Chapter 117 Resume

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Chapter 117 Resume

Yuki goes home knowing, that the dark side in Zero is slowly showing its ugly head. She just knows to live with her. It will have to. For Zero to survive as a vampire. Not being able to see Kaname bothers her a bit but she shrugs it off. She knows that to be with Zero. Its what needs to be. She has tried to stay away from him, from the beginning. It just never working. Now he even had there daughter. It was a losing battle. She either lost Zero or her child. Either way, she would lose something she truly loved. The only thing that kept her going, was knowing Ai was truly safe with Kaname. Nothing would ever happen to her while with him. She had her father. Who loved her and would watch over her. She would call her and talk to her on the phone while Zero was at work. Just to show the little girl she was there. She would also call when Kaname was away so that he couldn't get in the way. Doing everything she could to keep her promise to Zero. Knowing he wasn't playing around with what he told her. He was serious. It was written all over him. She would also send her little things. Just to make her know she was thinking of her.

That night Zero walks in from work. Seeing Yuki in the kitchen cooking with Ren. Seeing his sweet Yuki is still there. Gives him a sigh of relief. He walks in and kisses her head. Sitting down at the island to just be with his family. He hasn't for weeks and he sure did miss them. He just watches. How she interacts with Ren. How sweet and loving she is to him. She is a great mother to him. Which makes Zero happy. When dinner is done they sit at the dining room table and eat as a family. Yuki happy Zero is home and things are going back to normal. The evening is calm and relaxing. Like it use to be. Like it should be. Zero sees no resentment in Yuki about anything. He said or did this afternoon. Not even not being able to see Ai. He knows that deep down that has to hurt her. He just knows. He can't see her around Kaname. It had to stop.

Later in the evening, they go up to give Ren his bath. Then tucking him in his bed, saying goodnight. Zero missed them when he was staying away. He missed a lot. He never really wanted to miss anything again. Was Kaname worth it? Zero thought. No, he isn't. He wasn't going to make him lose his family. It took Zero too much to get where he was. They had a happy life when things were normal. Everything they had Zero wanted. Its why in the end, he didn't just walk away. He knew he couldn't. He loved her way too much. That even knowing that she could be a killer didn't push him away. When he thought about the real reasons why she did it. He understands. It's not like she just went out killing innocent people. The Mayor was the one coming after them.

They then walk back into there own room. Taking there showers and heading into bed. Zero just gets in the clean fluffy bed. Taking a deep breath. Loving the feeling of being back in his bed. Instead of the sofa. Yuki moves herself close to him. Putting her hand on his cheek. "I love you Zero." Yuki says. "I love you too." Zero responds. "I missed you. I don't like sleeping without you." Yuki says. "I didn't like it either." Zero replies. Yuki kisses his lips and moves her body close to him. Holding him. Nothing sexual just loving. Just wanting to be close to him. He sees that she truly missed him. Truly wants him. Just a deep sadness takes over him. Thinking about Ai. He knows what he is doing is selfish. He is keeping a child away from her mother. He is no better than Kaname. He knows it but he was stubborn. He had to prove his point. Not letting Kaname win. Not wanting Kaname part of there life.

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