knew. She couldn't go back to that. No matter what. She wanted her freedom. She had that with Zero. Yet they were different chains to Zero. Ones that held her close and tight. Just in a different way.

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