Chapter 183

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Chapter 183 Torn apart

Yuki floats back over to where Zero's limp body lays. Her wings slide back inside her. She just falls to the floor next to him. Holding him in her arms. Tears streaming down her face. "I didn't want this. I am so sorry. I loved you more than anything in this world. That was always true." She says. As she lays her head on his chest holding him tight. Kissing his cheek. She lets go of herself. Of her essence. No longer caring about anything else. As far as she was concerned it was over. There was nothing left for her. Nothing to fight for. Her heart was torn apart.

Kaname and Seiren appear in the forest looking for both of them. Kaname sees them both lying on the floor. His heart jumps out of his chest. "No, Damn it. NO." Kaname shouts. As he runs to both of them. Picking up Yuki's limp body in his hands His heart beating fast. He than Bites his wrist, giving her his blood. Hoping this would heal her. Bring her back. Yet he didn't know what happened to her.  He then looks at Zero. He knows if he doesnt try to save him. Yuki would never forgive him. He cuts his other wrist giving Zero his blood as well. Afterwhile. Seiren takes Zeros body back to the Manor. Kaname takes Yuki.  Feeling lower than he has ever had in his whole life. 

Kaname sees. What Yuki did to Sara. Her body just starting to turn to dust now. He saw the destruction. He saw the anger. He saw her dark side. He felt nothing for Sara. He just felt she got what she deserved. This didn't surprise him, as he knew. She would do anything to protect or revenge Zero. It was Yuki he was worried about. He could have just lost her forever.

Kaname goes back to his Home. Half the man he was. He was so disturbed from what he saw. How she just gave up and laid in Zero's arms. Ready to die. Leaving him and her two children behind. "How could she?  How could she leave me? There is more to life than just him!" Kaname shouted. Takuma hearing and rushing in.

"My lord, what is wrong?" Takuma asks. "She would give up everything to be with him. Even die. I knew it from before just now I saw it take place. She would leave her children for him. What the hell would come of Ren? He wouldn't have either parent?" Kaname shouts. "I guess she felt you would take him. You are legally there spouse. The children would be left to you. She knew he would be safe. That it would end any harm to ever come to the boy. No one would ever touch your son. How is she?" Takuma states. "I Don't know anything. Hanabusa and Alex are tending to her. I just know what I saw." Kaname snaps. "How is Sara?" Takuma asks. "Dead. The bitch is dead. Like she should have been before. Her death was brutal. Yuki knows how to kill very well, and make it hurt. She made her suffer. That she did well. It's her giving up afterward that kills me." Kaname howls. "My Lord, like you said. You knew how she felt about him. It was a bond you couldn't break. She might have still loved you but he had this control over her. One you couldn't break if you tried." Takuma states. "I know. I just don't know what happens now. I didn't want it to end this way. I was even willing to live with both of them." Kaname answers. "Let's just wait and see what Alex says." Takuma responds. "It doesn't matter. What he says at this point. She will never be the same. Nothing could fix this. I was never enough for her before. Why would I be now?" Kaname answers. Feeling lost and in a way betrayed. "I know you are hurting my lord. You love her very much. It will take time." Takuma states.

Takuma knowing how Yuki felt towards Zero. He was there while they bonded. He saw how they looked at each other. How they desired each other. But most of all he saw they were best friends. They had something, she would never have with Kaname. No matter how hard he tried. At the moment things looked bleak. Sara might have suffered and been dead, but she took them all down with her. She got what she wanted after all. Just in a different way.

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