Chapter 75

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Chapter 75 Kaname's thoughts.

The Party lasts a few more hours. Zero is to the brink of anger. Doing his best to control himself. Knowing its what some would want. Him to freak out. Make himself look like an ass. Not only him but Kaname and as much as he hated Kaname. He knew tonight, Kaname did his best to stand on his side. to protect him and his child. To act a fool wouldn't be in anyone's best interest. Some people were just rude. Zero knew this. Yuki didn't care. She stood right up against Zero. Holding his hand. She would kiss him here and there. Just to show, she was there for him. He knew she loved him. Its why they were in this mess. Zero bit his tongue and stood there. As some would just walk by acting like he wasn't there.

At the end of the night. They packed up the kids and went into the limo. Zero so relieved it was over. Yuki sitting next to him. Holding there sleeping, son. She held Zeros hand the whole ride home. Kaname sitting beside Yuki. Holding there sleeping daughter Ai. Both kids knocked out from all the excitement of the night. Kaname sitting there not saying a word. Or showing how he really felt. His anger and rage building inside of him.

They get home.  Where Kaname goes up to his Quarters not saying a word to Yuki. Just handing Zero, Ren to put to bed. Yuki knows something is wrong. She lived with Kaname long enough to know his reactions.

"Zero would you put the children to bed? I would like to talk to Kaname for a minute." Yuki asks. "Are you sure that is wise? I am sure he is just as pissed as I am. They made me look like an ass but they didn't do much for him either." Zero states. "Yes. I need to. I will be right back."Yuki answers. Heading upstairs to Kaname Quarters.

She knocks on the door."No need to knock. You know. I know you're out there. Come in." Kaname says in an irritated voice. "What do you need?" He adds. "I wanted to say thank you. For tonight. For standing there. Defending me, Zero and my child." Yuki states. Kaname pacing the floor with a glass of wine in his hand. "Do you know? How hard that was? To be humiliated in front of all my colleagues? In Front of all the people who thought I was a god. To now think I am crazy?" Kaname snaps. "Yes. Its why, I wanted to thank you." Yuki says. "Thank me. For being an idiot to except any of this! You parading around with Kiryu, Having his child. Doing the dumbest shit. You could think of to get back at me. You couldn't buy another house and just spend tons of money like other wives. You had to do this!"Kaname shouts. "I didn't do it to get back at you. I love him. I know that hurts you. I am sorry. But its true. He holds my heart in his hands. I can't live without him." Yuki states. "I know this shit already! I watched as you whithered away like a rose decaying in my hands. I watch you all the time the way you look at him. Touch him. Do you think I am blind? Do you think it doesn't bother me? I am just not like him. I don't go around attacking people!" Kaname shouts louder.

"No. I don't think you're blind. "Yuki replies in a small voice. "You love him so much. You are willing to die for him? Let your child die for him? Do you know the mess you put us in? I can only protect to a degree Yuki. Sooner or later they are not going to give a shit who I am. And just do what they want. You put all of us in danger. Including our own child. Do you think this is fair?" Kaname hisses. "It's not fair. It's also not fair for me not to be able to live the life I want. To be with the man I love. I didn't have the child to get back or hurt anyone. I wanted Zero's child. A part of him. A part of him that would live on. I know that no matter what you will protect us. You are a good man like that. I trust you in that. " Yuki says. Kaname listening not sure he heard that right. She trusts him. It calms him down some. "I am glad you trust me. I want you to. I just don't know what they are going to do. Some are really pissed. They think I went off my rocker. They can do anything. We need to be on the lookout."Kaname says a little softer. "We will." Yuki Says Walking over to Kaname and kissing his head. Kaname surprised but sees she is trying. He lightly grabs her arm placing a light tender kiss on her lips. "You know I would do anything for you. Even die." Kaname admits. Yuki raises her hand to his face. Holding it there. "Yes, I know. I thank you for that." She replies. Lightly touching his hand before she leaves.

Yuki's tender interaction with Kaname cooled him down. Seeing that he is making progress. That she was being kinder. He didn't want to ruin that. He also knew the danger they all faced. He didn't know what they would do. They could leave them alone, not doing anything. Or they could attack. Either way, they would always have to be on edge. It was wasn't something Kaname looked forward to.

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