Chapter 102

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Chapter 102 Home

It takes them a few hours but they are finally home. Zero walks into the Manor carrying little Ren in his arms. Greeted by Yuki, who runs to him. Kissing his cheek and taking there son. Holding him close to herself. Tears streaming down her face. "My boy. You are home. No one will ever touch you again. I promise you that. Mommy will do everything she can. To keep you safe." Yuki says. "Thank you Kaname for all your help." Yuki adds. "No problem. I am glad to see that the child is home safe. I will be heading to bed. Its been a long night." Kaname replies. Going up the stairs into his own quarters. Leaving Yuki, Zero and Ren to themselves. Knowing this was their reunion, Not his. Taking a step back.

Yuki brings Ren into the kitchen. Getting the little boy something to eat. Also getting something for Zero. Just smiling and happy. Holding Ren so close to her. "Alex confirmed that the Mayor is behind this. Didn't he?" Yuki asks. "Yes. We can't take Ren out. We need to make it that he is still missing. Not letting the Mayor no he with us. He might try again." Zero states. "I understand." Yuki says. A glow in her eyes Zero never saw before." Our son has great power Yuki. He will be stronger than both of us. If anyone finds that out. There will be more that comes after him." Zero explains. "Don't worry. They won't find out. He is just a little boy. He will not be using his power for some time. We will keep him safe. When he is older, if he is that strong. He won't need us to. He will be able to take care of himself. With training from you and Kaname. He will be a good strong powerful man." Yuki answers. "We made something special. Even more, than we thought we did." Zero smiles. "I knew we would. He was special from the moment he was conceived. He brings me such joy. Thank you so much for bringing our son home to us." Yuki states. Kissing Zero on his forehead. "I am just glad I could. He has grown so much in four months. We missed so much." Zero comments. "We will never miss anything else. I promise you that." Yuki replies. Zero not sure what that means. She keeps making promises. What was she going to do? Was it just a figure of speech? Or was she planning something? Zero wasn't sure anymore. After seeing what she did to Thomas, He knew she was compatible of anything now. When she went dark. She wasn't scared of anything. Nothing would get in her way. That scared Zero.

Zero, Yuki, and Ren head upstairs. Yuki not letting go of this little boy. She gets him ready for bed. Then bringing him to there room. Putting him in their bed." I guess he will be sleeping with us tonight?" Zero asks. "Yes. I want him with us. Where he should be. He is ours." Yuki answers. Getting in bed next to Zero, putting Ren on top of her chest. Holding him close. Yuki falls asleep close to both of the people. She loves more than anything. Zero seeing. She is even more overprotective then she was before. When it came to Ren. He was glad he was home though. He just knew. He would have to share his time again. This time, he didn't mind. He was happy his son was where he should be. The little boy, sleeping peacefully in his mother's arms. He knew now. Yuki wouldn't let anyone near him. There would be no getting to him now. He remembered how she reacted after he was born at the Hosptial. What would she do now? The thoughts of earlier when she made those promises, popping up in his mind again. He knew the mayor would be in big trouble. To even look at Ren now. Let alone touch him.

He also wondered. What they should do about the Mayor. He knew if he ever found out the child was returned. He would come after them again. Maybe even doing something to either one of them instead. He wasn't sure about what the mayor would do. Just that he would always be in there way. If Yuki could have more children, they would always have to watch and be on the lookout. That, someone, didn't steal that one. How could you live like this? Zero also hoped they didn't have to spend the rest of there life locked away in this Manor. It might of had everything, but Zero wasn't used to this. He wanted his children to be free. To enjoy life. To be normal. At the same time knowing they would never be normal. They had a pureblood for a mother and a hunter for a father. Things would never be normal again. They were not human no matter how much the both of them tried hard to remain that way. To hang on to a thread of what they use to know. So much has changed since they were kids at Cross. There was no denying it.

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