Chapter 103

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Chapter 103 Normalcy.

In the morning Yuki wakes up still holding Ren. Who is looking up at her? Smiling. He is such a sweet little boy. Yuki loves him more than anything. She looks over at Zero. Who is staring at her and Ren. Just taking the lovely site in. Watching his wife and son together. The way it should be. "Good morning, Zero." Yuki Kissing him tenderly on his lips. "Morning Babe. It really is a good morning." Zero replies. Yuki smiles at him. "It sure is." Yuki responds. "I feel so much better now. That I know he is home. And safe with us. I never want him out of my site." Yuki adds. "I know you're going to baby him more now than ever. At the same time, we can't let this contain our lives. We need to be free. "Zero states.

"I know. I want more protection here. I know Kaname knows a lot of people. We will hire another guard. One to just watch over the children. To keep them safe. That way it won't only be us. " Yuki answers. "If that is what you want. That is fine with me. Will we be staying here at the Manor?" Zero asks. "I guess for a little while. We will see what happens. Take it from there." Yuki comments. "Ok. I do want a regular life Yuki." Zero answers. "I do as well. We just have to be careful. Take precautions. I want our children safe." Yuki replies. "You sound a bit like Kaname there. I guess. He has rubbed off on you some." Zero responds. "Sadly in more than some ways. I was trained by Hanabusa to be a pureblood. All the correct ways to be an act. Even though the human part of me would show through. I do remember my training, and I can be the dark cold pureblood. When I have to be." Yuki states. "Yuki I love you. I just wish, you didn't have to let out the Dark Yuki. I know its part of you and I will accept it. I just prefer the regular you. " Zero confides. "I always knew you wouldn't understand the dark side. You weren't born into this. You are a true Human. Its why I hid it for so long. I love you Zero very much. But I am a pureblood vampire. The very thing you hate the most. I can't help what I was born into. I am sorry." Yuki says. Looking deeply into his eyes. Then down at the bed. " I Love you too. I don't hate you or what you are. I just wish that maybe you wouldn't go so dark. Maybe a compromise?" Zero asks. "We can see. I am not dark all the time. Just when things set me off. I was calm for over a year with you. You calm my crazy. I love how you tame me. Bring out the good in me. I just can't promise that the Dark Yuki, won't be set free at times. There will be things I have to take care of. You will have to understand that." Yuki responds. "I will do my best. At least now maybe things can go back to normal. We have our son back." Zero replies. "Yes, I am so glad for that. I never thought I would see his sweet face again. He is our angel." Yuki states. Zero seeing that Ren also brings out the regular human sweet Yuki. He was so happy to see that.

They Get up out of bed getting their showers. Yuki giving all her attention to baby Ren. Who is totally unphased by everything that had happened. Zero knew that Alex told the truth when he said he took care of Ren. Ren wasn't scared of anything. Everything was normal. He was his sweet bubbly self. Yuki gave him a bath and wanted to dress him for the day realizing that everything she had for him was a bit small. It's been four months since this child lived with her. Which brought a pain to her heart, everytime she even thought about it. She took Ren into Kaname's office. Wanting to borrow his laptop.

"Kaname may I please use your laptop. I need to order some clothes for Ren. He has grown so much. I know. I can't take him out. So I figured I would stay here with him. Just ordering some goodies for him. "Yuki explains. "Of course my dear. Anything you need. It is very nice to see you back to yourself." Kaname states. "I will also want more protection for him and Ai. I want you to hire the best to watch over them. I don't want anything to happen to either of them. And it seems even though we were supposed to be so strong, and powerful. Everyone in this house overlooked things. ANd it got Ren kidnapped." Yuki suggests. "As you wish. I will ask Serien who she thinks is best for the job. I see you are staying at the manor?" Kaname asks. "For now. I have something to take care of before I am able to leave." Yuki says. "Like what?" Kaname asks." Don't worry about it. I am sure in a way it will make you proud." Yuki states. "My dear, what are you up to?" Kaname asks. "You have your secrets. I have mine. Its what we are best at dear brother." Yuki replies. "I see the dark one is still here. You just learned to intertwine them. How ...Did you do that?" Kaname says. Seeing just how strong Yuki is. She seems to surprise him more and more. "I am not as weak as you two would like to think. I can handle myself. I do know he doesn't like the dark me. There is no way I can keep her away at this moment. So I learned to try to keep her hidden even when she is out. "Yuki comments. "Yet you let me know she is." Kaname remarks. "You know all of me. There is no hiding. In a way, I am glad I don't have to with you. It's nice being yourself. No matter who that may be. It gets tiring always trying to watch what I say or do. I just love him so much. I will keep doing it. To protect him. I told you he was too innocent for this." Yuki states. "What he doesn't know what hurt him then. I will do whatever you need. You do know that?" Kaname asks. "Yes. I know when it comes down to it. You are always there. I thank you for that."Yuki states. "You're very welcome. That is the one thing that hasn't changed. I hope it never does." Kaname responds. "Don't screw it up then, and we should be fine." Yuki says with a grin. Grabbing the laptop. Walking out of the office.

Kaname knows she is up to something. He has some kind of idea what also. He will just keep it to himself. Watching over her. Not letting her out of his sight. If she was planning what he thought. He wanted to be there as her back up. He knew Kiryu wouldn't be. SHe would never tell him what she was planning. He wouldn't like it. So Kaname knew he would be the one to share this with her.

The day goes on with Yuki ordering some goodies for Ren and even Ai. Acting like everything is fine. Spending family time with Zero and both kids. Enjoying what the missed over these past four months. Yuki didn't let Ren out of her sight. The way she would watch Zero. When He would walk out of a room, with panic was now the same with Ren. But even more so. She would try to hide it but it was there. Zero understood it. He felt the same. He wanted no one to touch his son again.

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