Chapter 121

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CHapter 121 Opps.

A few months go by and Yuki visits with Ai at least once a week. Things staying calm and under control. She does her best not to even see Kaname. When she does they keep things natural. Which is strange to Yuki. Why he hasn't come on to her again. Or tried to get her in his bed. She feels something isn't totally right. That he would never just give up like that. Yet she lets it go. Keeping the peace.

Zero is happy that things are going smoothly. It wasn't what he thought was going to happen. He is glad that Yuki gets to see Ai. They have a relationship its a lot better then what was before. Zero's and Yuki's relationship is still strong. She hasn't turned dark. Things still normal. They have a great marriage. Its what Zero always wanted.

Yuki always lets Zero know when she is going to visit Ai. So he knows where she is and when she is coming home. She starts out early in the morning so she can spend a few hours with her. Before she has to drive home. It's not the most ideal situation but its better than nothing.

One morning Yuki leaves to go see Ai. It's a regular day like always. She gets there and walks to Kaname's office. Wanting to ask him, if maybe Ai can go to there house once a week. To make it twice a week she can see her.

When she gets to the office, she opens the door. To reveal Pureblood Sara sitting half naked on Kaname's lap. Kissing him with his hands all over her. And his shirt open, pants were undone. Something in Yuki snaps. "Get off my husband." Yuki Growls. Kaname just looking at Yuki and her reaction. With a raised eyebrow. "Excuse me? I was under the impression Zero was your husband of choice." Sara Responds. Yuki walking over to her. You can get your sorry ass off of my husband. We are not divorced. He is still mine. In every way." Yuki snaps. "Not in every."Sara smirks. Pulling up her dress and walking out of Kaname's office.

"What was that? Since when do you care who I sleep with?" Kaname states. "I always cared. So that's why you don't ask to screw me anymore. You found someone else. Is it fun to play around?" Yuki asks. "You should know. You were the first one to stray."Kaname says with a smirk. The dark Yuki not finding anything he says amusing. Pinning him to his chair. Sitting on his lap."Do you think? I am playing with you?" Yuki asks. "No, I know that the dark side of you. Doesn't play. You do have a lot of nerve though. You cheat on me. Marry and have a child with Kiryu and you're mad at me?" Kaname answers. "You're still MY husband. And you always will be. You're my Kaname. I will Not share You!" Yuki says. Kissing him passionately. Roaming her hands on his chest. "My darling Yuki. I am yours no matter who I sleep with. I find your reaction surprising. You won't sleep with me. So no one can? Is that how it is?" Kaname gloats "Yes. Your body is mine. She says kissing him again. Wanting to make love to him there and then. Taking back what she thought she lost. But the normal Yuki is pushing through. Trying her best not to betray Zero. Even though she wants them both.

She stops kissing him. fighting within. Fighting, she falls to the ground and passes out. Not letting the Dark side of her win. Not betraying Zero. The one she loves deeply and dearly. Just now realizing. She still loves Kaname as well.

"Yuki, Damn it. You fought it." Kaname says. Carrying her to her room. Laying her down on the bed. Sitting next to her. Rubbing her forehead. "To protect him. You did this to yourself. Is he worth it? Don't fight the feelings you have for me. Come back to me!" Kaname says. Covering her and leaving her to get some rest. Knowing that deep down she still cares. Her reaction was something he would have never thought. He would have seen. She couldn't bear to see him with someone else. Zero might of had a hold on her. But old feelings were coming back. He wasn't totally out of her heart.

Kaname goes to his office. Picking up the phone."Zero. You need to come to the manor. Yuki passed out."Kaname says. "I will be there as soon as I can." Zero replies

Once Zero gets there he goes to the office to see Kaname. To see what happened. "What happened? Is she ok?" Zero asks. "She walked in on something she didn't approve of. Things took a turn. She fought her Dark side to protect you. And she was out cold before I knew it." Kaname says. "What did she walk in on? What did you do now?" Zero barks. "I was making love to Sara. I have been with her a few months now. Yuki didn't like the idea. Told me I was hers and only hers. Wanted me and fought it because of you. Do you think you're doing her any good with this? You're making her sick. She is fighting her true feelings. Just to protect you." Kaname snaps. "If she wasn't near you. she would be fine. This type of shit only happens when she is around you. You knew this would happen. Its why you let her come here to see Ai." Zero barks. "I am the one with someone else now. She doesn't like it. I haven't bothered her in a long time. Think what you will. She wants me as much as I want her. Just the regular side of her. Doesn't want to hurt you. She will be fine for now. There will be a time she won't be able to fight it though."Kaname remarks. "You knew she was coming here. Did you have to flaunt your new woman? In front of her. You did it on purpose!" Zero shouts. "Actually, no I didn't. I never thought. Her reaction would be like that. I haven't seen that kind of rise out of her in forever." Kaname admits. "You're fucking sick. Do you know that?" Zero says. "Maybe in your eyes. Your the one that needs to come to terms with this. Not me. I made peace with sharing her with you. It's your turn." Kaname says. Walking away.

Zero goes up to see Yuki. Who is just laying in bed. Finally coming to. "Zero your here." Yuki says. Putting her arms around him. "Are you ok?" Zero asks. "Yes, I'm fine. I don't know what came over me. But I stopped it. I swear. I did nothing." Yuki says now her self and frightened of Zero's reaction. "I know. He told me. He also told me. You found him with Sara."Zero says. "Yes. I wasn't ready for that. It wasn't something I thought I would ever see. It hurt." Yuki admits. "I'm sure it wasn't a good sight." Zero replies. "I want to go home Zero. Please Take me home." Yuki says. Zero picks her up and carries her to the car. Driving her home. She holds his hand and stays close the whole trip. Just thinking of what she felt. How it hurt. Now knowing what it must have felt like for Kaname to watch her with Zero.

Back at the townhouse, Yuki is closer to Zero than ever. Just wanting to be with him. He doesn't know what to think about her reaction. He knows how she once cared for Kaname. That seeing him with someone else probably hurt her. It was natural. He also knew she didn't go behind his back and hurt him. She kept her word. So much that she hurt herself just not to hurt him. He didn't know how much longer this could go on. If it wasn't for Ai. It would be so much easier to stay away from Kaname. It would be easier for any feelings to stay dead and buried. Even Kaname was trying to move on. Or was he? What was the real deal with him and Sara?

Vampire Knight Lover's Betrayal (#Watty2019) (#FloVamp2019) PT 1Where stories live. Discover now