Chapter 196 Disappearing

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Chapter 196 Disappearing.

A few days later, Seiren goes to talk to Kaname. "My Lord. I have some news to share." Seiren says. "Come in. What is happening?" Kaname asks. "I know you haven't been leaving the house for the business like you use to. So I am sure you haven't heard, what has been going on." Seiren states. "What do you mean?" Kaname asks. "It seems that A lot of Sara's Family and very close friends have been disappearing. Its been happening for weeks. No one knows what is going on." Seiren comments. "What do you mean by disappearing?" Kaname says. "Starting a few weeks ago, it seems one by one, each has been gone. Like someone has come and taken them during the night." Seiren comments. "Really? She only had a few. She was close to. No one knows who or what is doing this?"Kaname remarks. "No. Everyone is at a loss. There is nothing to even suggest foul play. It just can't be a coincidence that they all are disappearing at once." Seiren states. "True. How many more members are left?" Kaname asks. "About three. Then it will be the last of Sara's bloodline. If this is someone doing it. It seems they want to eradicate her bloodline. Making her and it no longer."Seiren admits. "I see. There is no trace of anything?" Kaname asks. Just making totally sure. "Nothing. They have no leads to even start looking. They just know something is wrong." Seiren replies.

 "Thank you. Good work as always. Has anyone been to the townhouse lately?" Kaname asks. "No, There is no need for us to go there. It was locked up and that was it." Seiren states. "I need you to watch it for me. See if anyone goes in or out of it." Kaname states. "Ok. My Lord. Are you thinking someone is staying there?" Seiren asks. "I am not sure. When Yuki was there. She said some things of Kiryu's was missing. It was odd that only his clothes were. It made no sense. As who would want those? Yuki was upset and didn't really take notice of other things. Just the downstairs looked lived in. Just by someone not using everything. Not staying long. Just an in and out type of thing. Please check on that for me." Kaname comments. "I will do that starting today. It could just be some homeless person." Seiren says innocently. "Maybe. I want to make sure." Kaname remarks.

When Seiren leaves, Kaname sits there feeling that Yuki is behind this. Her going out late at night. Not returning home to the wee hours in the morning. She wanted every part of Sara gone. She was revenging Zero's death. Where was she taking them? What was she doing to them? Only his imagination could guess. Knowing she wasn't one for a simple death. This didn't really surprise him. Only that she was doing it under his nose. He was right with his suspicions about Her dark half being here. It took over her. He understands why she wanted to sleep. To keep things under control.

Kaname gets up and goes upstairs looking for Yuki. Finding her in the playroom with the children. Sitting on the floor playing with them. "Yuki When you're done. May I have a word with you?"Kaname says. "Sure." Yuki answers. Telling the kids she will be right back.

"What do you need Kaname?" Yuki asks. "Its come to my attention that Sara's family and dear friends have gone missing. Someone is taking them." Kaname admits. "Really? So what do you want from me? It's just too bad she isn't here to witness it." Yuki Answers coldly. "That may be true, but whoever is doing it. Should be careful. Its come down to the last three. Someone may be watching. The person has to be smart with whatever they are doing." Kaname comments. "I am sure whoever it is. Knows what they are doing. I have no interest in this. I am going back to the children." Yuki says with a glare.

Kaname couldn't read her. She was cold as ice. Showing no emotions at all. Kaname knowing out of all the Kurans, she just might be the scariest one. Being right up there with Rido. The only difference was. She would execute way better. Not being crazy Leaving no trail. He still wondered, what she was planning. She just wasn't telling. Which was new. She always told him when she was doing something like this. She didn't hide what she did to the mayor. She knew Kaname didn't care. Not like Zero would. He didn't tell her not to. Even though at the moment, he really wished she didn't do this. They didn't need any heat brought upon them. This was now a serial killer. It was taking on a new form. One where Kaname was scared. Before he understood why she did it. Now he didn't. She did get Sara. She wasn't coming back this time. Kaname made sure of it. She was dead. Turning into dust right in front of him. Her head ripped from her shoulders. Yuki was just so full of anger, she wanted to take out her bloodline. Makin Sara seem like she never existed.

Kaname even noticed, how Takuma would run from her. Still scared about what took place. How Yuki would look at him with daggers in her eyes. Just letting him know. One false move. You're gone. She was far from the girl at Cross. Even Far from the girl that was married to both men. He didn't think anything would stand in her way now. There was no one to tame her like Kiryu once did. With the merging of the two, she was now one evil pureblood killer. With nothing standing in her way. Nothing holding her back. She didn't hide when she didn't like you, or what you were saying. Her eyes would change color right in front of you. Letting you know, to watch what you were doing. Zero's Death took out more of her dark half. It was what was keeping her sane. 

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