Chapter 133

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Chapter 133 Revenge

Kaname gets back to the Manor Going straight to Takuma. Ordering him to get a hold of Serien that it was urgent. "Takuma i need you to get a hold of Serien. I need her to find out where Sara's castle is. She has taken Yuki."Kaname admits. " My Lord, You knew she would try something like this. She hung around you for months trying to be whatever you wanted. To get what she wanted. You know how she plays."Takuma answers. "Yes. I know. I don't know what I was thinking. I just know now i have to get Yuki back. I think she can handle it but only if she is still in dark mode. IF she is herself she will never make it. Sara is too strong." Kaname states. "Even in dark mode. Sara is far older then Yuki. Far stronger. She has been a pureblood many years never fighting her true self. Where Yuki has. She is always hiding because of Kiryu. Sara never hid. She doesn't care who sees her. Which makes her stronger."Takuma replies. "I know, but i have seen the dark side of Yuki in action. It can get pretty dark. It will help her. Kiryu wont be there, to keep her tame. To hold it in. That should help. I hope."Kaname comments. "This is a big mess Kaname. Even if Yuki comes home. How do we explain the death of Sara? She is a pureblood. Not to mention Sara is a master at potions. She can turn Yuki into anything she wanted. Posisse her."Takuma reveals. "I know how bad she is. She wants to hurt me. She knows the only way is through Yuki. She will use it. Play with it. I believe we have some lead way. She wont want to kill her off the bat. She will want to play with her and me. Which will give us some time. Yuki was smart enough to send a message to Kiryu making him no. What took place. So we found out fast. That is in our favor."Kaname states. "I will get ahold of Serien now. I am sure if anyone could find them Its her."Takuma responds.

Takuma leaves the office going to contact Serien. As he does Zero enters the manor. Walking right by him going straight to Kaname's office. 'So did you find out anything?" Zero snaps. "Not yet. I have Takuma on it. I am sure he will find her. Yuki was smart to leave the message to you. That way we didn't wonder where she was for long. She can take care of her self Zero."Kaname states. "I sure hope so. Nothing better happen to her or I will kill you. There will be nothing left to stop me Kaname." Zero remarks. "If that keeps you going. Great. I have no time for it. We will get her back. What would ever keep her away from her lovely Hunter?" Kaname snaps. "At least she loves me willingly! Not having to be pressured into it. Pushed. Trapped like with you!"Zero hisses. "She is trapped only because she wants to be. Her games are just as bad as Sara. You still haven't seen our wife for who she really is."Kaname replies. "You just want to see her in a bad way. You want to see her like yourself. That's not her! She is loving caring and a good person."Zero barks. "That maybe so but that's not all she is. Dark, Malipiutave, Jealous, Playing us against each other. That's her as well."Kaname admits. "And I wonder who taught her all this? She was never this at Cross before you took her here. Held her here. Whatever she does to you. You Deserve and more!" Zero says. "I guess in a way that is true. That may also come in handy now. When she will truly need it."Kaname responds.

While they are both in the office talking the phone rings. "My darling Kaname. I just wanted to let you know that your precious Yuki is visiting me." Sara states. "Why would she want to visit you?" Kaname asks. "Because we have so much in common. I see why now you like her so much. She is so filled with spunk. It would be a sin for anything to happen to her."Sara answers. "Let me speak to her."Kaname says. "Of Course," Sara replies. Throwing Yuki towards the phone. Telling her to pick it up. "Watch your responds. I wouldn't want anything to happen to your sweet hunter!" Sara barks. "My love are you ok?" Kaname asks. "Yes. I am fine. I will be home in a few days. You don't need to worry. I have this under control. Tell Zero not to worry."Yuki says. "He is right here you can tell him yourself." Kaname says. Zero swiping the phone out of Kaname's Hand. "Babe are you ok? Where are you?" Zero asks. "I am fine my love. There are lots of pretty trees and flowers here. I just love it. I have to go. Please tell the kids I love them. As I do you Zero." Yuki answers. "Aw, I take it that, this is her Hunter. I didn't hear her tell dear Kaname she loved him. I like her already. Ta ta." Sara says Hanging up the phone. Zero throwing it across the room. "God damn it. She is somewhere with trees and a lot of flowers. She was trying to give me a hint. She was so damn calm."Zero states. "Of course. The dark one is there. That is good." Kaname states. Kaname goes looking on his map trying to see where there would be a lot of Trees and Flowers.

Back at the castle, Sara is sitting down for tea time with Yuki. "I see your hunter is worried about you. I think even more so then Kaname. You know we can work together instead of me killing you?" Sara suggests. "What do you mean?" Yuki answers. "You can just give him a divorce. Set him free. We both know you don't really want him."Sara states. "And let you play mommy to my daughter? Kaname would never let me have her. It's his revenge on me, for wanting Zero." Yuki answers. "I would have no say over your child. Just it would give you freedom with the go as you please. No more under Kaname."Sara comments. "Also no more of his protection. I wouldn't be married to him neither would Zero. Which would leave us to even more trouble? Being not married to Kaname doesn't change the fact that I am a pureblood married to a hunter. Or that my son is a half hunter."Yuki answers. "Well, you're not as dumb as I thought. You didn't fall for that. I have to say. I thought for sure you would have. That you would have been so happy to get rid of him. You would have agreed. Kaname never said how you really are. I guess I am finding out more and more. Its a shame to lose such a smart pureblood like you. I am sure you would have turned into a great one in time." Sara remarks. "I had to weight all my options. You think if I didn't need Kaname I would still be with him? It's not only for my daughter. There are plenty of reasons I haven't let go. As he didn't me. Not to mention i am the true Queen even if I am not married to him. My title remains the same. I was born a Kuran." Yuki states. "Yes, and you will die one. You never really did much with your title anyway. Kaname always ran the show. Everyone just knew he married the queen and they had a child. Then he took on the Hunter. Everyone also knows that's because of you. There is no way he would marry him otherwise. That's why no one will really care that you're gone. I will be doing everyone a great service."Sara answers.

"You sure are sure of yourself."Yuki says. "Yes, why wouldn't I be. You think you're the first I have killed?"Sara answers. "No, but I may be your last."Yuki replies with a smirk. "If your thinking that your hunter will come after me or that Kaname will revenge you. Good luck with them trying. They would have to find me first. I have no intention of sticking around."Sara answers.

Yuki just sits there saying nothing. Knowing that she didn't mean either Kaname or Zero. If anyone would take Sara down. It would be her. She had no intentions of going out like this. To her. For this dumb of a reason. She survived more than this. Being locked up all those years. Alone, Sad hurt. With her emotions eating away at her. This was nothing. She let Sara think she was in control. Keeping her calm, just planning her way out.

Vampire Knight Lover's Betrayal (#Watty2019) (#FloVamp2019) PT 1Where stories live. Discover now