Chapter 148

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Chapter 148 deception

Zero stayed with Yuki holding her. She would move around now. Moving herself a bit closer to him. "Zero...Zero..." Yuki mumbles. "Babe, I am right here." Zero answers. "Please don't let Kaname take you away. Please. He wants to keep me away from you."Yuki says in a low voice. "That's not happening. I promise you." Zero replies. Holding her shaking body in his arms. Her arms going around his waist pulling him close to her. She takes in his scent. "It's really you." She babbles. "The one and only." Zero responds. Her eyes closed and she falls back to sleep.

A few hours later Alex lightly knocks on the bedroom door. "Come in." Zero says. "Hi, the pills are done. May I please exam her?" Alex asks. "Sure. She is resting."Zero states. "That is fine. I only need a few minutes." Alex responds. "Ok. I will give you your privacy. " Zero says. Getting up off the bed and walking outside. Closing the door behind him.

"Yuki it's me Alex." Alex states. Yuki waking from her slumber. "Can you help me with this mess? The other pills are too strong. It's making me crazy. " Yuki states. "The other stuff is doing its job. Don't fight it. Take this, it will help you be able to control some of it. If you need anything else. Just let me know. Kaname has me here working with Hanabusa. So I am at your disposal." Alex comments. "How is dear Takuma?" Yuki asks with an evil grin. "He is recuperating. I would say you shook him up a bit." Alex answers. "Good. That bastard needed it. He needed more, but Zero walked in." Yuki replies. "You need to be careful with that."Alex states. "I know. I can't help wanting to keep him safe. That never changes."Yuki admits. "I know. You just can't let on."Alex replies. Yuki nods. Laying back down on the bed. "Here, I will put these pills in your drawer. if you need them. They are here to help." Alex says. "Thank you."Yuki responds.

Alex walks out the door, seeing Zero waiting outside. "Everything ok? Can you help her?" Zero asks. "I think the pills might help the bloodlust. About anything else. Kaname was right. She will have to ride it out. She is calm at the moment. But we will know that can change at any moment. I believe the only one safe in this house is you Zero."Alex admits. "To be honest I really don't care what she does to Kaname. He deserves it and more. He is the one that created all this. It's a big mess. One he wouldn't have to deal with if he just let her go."Zero states. "True. But I am sure you wouldn't want your wife to be in love with another man. To walk out and not look back at your life you shared. Not even your child. Kaname is a lot of things, but if you look at it. He was dealt a raw deal. Even when he was married to her, all she ever wanted was you.

That is a hard blow to handle. He could have just killed you both. You know I would have and so would any other pureblood. No one disgraces us. Yet here both of you are still alive and breathing. Causing him even more pain."Alex Confuses. "That may be true, but if he would have left her alone, there wouldn't be anything for him to deal with. He could have anyone he wants."Zero remarks. "Yes but the one he really wanted." Alex answers. Walking away.

Zero knew it was true, he just really didn't care. He was tired of all this. Wishing and wanting things to go back to normal. It always seemed with Kaname in the way. Weird things would take place. He knew Yuki just wanted to be with him and their family at the townhouse. Instead, they were trapped at the Manor. Reliving her worse nightmares. Would things ever change?

Zero walks back inside his bedroom. Yuki laying on her side of the bed. Under the covers. The bed all fixed. "Zero come to bed Please." Yuki says. "Are you feeling better?" Zero asks. "Yes, a little. I just want to be with you."Yuki answers. "Do you know I am here now? I am not leaving you."Zero states. " I know your here. I still feel off though. I have a major headache. My head is just spinning." Yuki confesses. "Do you need blood?" Zero asks. "No, I am fine with that. It's just my head. It's all foggy. Things seem to come and go" Yuki says holding her head. "I am so sorry babe." Zero replies holding her close. Rubbing her head." I wish you didn't have to go through any of this. When it's over we will go home." Zero states. "Promise." Yuki says. "Yes Promise." Zero responds. Seeing that Yuki is pale and weak. She is able to talk now and able to see him there, but he knows something still isn't right. He knows this isn't over yet.

Vampire Knight Lover's Betrayal (#Watty2019) (#FloVamp2019) PT 1Where stories live. Discover now