Chapter 100

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Chapter 100 Alex

A few days go by and Serien gives Kaname a call. Letting him know she found Alex. That he is indeed in a cabin in the woods. Alone deep in the woods. That it was hard to find, but she did it."Great, Thank you Serien. Just text me the location." Kaname states. "Yes, My Lord. I don't suggest you go there alone. He is a pureblood also. He has very many powers. He just chooses not to use them." Serien states. "Don't worry. I am sure Kiryu will come with me. It is his son."Kaname remarks. "I will be around also. Just in case. Its always good to have a backup." Serien states. "I think that's great. Thank you." Kaname replies. Always knowing that Serien is his go to. She would do anything for him. And does it right.

Kaname hangs up the phone and goes to look for Yuki and Zero. He knows that Yuki wants to know everything that is going on. So he will do as she wishes. Trying to build a true relationship with her.

Zero is sitting in the living room, reading the daily paper. As Yuki is sitting alongside of him. "Excuse me. You two. I have some news." Kaname remarks. "What did you find out?" Yuki says jumping out of her seat. "I found the location of where Alex is. I think me and Zero could go there and check it out. Serien will be behind us for backup. If needed." Kaname remarks. "I want to go to." Yuki shouts "Over my dead body." Zero shouts. "But Zero I think i have proven myself. I can handle myself. I can do this." Yuki says. "NO. You stay here. I can't be worried about you. We will be fine. Mr. Bat over here can always fly us out of harm's way. If need be. I can't be looking over my shoulders to see if you're ok. Plus we don't know what we are going to find. Our son might not even be there. I need you to stay here." Zero says. Looking deeply into her eyes. "You will call me soon as your out of there? Promise?" Yuki says. "Yes, I promise. "Zero responds. Kaname just watching as Zero could even tame the dark Yuki. How even though she was ready to go. She settled down when he said so. It amazed Kaname in a way. It was a sight to watch. In a way, it was good to have him here. He kept her tame. But for how long? "If you two are done your little whatever that is. I would like to get going. Before it gets too dark." Kaname says. "Why? Getting too old to see in the dark? You are ancient. It doesn't surprise me too much." Zero states. Kaname just giving him a glare. "I am not too old. I didn't limp as badly as you did. When she was done with me." Kaname responds with a hiss. Zero just huffs as he heads out the door. to get into his jeep. Kaname right there beside him.

"Look Zero we need to be careful. We don't know what we are going to find. He is a powerful pureblood as well. He is a doctor and can come up with many posions and potions. We need to be aware of everything around us. He is also a reasonable man. So, I am not sure what we are going to find. It can go either way." Kaname responds. "Let's just get there. Let's see. Maybe we can get my son back." Zero replies. "I hope so." Kaname states.

They drive to the middle of nowhere. Following the directions that Serien gave them. Taking them hours to get there. Once there Kaname gets out of the car and takes Zero by the hand. "What the fuck are you doing?"Zero asks. "I am going to use my familiar to get us to the cabin. So no one sees us and we get there faster than walking. You really didn't think. I wanted to hold your hand? Did you?"Kaname scuffs. "I don't know what the fuck you want at times."Zero says rolling his eyes. Zero gets close and Kaname takes off. Flying through the air. Zero never experiencing anything like it before. It was awesome. He just wouldn't admit that to Kaname. They land a few feet away from the cabin. Kaname knowing that the pureblood would sence they were there.

Kaname rushes into the house with Zero right behind him. Taking the door down. Seeing a women holding a child in the corner. Ready to bolt. Alex in the small kitchen turning around.

"I have been expecting you." Alex says. "We want the child." Kaname states. The woman trying to bolt out the door. "El don't. " Alex says. "Look I want to make it clear. I don't approve of what the mayor is doing. I have no reason to keep this child away from you. But if the mayor knows he is alive and with you. He will come back after him. And you." ALex says. "Then you better not tell him we have him." Zero states. "I can do that. That's not a problem. Can we sit down and talk?" Alex suggests. Kaname and Zero look at each other and take a seat at the kitchen table. "Look, the mayor is a really bad man. Not like I am wonderful or anything. But I don't take children away from there families. No matter who the father is. I want to make it clear. I didn't tell the Mayor anything. There is a lot you have to fear though." Alex states. "What do you mean?" Zero asks.

"Your son will grow up to be a very powerful vampire. His powers will be like no other. It will even surpass mine and Kaname's. He is half pureblood, Half Hunter. He will have powers from both. Even better than you Zero. He was born this way. As you know all hunters have a bit of Vampire in them already. Its how you sence us. How you stay young for such a long time. You were turned afterward when you were a child. Your son was born full Vampire. The blood through his veins is like nothing I have ever seen. It is why the mayor was worried. He feels that he will take us all out. I don't see that happening. His family is vampires not to mention himself. But he will be very hard to kill. Not to mention his ancestors. He has Kaname's blood as well. We all know what a badass you are Kaname." Alex comments. "You didn't tell this to the Mayor?" Kaname asks. "No. I knew better. He would give this child a life of hell. Raising him to be his assassin. We don't need that. I think we would all want Ren to grow up to be for the good. Not the bad." Alex states. "Of Course." Kaname answers.

"El, Give the Boy to his father please." Alex states. El walking over to Zero. Placing Ren in his arms. Who is now 11 months old. Zero takes him holding him close to him. A slight tear fills his eye. So happy to know he is safe. "I know you have your own scientist. Hanabusa. If you don't mind. I would like to get with him. Showing him the results. That I have of the child. I think between the two of us. We will know just how powerful he is. You are going to have to keep this information. to yourself. To keep Ren safe. If anyone else finds this out, The mayor won't be the only one after him. " Alex responds. "We will keep it down low. Hanabusa would be happy to work with you. That's not a problem. What are you going to do about the Mayor." Kaname asks. "I will tell him. I still have the child. I won't let on that you were here and took him. For now, that will keep him safe. You will have to come up with your own way to deal with him after that." Alex states. "Thank you. We will."Kaname states. "This went a lot easier than I thought," Kaname adds. "I am a lot of things Kaname but a baby killer isn't one. I took an oath to help people. Not to hurt them. We took very good care of him. The only reason I didn't bring him back. Was out of protection. I knew he was safe here. "Alex replies. "We will take it from here. " Zero states.

Zero and Kaname walk out of Alex's cabin. In relief of what took place. Zero still holding a smiling Ren. "His mother is going to be so happy." Zero says. "I know. That should cool the dark Yuki for a while." Kaname states. "Did she get like that often with you?" Zero asks. "Yes. Not ripping anyone balls off. That was something not even I saw coming. But she would turn dark on me. It took her a while to go that way, while you were here. I don't think she would have. If Ren didn't go missing."Kaname states. "I will be glad to see it go. She didn't do anything bad to me. I just didn't like watching her do that to Thomas. " Zero states. "She will get what she wants. It's the pureblood in her. Your son is supposed to possess even more power. I don't think. I would want to see his dark side." Kaname states. "Me either."

Vampire Knight Lover's Betrayal (#Watty2019) (#FloVamp2019) PT 1Where stories live. Discover now