Chapter 134

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Chapter 134

Back at the manor, Kaname tells Takuma about what Yuki told Zero. About the trees and flowers. "Great, that's a good hint. She is being very smart with letting you two know things. It surprises me that Sara is letting her be able to."Takuma says. "She doesn't know what Yuki truly is. She is taking her for granted. Which is on her side."Kaname states. "That's a great thing. Do you think she will turn full Dark?"Takuma asks. Zero just looking at both men. Thinking to himself. "Full dark? What the hell is full dark?" Zero says. "Yuki went full dark when she killed the mayor. She did things to him, that someone else would of gotten sick even trying to do. Where she had fun with it. Got turned on by it. She was in her glory. If She turns that way on Sara. She wont have a chance. Yuki will do to her things she wont see coming. To be honest there were things she did to the Mayor. I didn't see coming." Kaname responds. "At this moment i hope she does go dark. I want her to come out of this not harmed. So if it means she is dark fine. I am sure i can control her again once she is home." Zero answers. "You insist on controlling her. Not letting her be her true self. For how long are you going to do this Zero?" Kaname asks. "You have the guts to ask that. After everything you have done?" Zero responds. "I never kept her from being herself. I let her be the darkest side of herself. The only thing i did was try to keep her away from you. For good reason. When she went dark i embraced it. You don't. You want to hide it. Your just as bad as me. " Kaname states. "We will see what happens when she comes home. For now our main gaol is getting her back. We need to find where she is. Be able to go there and get her. Just in case she cant handle this. In case the dark side doesn't help her."Zero answers

"We will find out where Sara is. You two are going to have to stick together on this."Takuma says. "We will. Just if she sees you Zero you cant try to control her there. Or tame her. She needs to be who she is." Kaname states."I will not get in the way of it. Takuma let Serien know what took place now. And what Yuki said. That will help her find her." Zero answers. Takuma nods walking out the door. "I know you blame me for this Zero. I understand that. I just have a feeling Sara would of did this either way. She loves to play games. I was no where near her when she had your son kidnapped." Kaname states."She was in on that and you didn't tell us? What the fuck is wrong with you. Still keeping your damn secrets. Always your chess pieces. Didn't you think we had a right to know this before?" Zero barks. "Look I had my suspicions but I wasn't sure till a little awhile ago. I did tell Yuki. I guess she didn't get to tell you. I did help get your son back. We knew that the mayor was in on it. He just wasn't the mastermind."Kaname hisses. "We thought by being married to you. We would be safe. Its not safer to be honest its worse. What the hell are you protecting!" Zero shouts. "Do you think this job is easy? I have my own emeies and I just made a ton more by letting you into my home. Into my life. Marrying My wife. There is so much one person can do. There is always someone after us. No matter what. YOu just made it worse. She insisted she had to have you and your son. Now she has you and all that comes along with it."Kaname barks. "You just cant get over that she loves and wants me. She wants to let you go. Yet she cant because you hold Ai over her head."Zero answers.

"She still has feelings. They are coming back little by little. It's not all because of Ai. Think what you will. It's more than that."Kaname replies. "Why can't you just let her go! Let her free!" Zero hisses. "Would you? Could you? The life you built just throw away? She was mine first. If it wasn't for you. We would have been happy. She use to look at me adoringly. She wanted me. She loved me. Then you. All she could see was you. Miss you. What the hell makes you so special!" Kaname replies. "I don't treat her like you do. I am honest with her. We share something special." Zero admits. "Yea two broken souls. She just wants to heal you. Fix you. Make you better. So I have to suffer!"Kaname howls. "Your just jealous. I am here to stay. So get over it!" Zero snaps. "I know. I have dealt with that for a long time ago. It's you that needs to come to terms with it. You're the one fighting it. Making this even more unsettled then it needs to be. We can be happy. Both get what we want. You just have to be stubborn. It's not that you don't want to share her. ITs that you don't want to share her with me!" Kaname states. "Just like you don't me. " Zero answers.

"This is not doing either of us any good. We just need to get her back. Then we will handle the rest. Without her, there is nothing else. And hell if I will be stuck married to you without her." Kaname responds. "Oh shit. I never thought about that. Stuck with you? Fuck that."Zero replies. "I'm going to see if Serien found anything out. I just can't sit here fighting with you. "Kaname says. Walking out of the office.

Zero just standing there not really knowing what to think. He wanted his Yuki back. He wanted a normal life. All of this was just crazy to him. He just hoped that they would get her back safely and unharmed. That if anything else Kaname would come through for this. If not Kaname was right. There was nothing left for either of them.

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