Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 Thoughts

Zero takes in everything that Takuma just told him. Knowing that even if Yuki's feelings get out of control, he needs to control himself. At least till she gains some weight and is back to herself. If this even works, Zero having some doubts. As he looks at Yuki, just sitting where he left her. Not moving she looks like a porcelain doll. Just placed on a shelf. He can't get over, what she has turned into. He also feels even if it does work, It doesn't mean, she still has feelings for him. Just that she smells blood and the vampire in her wants to feed. He can't seem to get it into himself, that she really loves him. As much as everyone is saying. It doesn't seem real to him, none of this does. Some parts seem like a dream as others seem like a nightmare. Not really sure what he just got himself into.

As he is sitting on the sofa just staring at Yuki. Thinking if letting her smell his blood is a good idea or not. Kaname comes down the stairs with his Suitcase.

"Zero I will be leaving for a week. PLease do whatever needed to help Yuki. I am sure, you will do your best. It's why I called you. I know she is in good hands."Kaname says.

 "Yea, you leave me to fix your mess. You really expect me to be able to fix this?" Zero snaps. 

"Yes, you will see. I know you're having doubts. You won't after a while, It is going to take you a bit to get her back. She is pretty much in the dark. She wanted to let go."Kaname says.

 "I wonder why? Leaving her like a prisoner in her own home. Keeping her away from loved ones. You kept away from anything that had to do with the outside world. What kind of life do you think that is Kaname?" Zero asks.

 "I kept her away from anything harmful. She had everything. She wanted in this house, anything she could ask for. All I asked was she stay. She did. She could have left at any time If she really wanted to. I never held her back from that. She just never went back on her promises."Kaname states.

 "Maybe because you took the letters. That I never got to read or make my own decision if I wanted to see her or not. She felt, I gave up on her, and she gave up also."Zero Snaps.

 "Maybe. If she was your wife, writing to me. Would you give them to me? Would you let her go? Don't judge till your there Zero." Kaname says walking out the door.

Zero thinks about that. He knows Kaname has a point. He would never be able to watch Yuki, just walk out the door. He already did, she already left him. He experienced it already. It almost killed him. He could never take it again, It's another reason, he didn't want to believe. She really cared for him like this. It could mean more heartbreak. Even if she really did care how would they be together? Kaname wasn't going to let it be that easy. He never made anything easy. The only reason he was making him stay there and be nice, Is because he needed him. Using him as a pawn again. Just needing him to make her better, so he could steal her away again. But would he? This time might be a little different. He might get a fight this time. Zero not letting Yuki go. Then he would just stare at Yuki again, saying who am I kidding? She is never going to go back to what she was. She is so broken. How can I fix this?

It was getting late, Zero picked Yuki up and carried her to her bedroom laying her on the bed. Telling Berta, he was going down for dinner. To please get Yuki ready for bed. He would be back up for bed. Now feeling a little more in control, without Kaname being here. He had more freedom to be himself. Without him watching over him. Even though, he knew he had others here doing the job.

Zero goes down to dinner, sitting at the table with Takuma. Hanabusa working late again in the lab. He also liked to eat by himself. Only showing up here and there. Zero enjoyed the home-cooked meals. He took advantage of them. It was something he only got when he used to cook. For the most part, he didn't have the time. So he figured, while he was staying here, he would make the best of it. Also thinking about what he was going to do about Yuki.

"So, Zero have you decided if you're going to give her your blood?" Takuma asks.

 "I was thinking about it. I guess It's worth a try. I am not really sure anything is going to work at this point. She is pretty out of it like she is lost and broken. It's like no one is in there It's just a body. I can't explain it."Zero says.

 "Neither could we. Its why we told you to see for yourself. You wouldn't believe us otherwise. No one would have ever expected her to be like this. Not how she used to be she was so Warm, open full of life. Its all gone."Takuma says sadly. 

"I just hope some comes back, even if we get her to at least talk. Then she needs to eat, not to mention therapy. She will need to learn to walk again. This is going to take time Takuma. Kaname is going to let me stay here that long?" Zero asks.

 "As long as it takes." Takuma answers.

 "If you say so."He replies.

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