Chapter 20

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Review Please :) I think Kaname is making a big mistake. These two are just getting closer.

Chapter 20 Shopping

A few more weeks go by. It's now October. Yuki knows that Zero's birthday is near. She is so happy. The last two months have been wonderful for her. She loves having him here. Near her, with her. They still haven't gone all the way. Yuki is taking it slow. Building up to it. Doing her best not to push or hurt Zero. In any way. She wants to do something special for his birthday. She knows. Zero isn't the type to want much. But it's his 21st Birthday. They had to do something.

"Zero I know your birthday is soon. I want to do something nice for you." Yuki states. "I don't want anything. I don't like people or parties. You know that." Zero responds. "I do. But it's your 21st birthday. It's special. We have to do something. I will make it small. Please."Yuki says flashing her eyelashes at him. "Really? You have to give me the lashes?" Zero says. Her bashing them more so at him now."Ok, whatever. Just please nothing big."Zero comments. "Ok. I promise. I can't wait." Yuki says. Giving him a big hug. Zero just happy to see Yuki interested in something. She is coming back more day by day. This gave her something to do. Something to look forward to. So, of course, Zero would say yes. Anything to make her happy.

Yuki goes downstairs and talks to Berta about plans. Telling her the food, decorations, and cake to have. A list of people to invite. Which were a few small people. She knew. Zero didn't like anyone. So she wasn't going to go overboard. They didn't have much family either. As most were dead. The only family she had was Kaname. They were getting along better around each other. Kaname trying to be there. Trying to do things with the child and Yuki. Even spending time with Zero. The little girl loved it. When they were all together. Kaname was trying to listen to Takuma. He didn't want to lose Yuki altogether. He wanted their family. In order to do that. He would have to except Zero. Which was hard. She was his wife. This was his family. Zero just came in and took over. Which Kaname also knew deep down. It wasn't his fault. He stayed away all these years. It was Kaname that called him. Asked him here. But he had no other choice and Zero would have to try to get along. If they wanted to live in the same house. Kaname not sure how much longer he wanted Zero to stay. He Just knew if he asked him to leave. This would fall apart again. He was just ask stuck as they were.

Later in the day, Yuki tells the car to get ready. That she will be going out. She grabs Zero and tells him. They have to go somewhere. Zero just goes. Knowing there is no use in fighting with her. The car goes to this fancy well put together men's clothing store. Both get out and go inside. Zero just looking all around. Everything in here was very expensive. Very well handmade items. Or imported from places all over the world. Things Zero never had or even thought he would. Just being in the store intimated him. Where Yuki was in her element. If nothing else, Kaname spoiled her. With all kinds of expensive things. From clothes to jewelry, to house goods. You name it. He bought it for her. He always gave her things. Wanting her to have, treating her well. In that respect. Yuki wanted more. She wanted his Honestly. She wanted him to tell her things to be open with her. He just couldn't. It was another thing that took its toll on their relationship.

"Madam What can I help you with?" The store clerk asks."First, I would like you to show him, your finest jeans you have." Yuki states. "Sure Madam anything you ask. It's been such a long time. Since we have seen you." The store clerk says. "Yes. I am sure. You will be seeing a lot more of me now." Yuki answers. The clerk bringing different washes of jeans to Zero. All the different styles. Zero never thought There were so many different versions of jeans.

 "Yuki is this really necessary?" Zero asks. "Yes. You need some new stuff. Pick whatever you want. It's your birthday. I want you to have a brand new outfit. " Yuki states. Zero just rolls his eyes. He picks a few pairs to try on.

 To see which fit him better. He goes into the changing room, to try them on. He never felt this kind of fabric on his skin before. They were lovely. Even if he had to admit it, there was a difference. Zero picks the dark wash jean tight fit. They hug every curve he owns and looks really good on him. He steps out of the changing room. In front of Yuki. Whos eyes turn red for a minute before, she catches herself and returns to normal. But not fast enough that Zero didn't catch it.

 "I saw that, "Zero says. "Sorry. I couldn't help myself. They look really nice on you." Yuki says. Zero just smiles at her.

 Yuki goes around the store picking out a soft cozy dark grey sweater. She hands it to Zero, he tries it on. Still not believing, how these clothes feel. The sweater feels like its just hugging him. It's lovely. Yuki then hands him a black leather jacket to finish off the look. 

"So what do you think? Do you like it? Is there anything else you would like?" Yuki asks. "I like it. Thank you. I think. I am fine. You didn't have to buy me all that." Zero states. "It was nothing. I want you to have. I also got you some super soft socks. I couldn't help it. You have to try them. " Yuki responds. "if you say so."Zero replies.

 Zero didn't expect that to go as nicely as it did. He figured it wasn't a big deal. But the clothes were very nice. He looked really good in them. He knew. Yuki was giving. She always was, It was her nature. It was making her happy, So it made him happy. To see her alive again. It was great.

They get back into the car heading back to the Manor. Yuki just holding Zero's hand being extra close to him. He finally saw and knew, just how much she cared for him. How him being around. Made her light up inside and out. He loved it. He even noticed, how Kaname was trying. He just didn't know where this left him? Kaname didn't look like he was giving her up in any way. Just trying to make her happy. LIke giving her a puppy to play with to keep her occupied. Where was this going? Was he going to send him home? Many thoughts ran this his mind. He knew once they made love. Kaname was in trouble. But they haven't done anything yet. Just small things here and there. Even if they did and made the bond complete? Then what? This was turning out to be quite a mess.

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