Chapter 55

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Comment, please. Looks like Kaname is trying.

Chapter 55 Outing.

Yuki goes upstairs to get dressed, She also gets Ai dressed. Then heading back downstairs. Where Kaname is waiting for them. "You look very nice my dear."Kaname says. "Thank you." Yuki replies. "What about me father?" Ai asks. "Oh, my darling. You always look gorgeous."Kaname says to her with a smile. "Thank you, father." Ai answers. Kaname picks Ai up. Carrying her. Then he takes Yuki's hand. Heading outside to the waiting car. Helping them both in. "Kaname people will see me with the belly. It's not hidable anymore." Yuki says with panic. "That's ok my dear. It's good they will see us together. That will only show that I don't mind the union. Plus no one will no at the moment it's not mine. They won't know that till its born. It will make things look very good. Don't worry. I will make sure. I always protect you. And yes, the child and even Kiryu. As long as it makes you happy. " Kaname says. Yuki seeing that Kaname really is trying. She smiles at him. "Thank you. That means a lot." Yuki answers.

They stop at this cute little cafe. With darling little round tables outside with umbrellas. They also have a deck with more tables and chairs. "Kaname lets sit up there please." Yuki asks. "If that's your wish, my dear. Then fine." Kaname answers. Yuki seeing him act more like when they first were together. The old Kaname. She knew and fell very in love with. They walk up the stairs to the deck. All taking a seat. The waitress comes and gives them their menus. Smiling at Ai. Giving her crayons and paper. They sit there eating and talking. Actually enjoying there time together. Kaname trying to open up. To let her in. He will touch her hand with his throughout the lunch. Being Tender. And just wanting to be close to her. She doesn't stop him. She feels this is the best it has been in years. Let it go. After the other time of being pinned to a wall. This is nothing.

"Father I see a park. Can we go after lunch Please Father." Ai asks. "Of Course. You need to finish whats on your plate first." Kaname says. Yuki just staring at him. Kaname at a park? Mr. Fancy pants? This she had to see. She couldn't even believe. He said yes. "Really Kaname?" Yuki asks. "Yes, Why not? The child wants to go to the park. Isn't that what regular kids do? You always told me you wanted her to be raised like a human child to." Kaname states. "Yes. I do. I just never thought. You would approve." Yuki answers. "I don't see anything wrong. We both are right here. She is safe. No one will touch her while I am here. So if she wants to go play. Lets. Its family time remember?" Kaname comments. "That sounds good to me." Yuki says. Still a little shocked.

They finish there lunch, Kaname paying. Leaving a big tip. Then they head to the park. Where Ai runs to the swings. "Daddy pushes me on the swings in the garden all the time. Father, will you push me here?" Ai asks. "Of course."Kaname says. Lifting the little girl, placing her on the swings. Yuki takes a seat on the bench. Just watching Kaname play with Ai. She gives smiles to them. Being there but just sitting. As her feet hurt. The pregnancy is getting close to the end. Which makes some things a little uncomfortable for her. But she wants to be part of this, for Ai. It's rare that the child has her real parents like this. Having fun and being nice. It's something the child should have more often. She wasn't going to take that way from her. She did so much in the past. The child suffered for her crimes. Both of them seeing this at this moment. Both wanting to do better.

They stay at the park for at least two hours. Ai trying out everything that was in there. Climbing up the tallest jungle gym. Not afraid of anything. Kaname proud. Standing right under her. So in case, she would fall he would catch her. Even Yuki tried the Swing. Kaname pushing both of his girls. His white shirt now with smudge marks. Kaname thinking nothing of it. Just enjoying himself. Which he hasn't gotten to do in years. Letting go wasn't something Kaname did. he always was the well put together serious man. Taking charge. Always in control. So no one could screw him over. So everyone would fear him. He was the first Pureblood. He had to be. He also knew now he had to try to lighten up. If he wanted his family. He knew he had to share her with Kiryu. That he wasn't going anywhere. But share was the main word. Not give her fully to him. He wanted to be with her also.

After the two hours. Kaname takes them to get Ice Cream. The little girl so excited. Yuki too. She just loved the Sweet stuff. He knew that would get on her good side as well. Its why he suggested it. Normally he would have said after dinner. Not mid-afternoon before dinner. But what the hell. It was only ice cream. They each got a cone an ate together. Talking and being a family. They then get back into the car. Where Yuki and Ai are quite tired. "I guess. I tried out both my girls today." Kaname says with a chuckle. "You sure did. In a good way."Yuki says back with a smile. She places her head on Kaname's shoulder. He takes her hand and holds it. Happy that the day turned out nice. He wanted more of them.

Once home "I am going to tuck Ai into bed. Then get some rest myself before dinner."Yuki says."May I tuck her in with you?" Kaname asks."Of course." She replies. Both Yuki and Kaname take Ai to her room. Placing the little girl into her bed. Kissing her. They both head out of the little girl's room. Kaname kissing Yuki gently on her lips. "Get some sleep. I will see your dinner. Thank you for the day. I really enjoyed it." Kaname states. "I did also. Thank you for listening. It meant a lot." Yuki answers. Heading to her room.

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