Chapter 95

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Chapter 96 Turning.

The next day Zero and Kaname are in the office. Trying to see, what Serien has found out about Thomas Deed. The man that kidnapped Ren. As they are standing there talking. The door bursts open. Yuki walking in, Dressed in a knee-length black dress, her hair pulled back, with black heels. Looking like a different person.

"Yuki what can we do for you?" Kaname asks. "What you can do. Is stop treating me like a child. You never seem to learn that Kaname. You know that is one trait about you. I can't stand." Yuki snaps. Zero just looking at her and her different demeanor. "I see. She is back? Didn't take her too long to appear. I guess in a way. I am glad." Kaname replies. "What the fuck are you talking about?" Zero asks. "Your dear wife. Her dark side is back. The bitch. She really is." Kaname smirks. Yuki's eyes glowing red. "And you wonder why you never get laid." Yuki says rolling her eyes at Kaname. Zero trying to drink his coffee, But with the statement, Spits it out and laughs."I think. I like this Yuki." Zero grins. "You just wait. You will get your turn Zero." Kaname states.

"I am telling you both. I am not a child. I want to know everything that is going on. No holding back. This is my life as well as both of yours. Stop treating me as a child." Yuki snaps. "As you wish. My dear. If you don't want us treating you as a child. Then don't act like one. You will need to take the news like we do. None of your depression." Kaname remarks. " I am past that now. I want revenge." Yuki says. Eyes glowing redder. "As you wish." Kaname states. "Zero please inform our wife as of what we found out." Kaname adds. "We found out where the man is. That took our child. He is staying on the other side of town. In a one-room dump. Serien found him. She is going to take him here. So we can question him." Zero comments. "Great. I will question him. I want him." Yuki answers. "It might be too dangerous for you. Please, Yuki." Zero remarks. "I will be fine. You two can watch if you like. I know my dear brother will get his kicks out of it. He likes when I am this way." Yuki admits. "Why yes. I won't lie. I do. I just didn't think. I would see her again. Zero over there had her hidden away. He tames her so well." Kaname remarks. "Whatever you two are talking about. I think this is all bullshit. Tame what?" Zero snaps. "You can't tell that your wife. Is Different? You will when she interviews him. I would prepare yourself Zero. This isn't the Yuki you know. There is nothing innocent about her." Kaname gloats.

"KNock off that innocent shit. We are not kids anymore. You make it out to be like she is this terrible tramp or something. I hate it." Zero snaps. "She has her moments in that department as well. You might get more than you bargain for. Now that she has changed." Kaname laughs. "Oh knock it off. Dear, brother. You think you can control me. You think you know me. You don't. You sit there and talk about me. Like I'm not here. You never learn." Yuki states. "Its funny how, You will come off like that to me. But you can't even Look at your beloved Zero in the eyes now. Can you? You're looking at me. or anywhere but at him. Do you still think he is too good to see you at your best? What your true form is? You never showed him what you are in bed? Have you? I guess that's a good thing. That was mine and only mine." Kaname gloats. "SHUT UP!" Yuki says. Her eyes turn red again, and his fangs come out. Walking over to Kaname. Pushing him up against the wall."It's easy to be rough, with the likes of you. You like pushing my buttons don't you? Remember what I can do to you." Yuki hisses at him.

Zero not sure what the hell he is witnessing. Never seeing Yuki like this. Especially towards Kaname. Nothing held her back. She wasn't scared of him at all. She through him up against the wall like he was a sack of potatoes. Kaname not fighting back. Zero could see that Kaname actually enjoyed it. Yet he also saw she wouldn't touch him. Or even look at him. Just like Kaname said. She was ashamed of her true form in front of him.

"When he gets here. You let me know. I will go to the dungeon and talk to him. I will find out what I need. You two can come if you like. Or stay away. Doesn't matter to me." Yuki comments. Walking out the door. "What the hell was that?" Zero asks. "That is the dark side of your wife. It comes out when she is truly pissed or hurt. I have seen it many times. It's very exciting." Kaname states. "I never have seen her like that before. She was so in control. Not scared of anything." Zero replies. "No, this form of her is her true pureblood self. Not the Human Yuki you knew at cross. Zero all joking aside. If she stays this way. She will ripe Thomas to shreds. You should be prepared for anything. She isn't the Yuki you know." Kaname responds. "I am seeing this." Zero answers.

Zero walks out of Kaname's Office, trying to find his wife. He looks all around for her. Finding her outside in the garden. Admiring the red rose bush. "I found you." Zero says. "Yes. You did." Yuki replies. Still not looking at him."Yuki, I know you are going through a lot. That your emotions are all mixed up. I am also glad in a way you're not falling apart. It's just a sudden change from last night." Zero states. "I am sorry Zero. I decided last night. I can't be the weak, sad Yuki. I have to take control and show the real me. I ... just hope you can love the real me." Yuki says still looking at the rose bush. "Yuki, I love all of you. I just don't want you to do anything you that's not really you. " Zero states. "Zero, there is a side of me you haven't seen. I can be just as ruthless as Kaname. I did everything I had to. To get you here by my side. I was hoping. I would never have to be this person again. Just in order to make it through this. I have to be. I just hope in the end you don't hate me." Yuki comments. "I could never hate you. I still can't believe how you manhandled Kaname. And he let you. I never have seen anything like it." Zero chuckles. "He didn't really deserve it. I just let my Anger take control. He doesn't mind it though. It always seem to turn him on in the past." Yuki says. "Will you please look at me. You don't have to be ashamed of what you are. I am happy to see. You can take care of yourself. Its a lot better than you falling apart." Zero states. Walking over to her, putting his hand on her chin pushing it towards him. "That's better." Zero says looking into her eyes. Kissing her lips. Yuki puts her arms around him. Kissing him back. Melting in his arms. Even when she was changed. She still melted in his arms. He could tame her no matter what. He had this way over her that could make her the girl at cross. Make her want to be the innocent human. Not the pureblood monster. On the other hand, With Kaname, She was the pureblood monster. Showing her true form and self. Not hiding any part of her. In this form, she also knew her desires came out strongly. Not thinking she could let Zero see those. Only Kaname.

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