Chapter 88

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Chapter 88 Remorse.

Two weeks go by, there is pretty much nothing much new. Things look bleak. Kaname and Zero keep Yuki in the dark. Knowing, she is hanging on by a thread. Zero does his best to watch over her. Making sure she eats. That she doesn't do anything stupid. He knows. How she can get. He does his best to show her. That he isnt leaving her, no matter what. That he is here. He sees how sad she is. Losing a piece of herself more and more each day. That They don't find Ren.

Zero does still know she loves him though. Sex isn't even a thought at the moment. But at night in bed. Yuki will crawl on top of Zero. Putting her head on his chest and the rest of her body inbetween his legs. Holding one hand in hers and the other around him. Its like she is shielding him with her body, so no one could touch him. They would have to go through her first. He knows now that her fear of losing him is at the highest. Not that he will leave her, that someone will take him from her. The thought has her on guard always watching everything he does. No matter how sad or depressed. She still wants to protect him.

Kaname, on the other hand, is doing his best to find out who did this. Where they are? And if Ren is still alive. He spends hours amoung hours on the phone and in meetings with people. To try to fix this mess. He is also very paranoid himself. Keeping Ai with him. Not letting her out of his sight. He knows Yuki is beside herself. So he takes her himself. Even letting her sleep in his quarters in a small bed. So he is with her to watch over her. The thought of anyone touching her. Kills him. He hasn't left the house. Any meeting or anything he needs comes to him. He has Serien and others guarding the house. Making sure no one enters. That isn't supposed to. Its like they are on lockdown. He just wants to do everything. He can to keep them safe.

At the end of the week, Zero is called to the association. Needing to go and maybe even spend the night in the City. Yagari Needs to talk to Zero. Letting him know the results of the tests taken on the blood. This means he will have to leave Yuki behind. Which he knows will freak her out even more. It's just best if she stays home with Kaname watching over her. If anyone is after Zero. He can protect himself. With her not there. He only has to worry about himself. Not her. Which makes things better for him. He is a strong very well trained Hunter. He knows what he is doing. It wouldn't be too easy to take him down.

"Zero I don't want you to go. Maybe its a trap?" Yuki states. "Its Yagari its not a trap. I will be fine. I will come home as soon as I can. I promise you. Stay here with Kaname. He will take care of you." Zero comments. " Please Zero if anything happens to you. I won't be able to go on. I need you. I lost too much as it is." Yuki says. "I promise. Everything will be fine. I need to go into the city. I need information. So we can get our son back." Zero remarks. Yuki looks sadly down at the floor. "I don't think we are getting him back." Yuki responds. "Don't say that. I am sure he is fine." Zero comments. "I know he is still alive. The bond is there. I would know if he wasn't. That doesn't mean we will find him." Yuki replies. "We sure will do our best." Zero comments.

He gathers up the things he needs. Getting ready to head out the door. Yuki holds him tight, tears streaming down her face. "I love you." Yuki says. "I love you too." Zero replies. Opening the front door. Walking to his jeep. Driving away.

Yuki just slides down the front door. Landing on her bottom. Her hands over her face, sobbing. If she loses him. It's over. The fear just takes over her. Her want to protect him. Raging inside her. Yet, she is helpless.

Kaname walks out into the foyer seeing her on the floor in tears. He knows what took place. He knows her fear, right off the bat. "Yuki, my love Please. Kiryu will be fine. He is a remarkable hunter. " Kaname states. Picking Yuki up off the floor into his arms. "I can't Kaname. This is all my fault. I hurt all the people I love most. including you." Yuki states. Kaname just looks at her from that statement. Never thinking he would be apart of it. Seeing how torn down she is. How truthful she is at the moment. Not being the rough tough, Dark Yuki like before. "I understand what you did. I am not mad at you anymore. We need to get over our past. We both have done things, we shouldn't of. We need to let go." Kaname answers. "How? How could you forgive me? I have done things to you. That I shouldn't be forgiven for. I betrayed you. I slept with another man and even had his child." Yuki admits. "I had my doing in it. I am not all that innocent. I am sorry. That we had to get where we are. But we can make it better. Including Kiryu. I know how much you love him. I will not take him away from you. I promise you that." Kaname states. "What does it matter? You won't have to. Someone else will. They took our son. Our innocent baby. He never hurt anyone. He is paying for my sins," Kaname puts her down, Standing her in front of him. Looking deeply into her eyes. Which are filled with tears, red and swollen. This tiny weak woman at her brink standing there looking back into his eyes. "Look, I promise you. No One will take him away from you. And I will find that child. I will give your son back to you. I have done a lot of bad things in my life and I will fix this one. I love you Yuki. I want to make you happy and I realize that to do that. I have to give you Kiryu. I am willing. We will fix this." Kaname states. "Just find him, Kaname. Please." Yuki replies. "I will." Kaname responds.

That night Kaname has Yuki come down to the table for dinner. Taking a cue from Zero. Making sure she eats. They sit down at the table like a family. Kaname telling Takuma to please eat in the kitchen. He would like to have a quiet night with his family. That it was well needed. Takuma says no problem and makes himself scarce. They sit at the table the three of them. Trying to forget the things happening around them. Even if it's just for a night. Little Ai spending time with both her parents. Happy.

After dinner, Kaname takes them both to his Quarters. Putting Ai and Yuki in his bed. Getting ready himself. Making sure both of his girls were safe. Nothing would happen to either of them on his watch. He even has his familiar wolf at the end of the bed. Which Ai always gets a kick out of. Kaname gets in bed, Ai laying on one side and Yuki on the other of the large king size bed. He pushes Yuki close to him. Holding her tenderly in his arms. Kissing her head. She moves closer to him. Holding him tight. Looking up at him. "I am sorry." She says in a low sad tone. Kaname looks back and just nods. Excepting the apology. Seeing a different side to her. The one he knew when she was a girl. Maybe he was getting her back. Maybe they could be what they were supposed to be all these years. Instead of what they have turned into. Kaname had hope. But he knew he had to find Ren. If they didn't in time she would just deteriorate. Like she did when she thought she lost Zero. Kaname didn't want that to happen again. He didn't want to let it go like he did before. He learned from his lesson. He wanted to show her a better side of himself. Make her love him again. It looked like she was regretting a lot. Like she had some feelings for him again.

He just held her. Keeping things calm and peaceful. She falls asleep in his arms. And Ai on the other side. Out cold with the wolf. He had his family. The one true thing. He really cared about.

Vampire Knight Lover's Betrayal (#Watty2019) (#FloVamp2019) PT 1Where stories live. Discover now