Chapter 94

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Chapter 94 Zero thinking.

Zero leaves the room, once Yuki falls asleep. Leaving her to get some rest. His mind filled with anger and hate. Not at Yuki but those who have done this to them. Yuki said. She had lost it all. Zero really had. He sat outside in the garden to get away from it all. Sitting under a large full green tree. Like he use to at Cross. Just resting under it. Thinking of all he lost. His parents, His brother, His humanness, His son and now almost The woman he loved. What more could he go through? He was doing his best to hold it all in. To keep strong for Yuki. Not showing that inside. He is dying. HIs heart was as broken as hers, if not more. He wanted this life with her more than anything. He knew. He couldn't give in. He had to stay strong. The stoic, hot-headed, nasty ass that he plays. He would have to keep up. He still was that but with Yuki, he let go of a lot of it. Trying his best not to hide. How he felt about her. Not wanting her to ever think. He didn't care. Telling her he loved her. So she knew. That was a big thing for him. He normally would close himself off, keeping all his feelings to himself. He just wanted her to know his true ones. Knowing that when he hid them from her, he lost her. He didn't want that.

He knew to push forward. He would have to put the act back on. Keeping in the feelings of all his sadness and hurt. Not showing Kaname of all people. How hurt inside he really is. Kaname is the one who started all this. By taking his family away. All he ever knew. He wasn't going to show him, this was getting to him. What Yuki almost did today was something Zero would never forget. He also knew. She didn't forget the words. He said to her when she left. That if he ever saw her again, he would kill her. He knew deep down he never could. When she was holding that gun in his hands, He was shaking. The thoughts of her leaving him for good, ran through his mind. Making him start to cry. Something he hasn't done since before his parents were dead. He was dead inside. Empty. Hurt. Yet, Yuki could always bring feelings to his heart. She was the only person. To make him feel whole again. He almost lost that. He just couldn't let go of that thought. Taking bloody rose with him. Making sure not to leave it anywhere near Yuki again. If that trigger would of went off, It would have been the end of the life he knew. He would have nothing left in this world.

Zero also saw another side of Yuki, she was fighting with her inner demons. He saw her eyes glow red while talking to him. She was trying to fight her vampire side. He noticed that every time she was around him. She would. Never wanting him to see her true self. What was she hiding? Was it that bad? That horrible? That she rather die than let it come through? He knew a lot had taken place at this manor between Yuki and Kaname. He just didn't know the whole story. No one would tell him. He would just get bits and pieces. He knew he locked her up and kept her away. He also knew that Yuki defied him. She learned how to turn herself into many butterflies and slide out the window. Leaving the Manor, to go where she wanted. Even if it was for a short time. He wonders. What else she taught herself. He knew something had to be up anytime. Yuki wanted to end her life. This wasn't like the girl he knew. She was stubborn and never took no for answer. Following him all over school. Pressing that he would take her blood. So he wouldn't drop to level E. Not to mention when he tried to kill himself with the bloody rose. She stopped him. There was so much he didn't know. He just hoped that In time she would confide in him. Show him. The real her. He could except any part of her. He loved her. She took him as he was. He would do the same. Even though he knew Purebloods could be the most evil you could imagine. He never could see Yuki as that.

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