Chapter 35

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Chapter 35 Christmas Eve.

The next two weeks fly by, Zero and Yuki have a great time together. Shopping for Christmas. Being Just the two of them. Its the best time Either of them has ever had. The more they spend time together, the more they want each other There affections and desire hasn't faded at all. Just grown.

Yuki went out and got a ton of gifts for Ai. She made them all be wrapped and delivered to the Manor. Since they wouldn't have enough room to put them in the jeep. Yuki is sure, that Kaname put up his yearly tree. The way he likes it, and all his decorations. She really didn't care about that. She got to decorate with Zero. The only thing. She was upset over was she didn't get to include Ai. She would have loved to have her with them. Being a family. She could have stayed at the Manor and do what Kaname ordered. But she wanted to be her own person. to show him he can't control her. She needed some freedom. Even if it cost her. Once she would tell Zero her secret they would probably have to stay at the Manor for a while. Being Under Kaname's watchful eye. Till then, she wanted to be free. She wanted the life she felt she missed out on.

Yuki and Zero get dressed and ready to go to the Manor. It's Christmas Eve. Yuki isn't really happy to go but wants to see Ai. "Are you ok?" Zero asks. "Yea, I guess. I have no choice. I want to see Ai. He knows. He has her over my head. He will use her any chance he gets." Yuki states. "He isn't home with her anyway. I don't know why. He just couldn't let her come here. I know. I am not one of his favorite people. But he isn't hurting us. He is hurting the little girl. She would have a different life with us. One without a nanny. With a family." Zero answers. "I know. To hurt me, he will do this. I know me being with you, burns him. I knew it wasn't going to go all smoothly. He told us from the start. He wasn't going to let me go. I just wanted to be alone with you. Just us as a couple. Without Him and Takuma always watching to see what we do. I'm not a child. He doesn't seem to realize that yet." Yuki replies. "He will have to sooner or later. I am not going anywhere. He knows that. He will just have to deal. LIke I have to deal with him. Neither of us likes it. But to be with you, we have to get over it."Zero responds. "That is easier for you Since I love and want you. I am always with you. He only gets glimpses of that. When he says we have to have family time. It's Different." Yuki comments. "Him pushing you on him just pushed you further away. He hasn't learned that yet. For being an old man, here forever. He should know better." Zero responds. "I guess, We should be going. Get this over with. When we come home tonight we get to spend our own Christmas together. I can't wait for that." Yuki says. "Me either," Zero responds.

Zero and Yuki head to the jeep, driving over to the Manor. Listening to Christmas music and singing all the way there. Zero just watches. How happy she is with him. How she just glows. He hasn't seen her this happy ever. She just holds his hand while singing the tunes. Even though off-key, Zero can't help but smile.

Before they know it they are at the Manor. He see's Yuki take a deep long breath before getting out of the jeep. They walk up to the door just walking in. Yuki sees little Ai sitting on the floor playing in front of a huge decorated Christmas tree. All dressed up in a little plaid dress. Yuki runs to the little girl. Picking her up and giving her hugs and kisses. Kaname just sitting on the sofa reading his paper with his legs crossed. Watching.

Seeing that she came home for the day. Kaname doesn't see any of her bags. So he knows she is still planning on spending Christmas day alone with Zero.

"Glad you could make it Yuki." Kaname says. "I wouldn't miss watching Ai open her presents." Yuki states. "You did have a lot sent over for her. Spoiled her a lot this year." Kaname says. "Yes. I finally got out and about to be able to. I enjoyed it." Yuki responds. "If you say so. Dinner will be ready in a few. Will you be coming home after Christmas? Correct?" Kaname asks. "Yes." Yuki answers. "Good. Best news I heard all day." Kaname replies. Walking into the dining room. Zero picks up Ai and takes her to the dining room. Placing her in her high chair. Then taking his own seat right next to Yuki.

