Chapter 195

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Chapter 195 Seeing the Differance

A few days go by, Kaname notices that every night at the same time. Yuki goes out. When she comes back, she returns to his bed. Nothing Sexual. Just to be close. He also notices, she spends some time each day sitting with the plague. Still not her full self. Not like any self he has seen from her. She doesn't stay away from him like she use to. When she was obsessing over Zero. She will go to him. When she feels like it. Still not saying much. Just for comfort. Knowing he won't turn her away.

"Yuki my love. Today I have time if you want to go to your home? If you still want to go?" Kaname asks. "Yes, please. I would very much like to spend a little time there today." Yuki answers. "That's fine. We will leave now, since its a long ride. I haven't been there in a long time. I did have Zima lock it up. When all this first happened. " Kaname replies. Yuki just nods.

They get into the back of the car. The driver in front. Yuki stays close to Kaname. Laying her head on his shoulder. He likes this. It reminds him of what they use to have. When she was younger. She even holds one of his hands. He just looks down at her. Feeling she really does need me. He smiles at her. Keeping her close. Wanting to protect her from everything. Just not able to take her pain away. Which only brings pain to him.

Once at the townhouse, Kaname opens the door with the key. Letting Yuki in. She just stands there looking around. The house downstairs left just like she left it. Nothing touched. She walks around going into the kitchen. Looking at Zero's coffee mug on the counter. She just lightly touches it. A tear brewing in her eye. Missing him and the life they once had.

She then goes upstairs to there bedroom, remembering how she ran down those stairs to him, the last time she saw him here. Wanting to be in his arms. Close to him. How nothing else felt like that did. She walks over to the bed, taking in his scent. Which even after all these months. Was still there. Kaname just waits downstairs. Sitting on the sofa. Hoping this doesn't tear her up too badly. Yuki goes over to Zero's closet. Looking at his suits for work. His vests. Trench coat and all his things. Noticing some are missing. Which strikes her as funny.

"Kaname, Did you take any of Zero's things?" Yuki asks. "No, I told you. I haven't touched anything here. I haven't even been here. Why?" Kaname answers. "Just some of his things are missing. I remember this closet being full. I did the laundry. The day he disappeared. Why would anyone touch his things?" Yuki says. Eyes glowing red. "I don't know. Maybe someone from the association was here?" Kaname says. "I don't know. I don't want anything touched. Leave his things along." Yuki spats. "I understand you want his things. Just for how long are we going to keep things this way?" Kaname asks. " For a while. Just leave this house as it is. There are so many good memories here. I want to hold on to them just a while longer." Yuki states. "That's fine." Kaname Responds. Putting his feelings in the back of his mind.  Knowing he has to tread lightly.

Kaname sees Yuki take a blanket from out of the closets. Putting it in a bag to take with her. He guesses it holds some meaning to her. Knowing this whole house did. "May I ask about the blanket?" Kaname inquiries. "He bought it the first time, I was to come here. We picked it up while shopping. He didn't want me to get cold. I want to take it with me." Yuki answers. Telling him the truth. "That's fine. Are you ready to leave?" I guess. I have no choice. I would like to stop by the grave. It's not far from here." Yuki states. "Sure." Kaname replies. Seeing she is more open with him. Just telling him, What she wants. Which makes him happy. It was so much better than where they were before. That was something he didn't want to lose. So even though he rather go anywhere then to Zero's grave. He bit his tongue and went.

They go to the gravesite. Kaname seeing that flowers are fresh as she changes them again. He feels this is where she comes at night. To visit him. She sits there for a bit. Then placing a kiss on the stone. She walks to the car. "You come here at night don't you?" Kaname asks. "Yes. Every night. It makes me feel closer to him. You're not going to stop me are you?" Yuki asks. With her red glowing eyes. "No, Not at all. You are free to go where you please. All I ask is that you come home." Kaname comments. Yuki just nods. Her eyes returning to normal. Kaname sees the Dark one there. She never left. To be honest he wasn't sure the regular Yuki was there at all. It was her dark side. Just now able to keep herself in control. Just like Kaname. He now realizes she has grown. She has become more like him. In a way, he didn't know if that was good or bad. He just saw at times when things would get to her, her eyes would change color. Revealing her true nature. Which in the past that never was.

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