Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 Letters

After dinner and overstuffing himself, Zero heads to Kaname's office. He looks all around at all the most expensive things, that fill this house. Just one vase is equal to Zero's yearly paycheck. The whole place was intimating.

"What did you need Kaname?"Zero asks. 

" I wanted to Thank you for coming. I know, you really didn't have to take the job." Kaname replies.

 "No, I didn't. The money was too good to overlook though." Zero responds.

 "I'm sure." Kaname comments. 

"So why am I really here? " Zero asks.

" I am going, to be honest with you Zero. It's partly because I need you to guard this house. It has more to do with Yuki herself." Kaname admits.

 "What do you mean? It's been four years. She probably doesn't even remember me." Zero barks. 

" I so wish that was true," Kaname says. 

Sitting at his desk. Pouring himself another glass of wine. 

"Then get to it, why am I really here?" Zero huffs.

"I had you called because of Yuki. She hasn't been herself in quite some time. She has missed you since we left cross."Kaname admits.

 "Yea right. You don't have to bullshit me Kaname. I already took the job. The least you can do is be truthful If I'm going to be working for you."Zero says.

 "Zero do you realize? Just how hard that was for me to say? That my own wife is thinking of you? That she is out of her freaking mind because of you? DO you think I would lie about that?" Kaname snaps. 

Zero taken back. Not sure what to believe. Is he hearing this right?"Why didn't she just call or come to see me then?"Zero asks.

 "At first, I believe it was to protect me. She did care then, wanting to make me happy. Then the more she was falling apart. I kept her here, hidden. She did try to write to you. I had the maid take the letters. Never mailing them, just giving them to me."Kaname admits.

 "You bastard. You could of least sent her letters."Zero states. 

"Not these kinds, but I guess that doesn't matter now. Here are the letters for you to read. You should understand, how she feels about you from them."Kaname comments. 

"Why are you telling me this now?" Zero says 

"Because I feel, if I don't she will do something rash. Something we will all regret. No matter what you think, I do love her. She did love me once, but her feelings for you have taken over her."Kaname confesses.

 "So what do you want me to do about it?" Zero asks.

 "Anything you need to, anything she wants. Just fix her. Make her come back to life, only you can. She has no interested in anything. Not even our daughter."Kaname replies.

"I am not sure. I can fix that." Zero responds. 

"If you can't then no one can. You read the letters, you can see her tomorrow. It's getting late, I have a lot of work to do. I will be going out of town again. Do whatever you need to make her happy."Kaname explains.

 "Am I really guarding anything?" Zero asks.

 "Not really but you can keep your eye out. I do have a lot of enemies. It's always safer to be aware then caught off guard." Kaname responds.

 "Ok," Zero says. Walking out of Kaname's office and back to his quarters.

Once back at his quarters. He takes off his clothes putting them in the hamper. He heads to the shower. He puts the shower head on to reveal the most relaxing shower ever. Four jets showering his body. Not missing any part of him. He enjoys the warm water over his tall thin pale body. The water going over his Soft silver hair. He soaps up his whole body and rinses off. Washing his hair last before he gets out. Drying himself off with a large fluffy soft white towel. The softness just caressing his slender soft body. Hugging each delicious curve. He wraps the towel around his waist, heading back to his bed. Just taking a seat on the large king size bed, laying his head back on all the fluffy pillows.

 "That bastard sure knows how to live." Zero mumbles to himself. Going back to the talk in Kaname's office. "Was what he was saying true? Did she miss me? I better read these letters." Zero says.

Getting up and walking over to his dresser. He picks them up and brings them to the bed. Where he plops back down, opening the one dated the earliest. Zero notices the date is six months after, she left cross and him.

My dearest Zero.

I hope you are doing well. I know, I haven't spoken to you in a while. Things have been busy. I miss talking to you. I miss hearing your voice. Please write back, let me know everything is ok.

Love Yuki.

Zero sees nothing wrong with that letter. It seems normal enough, Zero keeps reading. The next few about the same. Talking about how Hanabusa trains her. How they were getting married all normal things. Just like they use to talk about nothing special. Then after about six months of letters and after her marriage to Kaname. Things start to change, then after about a year of letters, It gets totally different.

My dearest Zero,

My heart is breaking. You don't seem to write back to me. I am not sure you are getting these are not. I can't seem to stop writing them either way. You don't know what I am going through. MY feelings for you. Won't go away. You flood my dreams, I hunger for your blood and for your touch. I fear I made the wrong choice by coming here and leaving you. I knew I loved you then, but now I know it even more. My hurt hearts just thinking about you. I hope you have forgiven me. I swear, I had no idea. I was a vampire. I would have never kept that from you. I can't help what I am. Nor can I help how I feel. I never needed anyone more then I need you. I rather wither away then stay here. I just found out I am pregnant. I can't do this Zero, not without you. I don't want to have his baby. I wish it was yours. I wish I was with you. When the letters stop, It means I gave up. I can't live like this anymore. I will rather be dead.

Yours always and forever. Yuki.

Zero hurries and looks, how many more letters there were. Only about six more, then they stop. Getting deeper and deeper, how she feels towards him. How she can't take it anymore. The yearning in her body is driving her mad. Some of the things, she says don't even sound like her. She isn't the innocent little girl Zero once knew.

"Is this for real? This is how she feels about me? All the dreaming and yearning I had all these years? Did she feel the same? Kaname is playing me. This can't be true. Kaname is up to something. He would never hand these over and let me come here. Knowing this. He would have to be crazy. I will see when I see her tomorrow. I bet she doesn't even look at me." Zero says to himself.

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