Chapter 84

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Chapter 84 abduction

Kaname asks the Nanny. What took place? "I was going to put Ren down for his nap. When all of a sudden, I heard footsteps and I turned around. To see a tall man standing behind me. And all I remember then is something hitting my head." The Nanny says. Kaname looks on the floor to see a long pipe. "He must have hit you with this." Kaname remarks. "I think so. I don't know. How he got into the house. " The Nanny answers. "We will find out. You go back to the Manor and lay down. Get some rest. Ai will be coming back there. " Kaname remarks.

Serien walks into Ren's bedroom with Ai in her arms. Handing her over to Kaname. Who gladly takes her. Knowing she is fine, makes him feel relieved. He was worried. They were going to go after her as well. Which now he will guard her and makes sure no one touches her. "Serien I want you to take Ai to the Manor. We will also take Zero and Yuki there. They can not stay here. There is no protection here. The manor is in the middle of nowhere with high security. I should have known better than to make them stay here. I just saw that Yuki was so happy. I tried not to get in her way. Where I should of. Then I am a control freak. No matter which way I go. I lose." Kaname states. "Look My Lord. This isn't your fault. She knew what she was getting into. She wanted freedom. She got it, at a price. She should know better. She isn't a regular woman. She is a pureblood. All she ever did was defy you."Serien states. "I know. I hope. She has learned her lesson. I know. This will kill her. I don't want that.

"Hanabusa stop standing in the corner and get over here. I need you to check the blood. See if its Rens or the perp. Also, I need you to see how he got in. None of us where home, But the Nanny. So someone must have been staking out the place. Waiting for us to not be here to do this. " Kaname states. "Yes, Kaname. I will check everything for you. I am the man for the job. Anything you ask."Hanabusa states. Going over to the blood trail and taking samples.

"I need to talk to Zero to tell him. We need to get out of here. I know. He is busy with trying to calm Yuki down."Kaname states. "I will take Ai and the Nanny back to the manor. I will see they are both safe. You can handle Zero and Yuki." Serien comments.

Zero walks back into Ren's room looking at Kaname. "How is she?" Kaname asks. "Not good. She won't stop crying. Saying this is all her fault." Zero states. "I want you and her to go to the Manor. It's the safest spot for all of us. In one place. HIgh security. Here its open easy to get to."Kaname remarks. "Fine. I will gather up some things and Yuki and we will go. What do you know so far?" Zero asks. "Not much. He got in, knocked out the nanny and took Ren. I did notice that the blood is not the nannies though. That made me a little worried. I asked Hanabusa to take samples to see if its Rens. I am hoping it's not. I will be honest with you Zero. If it is. It doesn't look good for him. I am sorry." Kaname responds. "Don't tell Yuki. I don't need her to go into that place. I found her in. I won't be able to get her out of it this time." Zero comments. " I won't. I will only update you. You update her with whatever you feel is right. I do ask that you both listen to me. I need you both to stay at the manor if you want my protection. " Kaname replies. "We will. I want him found Kaname. I want him home." Zero answers. "I will do my best. I promise you that. I was worried something like this would happen. She was just so happy. "Kaname replies. "That's a bit over now. Now we just need to do everything we can to find him. To get him back." Zero states.

Zero goes back into there bedroom. Yuki laying on the bed still crying. Hugging her pillow and Ren's blanket. Beside herself. Not even noticing that Zero walked into the room. Zero goes over to the bed sitting on the edge, rubbing Yuki's back. "Babe, Kaname wants us to go to the Manor. It will be safer for us all there. We need to pack some things." Zero says. Noticing Yuki is somewhere else. Not even hearing him. Panic runs through him knowing if she went off the edge this time. She wouldn't come back. If they didn't find Ren, it would kill her. She loved Zero but Ren was her heart and soul. She adored him.

"Yuki, Please. I know you're upset, but I need you to stay with me. I can't lose you." Zero says. Yuki just looking at Zero sitting up and putting her arms around him. Holding him tight, Sobbing on his shoulder. "I know this hurts you. It hurts me too. We will find him. We have to have faith." Zero says. "It's all my fault. I should have known better. I just wanted something of you. Something made by us both. I am so sorry. " Yuki says tears streaming down her face. "Babe. You didn't do anything. We had a child. One we both wanted. It's just that people can't let things go. I am sorry also." Zero states. " You didn't do anything. I pushed you into this. You were innocent. It's all my doing. Maybe Kaname was right. Maybe you should just take Ren and go. Both of you would be safer. You would both be better without me." Yuki shouts. Running out the door." Yuki Stop. Come back." Zero says running after her.

Kaname just stands there watching. Knowing that Yuki is totally upset. Regretting everything she did. Having second thoughts about her and Zero's relationship and the child. Seeing she put them in danger. He doesn't say a word. He lets Zero handle it. It's not his place. He told her before she did this. It wasn't a good idea. Now you live with the consequences. It was a shame that an innocent child had to deal with it though. Even Kaname didn't like the idea. He got to like Ren a lot. Hoping the child was ok and he could get it home safely.

Zero runs after Yuki grabbing her and holding her tight. As she trembles in his arms. He sees she is falling apart. "Yuki I love you. We need to stick together on this. Its the only way we will get through it. I need you to be strong for me now." Zero says. Yuki doesn't say anything. Just looks up at him. " I need you to go get some things. So we can go to the Manor. Please." Zero states. Yuki does as she is told. Getting some things together. Leaving with Zero and Kaname to go back to the place she hated most. The Place she tried her best to get away from. Her sadness just takes over her. Sitting in the car. Looking out the window in utter despair.

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