Chapter 144

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Chapter 144 escape.

The next day Kaname sends for Alex. Hoping since he is a doctor that maybe he could help with this. "Kaname, what do I owe the pleasure of you asking me to join you for lunch?" Alex asks. "I have a request. I am sure you knew that Sara was really behind everything. Didn't you?" Kaname says. "Yes, Sorry. I did have to keep that tidbit to myself. The mayor was one thing to get rid of. He deserved it. He was doing things, he just shouldn't. Sara, on the other hand, is one of us. I know her for a really long time. I didn't want to hurt our friendship."Alex answers. "I figured. Well, she put a potion on Yuki. She is letting her relive our life together."Kaname says. "What is so bad about that?" Alex responds. "Let's just say we didn't have a very good one together. We have a lot of skeletons in our closet. So Yuki is suffering a lot. Is there anything you would be able to do to help?" Kaname states. "I am not sure. Sara's potions are very strong. She is very good at what she does. She would be the only one able to break it. I can look Yuki over. I can see if I can help maybe lessen the pain."Alex comments. "Thank you that would be a great help. She is bitting herself."Kaname says. "Why would she ever do that? She has Kiryu. She has you for that matter. Why bite herself?" Alex asks.

"Because I kept her from taking the tablets when she was here. I wanted her to want me and only me. Just no matter how hard I tried she still wanted Kiryu. He is her blood mate. While she was here she would bite herself deeply. Trying to curb herself. It got pretty bad at times. It seems to be doing the same now."Kaname remarks. "Oh, Kaname. I am shocked, to hear this. Even from you. You know how we suffer. Yet you let her do this to herself?" Alex responds. "Yes. I didn't want to give in to Kiryu. We all know how well that worked. Anyway. Even if you can just help her with that."Kaname states. "I will see what I can do. No promises. I may need a bit of Kiryu's blood. Since he is the one she craves."Alex states. "That's fine. He is giving it to her, but it seems not to be working at all."Kaname answers. "Her mind is back where it was then. She doesn't see him. Just the pain and hurt you caused. I will see if I can put his blood into tablet form. It may help then."Alex states. "Great. I will let him know."Kaname answers.

Alex goes down into the basement where Hanabusa's labs is. Seeing what he can do. While he does that Kaname goes to Zero.

"Zero if I may have a word with you for a minute?" Kaname asks. "Sure, what is it now?" Zero responds. "I asked Alex if he could help. He would like some of your blood. He said that maybe if he turns it into tablet form. It may help her. He is down in Hanabusa's lab."Kaname states. "Sure, anything to help Yuki. " Zero answers.

Both men going back into the bedroom. Zero wanting to get his regular clothes on before heading to the lab. Not wanting to walk around in his pjs. Kaname walking into the room to watch over Yuki. They both look into the bed.

"What the fuck? Where is she?" Zero shouts. "How the hell should I know? I was with you." Kaname answers. "Damn it. How did she get out of this room? We were both outside the door."Zero states. "I don't know maybe the window. Remember she use to escape that way all the time. I learned."Kaname answers. "We need to find her. She can't leave the manor in this state. No one could know what is going on."Zero comments. "I know. We need to check outside, and the house."Kaname answers.

Both men running downstairs in a panic. Not seeing anything out of place. Going outside looking all around. Not finding Yuki anywhere. They search the grounds to find nothing. Both of them getting very worried.

"I don't see anything missing or changed. No one in the manor has seen her. Could this be?" Zero asks. "Yes. Remember she use to do this a lot. I just thought she was locked up in her room. Yet she was chasing you. Seeing where you were watching you. Without you not even sensing her there."Kaname answers. "Do You think she went to Cross? Thinking I was there?" Zero asks. "I am not sure. I will go call Kaien and let him know to be on the lookout." Kaname comments.

Kaname now seeing this is getting even more out of hand then he thought it was. Where the hell could she be? If anyone would see her in this state, it would cause problems. People would ask questions. What is wrong with the queen? Zero and Kaname didn't even see her leave. What state was she really in? Before that, she was biting herself and convulsing. She couldn't go out like that. He just hoped she didn't go far and start biting people. No one else needed to be in the middle of this.

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