Chapter 149

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Chapter 149 What's Next.

In the morning Zero gets up, he takes his shower. Letting the warm water flow down his body. Taking a minute to just relax and let go. Knowing that more is going to happen. It wasn't over yet. Just wondering what was next. Thinking to himself this is how Yuki lived for those years. Always in pain. Always hurting in one way or another. That her dear sweet Kaname would let this take place. Zero knew now more than ever, that Kaname was evil. This just proved it. If he can do this to the woman he loved so dearly. What would he do to someone else? Zero gets out of the shower drying himself off. Walking into the bedroom, Looking at Yuki in bed just waking up.

"How are you feeling now babe?" Zero asks. "A little better. My head still hurts and feels weird. Like I am trying to remember something. It feels so weird."Yuki says. Laying her head back down on the bed. "Just relax. Stay in bed. I will go get us some breakfast. You need your strength. I want you to get over whatever this is soon. So we can go back to being a family." Zero states. "I want the same." Yuki answers. "I will be back in a few." Zero replies.

Walking out of the door, down the hallway and down the stairs. Going To Kaname's office. Wanting to ask him what will be next. He wanted to be on the lookout this time. Instead of off graud.

"What can I help you with Zero?" Kaname says as Zero opens the door. "I am guessing you know what will be next. Since you lived through this once. What did she go through next? What shall I expect?" Zero snaps. "It seems to be going in order, next was her dying to sleep with you. Dreaming of you and coming to me. Her rough dark side taking over. It was a lot of fun in some ways. "Kaname asks. "You sick son of a bitch. You find that fun? She wanted me and you took advantage of it."Zero shouts. "Took Advantage? She was my wife. IF there was anyone she should be thinking about or making love to. It was me. NOt you! You always seem to forget that. At least she came to me. She didn't cheat. Its how we made Ai." Kaname replies. "Don't go thinking she will be coming to you this time around. I am here. She can do whatever she wants to me now. She doesn't need the imitation. Like she did back then."Zero huffs. "Well, aren't you so sure of yourself. You think you can handle her dark side. You think you can handle her in general? She is more then you think she is. She never got enough. She always wanted more. Even with the real you."Kaname snaps. "That may be true, but I can tame her. Where you cant. She cares what I think. She doesn't care what you think. There is a difference." Zero states. "Well good for you. Have fun with the next step."Kaname growls.

Zero hisses and walks away out of Kaname's office. Knowing too well what Yuki could be like in her dark stage. Hoping in reality that he could keep her away from Kaname. He didn't want her anywhere near him. Little less sleeping with him. She didn't need him now. He was there in person to give all of himself to her in any way she needed.

Zero goes to the kitchen grabbing some things for breakfast. Getting a tray and adding two cups of coffee, cut up fruit, Scrambled eggs and bacon. Carrying the tray up to his quarters.

"I am back Yuki. I got us some breakfast."Zero states. "Thank you. It smells good."Yuki replies. Zero walking over to the bed. Setting the tray down as he sits in front of Yuki. She sits up and looks at him. Giving him a slight smile. He sees how pale she is. How worn down. He just takes a deep breath and smiles back. They both sit there, Zero sipping on his coffee. Yuki just nibbling on the bacon. "Its great that at least now you can talk and you're somewhat back to yourself."Zero says. "Yes. Just if I remember right what is next is no better. I am scared Zero. I don't want to do anything to hurt you. I don't want to go against you. I just don't know if I can control myself. Its like I am in a dream and it just takes me away. I have no control over what I am seeing or doing."Yuki admits. "I know what is next also. Don't worry, I will be here to make sure you come to me with what is next. Not him. You don't need him anymore. The real thing is right in front of you. If its what you really want?" Zero asks. "How can you ask that? Of course, its what I want. I went through all this to get you. You're all I want. I don't need anything else as long as your here. I never craved anyone or thing as I do you." Yuki admits. "Then don't worry. We will get through this. I will not let you leave this room. I just hope you see me when it starts. Not that you have to go to him."Zero answers. "To be honest when I did go to him. I saw you." Looking down in shame. "I used him. My body was on fire and I needed a release. I needed you. My mind would get cloudy and all I saw in front of me was you." Yuki states. "Good, then we can use that now. When you start feeling it come on. Let me know. I am here for you in every way." Zero responds. "I know."

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