Chapter 28

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Review please. So they finally did it :) Bond Complete.

Chapter 28 Reveals

Zero lays there with Yuki naked in his arms. There naked bodies up against each other for the first time. He can't believe it. How incredible it was. How he turned so rough, wanting to pound into her. Feeling every part of her. How hot he got, that he couldn't control himself if he tried. He realized that was what Yuki was talking about. But yet she controlled it. Knowing if they both were out of control. it could of gotten out of hand. Maybe they could of gotten hurt. His lower half did hurt a little bit. From his own roughness. Not to mention, her pounding into him. She couldn't keep her lower half still. And met each slam with her own intensity. Even thinking about it, made him hard again. What has he turned into it? All he wanted to do was make love to her. Over and over again. It was never enough. Yuki's control was there. She was calmer. He noticed she didn't want to tear him to shreds. Her touch was more loving and tender now. Able to be herself and make love to him regularly. It didn't change the fact that she wanted him though. She touched him even in her sleep. Moving her hands all over him. As she laid naked on top of his warm slender body. The feeling was incredible. Nothing was going to compare to this. But she turned him into a monster.

Takuma knew what took place. The smell of sex filled the air. A normal human wouldn't ever smell it. But to a vampire's nose, it was very obvious. He knew she claimed him. Or Did he claim her? He knew Zero's vampire instincts would come out now. Him wanting her just as bad if not worse. Their bond would be complete and if anyone would stand in there way. They would kill whoever tried. They were now mated for life. He also knew if the jealousy was there before about Kaname, Zero would feel it double now. The bond would make them not want any other to touch there mate. Even though, She was Kaname's first. Kaname would now be stuck with Zero for as long as he lived. There was no getting rid of him. Unless he wanted Yuki to follow or to die. She already did that without the full bonding. Now she would be worse. The love they would share. Nothing could compare to. Having sex with someone else, wouldn't compare either. They could enjoy it of course. But it wouldn't equal the same connection. The same intensity. Nothing would ever compare to them again. Takuma knew this was bad all the way around. He knew they had a bond before this. That even without sealing it tonight. It was there. What could make it worse?

Zero and Yuki stay in Zero's quarters. Zero not letting her go or leave the room. They didn't really need to since his room had everything. Zero made love to her everywhere. Trying every position, every sexual thing they could think of. They spend a week in the room. Making it a love nest. Zero never tiring of her body. Making up for all the time they never could be together in this way. They got to know each other's bodies perfectly. Knowing what the other liked, and didn't like. They were opened with each other. They trusted each other. Zero's roughness has calmed down. The more he makes love to her, his body calms as well. He vampire instincts telling him. She is his. The lovemaking gets soft and tender. Enjoying each others body. Feeling every light touch. They have a week of bliss. Forgetting the outside world exists. But everything has to come to an end.

Later in the week, Kaname comes home. Going into the Dining room since it's around Dinner time. He sees Takuma but no one else. 

"Isn't anyone else eating today?" Kaname asks. "No. Its been like this for a week. Hanabusa is busy in his lab. And The other two are locked up in Zero's Quarters. They completed the bond. They haven't left each other for the whole week you been gone." Takuma states. "Did she hurt him? Is he broken?" Kaname asks. "I haven't seen him or her. But from the smell. I don't think so. The smell has intensified more and more throughout the week. I doubt he is broken." Takuma replies. "Damn it. She controlled herself." Kaname howls. Breaking his wine glass. "I thought for sure, She would let go. Between His desire and her's She would have snapped him like a twig." Kaname reveals. "Snapped twigs can't keep making love. So, I doubt she snaped him. They are in their own world now. You know what all this means now Kaname. " Takuma responds. "Yes. I am stuck with the asshole forever. I just hope. She doesn't do anything stupid." Kaname states. "At the rate, they are doing things. I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't already happen Kaname. You do know that would make her Calm enough and control her fully."Takuma says. "You mean the first time they did it?"Kaname asks. "Yes. Something isn't right. She knew if that would happen. It would control her fully. His seed filled her. She would never attack him then. Her vampire instincts would want to protect him more than ever. If he got her in that way." Takuma states. "Mother fucker! I hope you're wrong. That is all we need. Son of Bitch!"Kaname says. Growling at himself."She is making sure. she is bonded to him in every way. Remember she isn't that innocent little Yuki anymore. She knows what she is doing. She is doing it on purpose. She knows what you will have to do. If she gets that way. " Takuma states. "And poor Kiryu is in the dark of it all."Kaname states. "Well, he was there. From what I am witnessing. It shouldn't be any surprise to him. How many times can you play before you get burned?" Takuma states. "Yes. But he is new to all this. He will be driven by his desires. She is the one that knows fully what she is doing. Good God. Does she want him that badly? A week's worth and she hasn't gotten enough!" Kaname shouts. " From the look of it. The bonding was very successful. Especially if he got her that way. The first try. Her body was already getting ready for it before there the first time. Its why she went slow. Torgouring herself with the scent of his Seed. She had it all planned Kaname." Takuma responds. "God Damn her. She talks about me. Then she pulls the same stunt." Kaname snaps. "It's different. This time she wants it." Takuma points out. "Just what we need!" Kaname says sarcastically.

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