Chapter 22

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Chapter 22 Surprise.

The party lasts a few hours. Then Yagari and Kaien say their goodbyes, heading home. Kaname says. Happy Birthday and goes off to his office. Takuma goes to his room and Habuasa back to his lab. Leaving Zero and Yuki alone.

"I hope you had a great night," Yuki says. "It was very nice. I can't believe Kaname actually was nice. Even giving me a gift. I was a little shocked. When they were those socks. I guess. Everyone here thinks they are great huh?" Zero chuckles. "They are. I have one more surprise for you." Yuki states. "Yuki, you don't have to do anything more. I am more than happy, with what you already have given me."Zero states. "I know. I just like spoiling you." Yuki replies.

 Yuki grabs Zero's hand. Taking him outside in front of the house. Zero wondering. Where she is taking him now. She heads to one of there garages. Telling Zero To open the door. Zero uses the remote to pull up the garage door. To reveal a black Jeep. Brand new with a large red bow on top.

 "Yuki are you kidding me?" Zero asks. "Nope. I knew you would love it. It would be great when you go hunting. It's fast and can go up anything. It's so much better then you taking the bus or walking."Yuki admits. "I don't know what to say? I never got a present like this before. Are you sure?" Zero says. "Yes. More than sure. Why don't you take it for a spin?" Yuki says. Handing him the keys." Sure. Get in." Zero says.

 Backing out of the garage. Zero and Yuki go for a test spin. The Manor was huge. They had plenty of space to test drive and go crazy. Going over bumps like it was nothing. Going fast. Zero loved it. It turned him on. He never had anything like it. He never gave in to Material Goods. But he sure was now. Yuki was spoiling him. He loved it. They spend at least two hours riding the jeep. Zero and Yuki's hair flying in the wind. He looks over at her. She is smiling at him. The happiest he ever saw her. He knew he was doomed. He was more in love with her at this moment. Then he ever was. She managed to entwine herself in his heart. Even more then she did when she was a girl. He saw the goodness in her. The love she truly had for him. It was special. It was real.

They head back to the house. Parking the jeep back into the garage. Heading to the Kitchen, they sneak a piece of birthday cake. Sharing it. Giggling and talking. Just him and her.

 "I had a great time tonight. Thank you for making my birthday great. It would have never been that way. If it wasn't for you." Zero admits. "Anything for you. I wouldn't be here at all. If it wasn't for you. You're my white knight." Yuki says looking into his eyes. "I am glad. I could have helped with that." Zero answers. As they both smile at each other.

They head upstairs and get ready for bed. Zero filled with happiness. Something he hasn't really felt before. It was new, It felt good. Zero gets into bed waiting for Yuki. She comes in. Wearing a white satin nightie. No longer too big. Now fits just right. Hugging each curve of her body. Showing off. Her round ass and perky breasts. Zero just looks. Feeling himself get aroused. She slides into bed, up close against him. Her head on his chest, arms around his waist. He rubs her back. Feeling the satin nightie on his skin. Yuki can sense his arousal. She gets her thigh and rubs it against his erection. Taking Zero's breath away. She rubs up and down, using her thigh like a hand. At the same time, rubbing her own heat up against his thigh. He can feel her wetness. Which only increases his own desire. He notices, she still tries to keep her hands to herself and also her mouth. Which he desperately wants to kiss her.

 "Yuki look up at me,"Zero says in a low voice. Yuki shakes her head no. Looking down into his stomach. "Yuki. Look up." Zero repeats.

 She does as he asks. Her eyes Red with desire. Trying to keep herself in control. Looking at his face just makes her want him more. He pulls her up towards him. Aiming to kiss her. 

"Zero, please. If you kiss me. I am not sure. I can contain myself. It might let all my control go."Yuki says shaking. "I trust you. I want to kiss you. I dreamed about it for so long. I want to taste your lips on mine." Zero says. His heart beating fast.

 She can't deny him, As she feels the same. Dreaming of the same thing. Her body coming unglued in his arms. He pulls her closer and kisses her tenderly. Her eyes close. Taking in the softness of his lips.

The taste. She licks his lips before passionately kissing him. His hands roaming her body as she presses herself up against him. She moans lightly into his mouth. As she feels his erection move and presses against her heat. She rubs harder and faster. He keeps up with it. Getting harder as he feels himself getting ready to explode. His hand grabs her ass pushing her closer to him. He feels her shudder on top of him. Moaning into his mouth as they kiss so passionate, they can hardly breathe. He knows he got her to cum. He feels her wetness through her panties. He lets himself go. Her eyes turn redder, at the scent of his Seed. It's like her body knows and yearns for it. She tries to stay still and not react. She feels it on her thigh. The warmth of it. The sicky feeling spending on her. She wants more. But she knows she needs to behave. She closes her eyes. To let her body calm at the smell of him. It's driving her mad. Zero notices, that after he let go, she froze up. He just wasn't sure why. She lays on top of him. Not breaking there bond. Just trying to keep herself calm.

"What's wrong? " Zero asks. "Nothing. You feel so good." Yuki answers. "What happened after i...let go. You seem to change." Zero asks. "The smell of your seed. It sets me off. It's like a calling card. Making me want you more. Your seed seals the bond." Yuki admits. "Oh. I thought. I did something wrong." Zero says. "No! Not at all. It was great." Yuki admits. "You know you don't have to curb yourself. I am not scared of you. You can let go." Zero says. "No, Not yet. I do have to curb myself. I don't want to do anything to hurt you. I want to enjoy you and you me. We will get there. I promise. I really do enjoy your kisses. God, they felt so good. Better then I imaged."Yuki confesses. "Me too. So now we don't have to stop those right?" Zero asks. "No. I want a lot more of them Please." Yuki says. "Good, So do I," Zero says. Getting off the bed to clean up. 

Since the smell sets her off. He goes to wash up. Just thinking if this is so intense. What will the real action be like? He has never felt so hot, so much yearning before. He thinks he is getting ready to finally do it the right way. He wants so much more of her. He doesn't know if he can wait.

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