Chapter 190

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Chapter 190 Awakening new life.

After a few more days, Hanabusa tells, Kaname that the antidote that Alex has given them. Is the real thing. Kaname relieved to find this out. At least one thing is real. One thing less to have to worry about. He feels he will give it to Yuki awaking her. Hoping this is for the best.

Kaname goes upstairs into Yuki's bedroom, with Hanabusa. Knowing this can go very wrong. He isn't really expecting much at the moment. "Hanabusa do whatever you need to. I will be right here." Kaname says. "I am going to give her the antidote then we wait for her to awake." Hanabusa answers.

Hanabusa goes over to Yuki. Just lying in the bed. Looking very peaceful at the moment. He takes her arm into his hand and puts a needle into it. Letting the Antidote go through her body. They both know after being asleep for so long, she will be very hungry. Kaname has the pills in his pocket to offer her. When she wakes.

After a short time, Yuki starts to flutter her eyes. Waking to see Kaname sitting next to her. "Where is Zero?" Yuki asks in a soft low tone. "Let's not worry about that right now. How do you feel?" Kaname says. "Tired and Hungry. Why did you wake me? I wanted to stay asleep. Oh god, the last thing I remember is. Zero. ...Laying there not moving. Where is Zero?" Yuki repeats. "I am sorry to have to tell you this. But he didn't make it." Kaname says truthfully. "No, No! You hate him, so you're telling me this." Yuki says screaming. "Believe it or not, I wish I was lying. Yet sadly it is true." Kaname comments. "Yuki closes her eyes, tears streaming down them. She wraps her arms around Kaname and just sobs. Harder than he has ever seen her cry. It was as if someone was stabbing her with a knife over and over again. The pain inside her, He could read all over her.

"I know your hurting. I am here for anything you need." Kaname says. "I.. want... t..o be... with.. him." Yuki answers. Sobbing hard, that it took Kaname a bit to realize what she said. "You can't. You have two children here that need you. Your son Ren. He needs a parent. You cant take both of them away from him. Zero would never want that." Kaname says. Remembering how Takuma said that might be the only thing to save her. She doesn't answer. She just sobs. Hurt to her very core. "Its all my fault. I did this too him. I wasn't even good enough to save him. I killed him." Yuki says. Curled up into Kaname's arms. "It wasn't your fault. People just didn't want to see us happy. We all knew it was a chance for you two to be together anyway. He knew the risks. He was willing to take them. He..Loved you." Kaname comments. "He didn't deserve this. It should have been me." Yuki remarks. "It shouldn't be either of you. It's just what happened. We have to move on." Kaname replies. Holding her close in his arms. Never thinking she would be there again. "Are you hungry?" Kaname asks. "No, I don't want anything." She replies. "I know you are. I remember how it was waking up. Needing blood. I don't want you to do anything stupid. I do have the blood tablets that Alex made with Zero's blood. It's something you can still have of his. Till they are gone." Kaname says. Handing her the box. "I didn't need them, then. It was all a bunch of lies. To get away from you. To give him what he wanted. Us alone. " Yuki responds. Kaname seeing the deep dark crimson in her eyes. The dark one is here. Kaname doesn't say anything. Knowing that she will need that side of her more now than ever. To get through this. "Take some. It will help you." Kaname comments. Yuki just nods. Laying herself down on her pillow. Holding the box in her hand. She takes a few out, putting them into her mouth. Chewing them slowly as she holds the box to her heart. Tears sliding down her face. Her eyes closed.

Kaname gets up and walks out. Letting her have some alone time. To deal with what she just learned. She didn't throw him out. She didn't blame him. She blamed herself. He still wasn't sure how this was going to turn out. Just at least she didn't push him away. Having her in his arms felt wonderful. He would hold her all night if she wanted. He just figured she needed some alone time. It was for the best. If she needed him, She could always go to him. He would never turn her away.

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