Chapter 157

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Chapter 157 The talk

The next morning Yuki gets up bright and refreshed. Like nothing ever happened. Her head still feels a little off but a lot better than it was the last few weeks. Zero is sleeping soundly. Finally getting a good nights rest. Needing it from all the stress and torture he went through himself. Not even realizing she left the bed.

Yuki gets dressed really quietly and quickly. Going downstairs into the lab. Looking for Alex. Making sure Hanabusa wasn't around. She sees Alex working on some lab work alone. She goes up to him.

"Alex, I wanted to talk to you."Yuki says. "Sure we have a little time before Hanabusa returns. He will be back soon though. He only went to get us coffee. What can I do for you?" Alex asks. "I am leaving here today. I wanted to thank you for everything. Tell her thank you also. My head still feels a little off though. When will the potion stop working?" Yuki asks. "It will be out of your system by the end of this week for good. I tried my best to make it work for what we wanted. Yet not overtaking you. It was just so you could remember what was hidden so deep inside."Alex states. "Well, it worked. I remember everything. I thank you for that. I see now what he truly is. Yet, as much as I hate him. It still feels weird leaving him here all alone. Its like there is still a part of me hooked to him. Even though I now have my freedom." Yuki answers. "To be honest Yuki. I think there will always be a part of you attached to Kaname. There was a time you loved him dearly. And even though he does things he shouldn't. You know deep down he loves you also. You did what you needed to, to survive. Sara will be happy now. She will leave you and your family alone. You Son is safe. Giving Kaname up was just a small price to pay."Alex remarks. "Yes, I just don't know if he will let this go. We all know how he is. If he finds out the truth, Sara isn't going to be too safe. He will finish the job I started." Yuki answers

. "If it comes to that, it will be between the two of them. You did your part. She will keep her promise to you. Hurt Kaname and your family will remain safe. No one will ever come after Ren again. Her word is good. Not to mention, people are as scared of her as they are Kaname. You will have your freedom. She may want you to divorce him as well. She wants him to crumble." Alex states. "I almost killed him. Don't you think that was enough? For me to hold that knife to his throat like that, It must have hurt him badly. To think I would turn on him like that."Yuki says sadly looking down at the ground. "It looks like you are regretting this. I would have thought you would be happy to be free with your lover. Isn't Zero what you really want?" Alex asks. "Yes, I adore him. I would do anything for him. Just I don't feel what I just did to Kaname was fair. Then again all he did to me wasn't either. I guess this makes us even."Yuki replies. "I think you should leave before you go back on your word. Sara will not like that. You don't want her to come after you. Trust me. You saw what she did to your son. How she put it all on the mayor. At the moment she doesn't care that she can't have Kaname. As long as he doesn't have you. As long as he suffers. Without you he does. He loves you so much, there are times he didn't think correctly. She wants him to make wrong moves. To make him fall down personally and in his business." Alex responds

"Kaname isn't a dumb man. All that Sara wants will not happen. He may be upset that I left and took Ai but he won't let his business fall apart. He is too smart for that. She is wanting too much too fast. Doesn't she know he will just work up another plan to win me back? Like he always does? Do you think he is letting me take Ai for good? As much as I wish that was true. I know better than that. He will never let either of us go. Its why I had to stay married to him. Just adding Zero to it."Yuki replies. "In a way, you seem to be happy with having them both."Alex states. "When its the only way everyone can be happy. You go with it. No one knows Kaname better than I do. Just you have to remember, that way I know him. He knows me. It works both ways. I don't see this ending on a good note. No matter what."Yuki answers. "I guess we will see. For now, Sara will be happy that you did as she said. It will give you time with Zero alone. Making him happy as well. If things shift then you will have to take it from there. I am sure you will think of something. You always seem to." Alex comments. "Is it fair that I always have to? It's not really fun to always be on edge wondering what will happen next." Yuki replies. "You could have really killed her. You almost did. It's taking her a lot of time to recoup from what you did to her."Alex mentions. "I was. I had every intention on it. Just the thought of a way out seemed like a good idea at the moment. Also killing a pureblood is an offense. I could be killed for. It wasn't worth it. Not even with Kaname covering it up. It would only get the both of us killed. I didn't want that."Yuki admits. "Well, lets play it out this way. If Kaname finds out about Sara, Her death will be on his hands. You know he wont let her live." Alex states. "Yes. That will be her problem."

Yuki and Alex hear Hanabusa coming down the stairs. "Good morning Yuki." Hanabusa says. "Morning Hanabusa." She replies. " I was just saying goodbye to Alex. I wanted to thank him for the pills he made me to help." Yuki states. "Alex is a great doctor. I am learning a lot from him."Hanabusa states. "That's wonderful." She answers. Walking up the basement stairs heading to her room.

Going back to her quarters looking at Zero laying in bed. She goes over to him. Kissing him on his cheek. Knowing that no matter what. She loved him wholeheartedly. She just hoped what she just did was worth it. That it would make them have a happy life together. Her Zero and both children.

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