Dinner goes well without any disruptions. Kaname holds back and doesn't say what is on his mind. Acting in front of Ai like everything is normal wanting the child to have a nice day. He too loved her very much. He knew she needed her mother but at the same time, didn't want her to be with Zero. That thought of him raising his child. Bothered him even more, then him taking Yuki away from him. He was taking over his life. Little by little taking everything that Kaname held dear. He couldn't let that happen.

After dinner, they go back into the sitting room. Letting Ai open her presents. Yuki sitting along side of her, helping her. And Kaname there as well. Zero just sits on the sofa watching. Knowing this is their moment. Thier child. He knows he already rocked the boat enough. One day wasn't going to hurt anything. Let them have it. Let Ai have it. The little girl has a blast opening all her goodies. Not knowing what to play with first. Yuki getting her all kinds of things. Including a doll house. Which Zero helps put together. When all the gifts are opened. Kaname goes back into his office. Zero Yuki and Ai play with the new toys and put them together with her. Till she gets way too tired and needs to go to bed. Yuki and Zero tuck her in. Telling her goodnight. And that they will be seeing her in a few days. They close the door and head back downstairs.

Yuki goes into Kaname's Office to say goodbye. "I just wanted to say goodbye before I left. Thank you for letting us come over. I had a nice time. I think Ai did also." Yuki says. "You didn't have to come over. If you would stop with this nonsense. You could have been here the whole time. Spending the holiday season with your child. Instead of you play toy." Kaname barks. "I could have been with both of them If it wasn't for you. Your dumb ass jealousy."Yuki shouts back." You really think? I would let her go into that dump he calls an Apartment? Where was she going to sleep on the floor? Cold! Over my dead body." Kaname shouts. "It's not as bad as you are making it out to be. Not everyone needs 40 rooms and maids to survive!" Yuki barks back. "Maybe not, But heat is a good thing. Not to mention Hot water." Kaname responds. "How do you know? What the hell did you do? Go over there and check it out. Why can't you just be normal for once? " Yuki says. "You know me better than that. I needed to know. Where you would be bringing my child. Of Course, I checked it out. YOu have all this? and YOu want to go stay there. What the hell is wrong with you? From riches to rags. Really Yuki?" Kaname hisses. "You wouldn't know or understand. You don't have to be rich to be happy. Just be with the person you love. The one you trust. But you wouldn't know anything about trust would you." Yuki barks. "Don't go there. You are no better than me. When are you going to tell him Yuki? Your little pet. left in the dark. You think he isn't going to know you tricked him." Kaname states. "I didn't trick him. It was something I wanted for a long time. I didn't even know if it was going to work." Yuki answers. "Well, it did. You got what you wanted. Now what? Everyone else has to suffer because of it. Even your pet. " Kaname snarls. "Without you, no one is suffering. Your the only one in the way. The one that just can't see me happy. I don't care what you do or say. It's not taking me away from him this time. Not even using Ai against me. I'm sorry Kaname. but no more of you controlling me." Yuki comments. "We will see about that After you come clean. When you need me for the next step. Do you think he is going to go along with the next step? You do know what it entitles? He isn't ever going to let that happen." Kaname smirks. "You keep gloating over there. I will get what I want. I will have him, in every way possible. If you like it or not." Yuki answers.

"Oh, I got you a little something. I don't think you need them anymore. But figured I would give them to you anyway."Kaname says handing her a box. Yuki opens the box to find the three books. She hid in the tombs."So? You know. Am I suppose to care?" Yuki states. "Maybe you don't but lover boy might." Kaname grins. "Whatever dear brother. You really don't know who you are playing with. Do you?" Yuki answers. "I am seeing more and more. The wicked beast you have become." Kaname replies.

Yuki gives him an evil grin and walks out of the office. Not showing him, that anything he just told her bothered her. She was becoming him. She was better than him. He was so dumb. Didn't he realize? The only way to find those books was because she wanted him to find them. Little Kaname. IS off his game.

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