Chapter 136

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Chapter 136 its my Life.

Yuki stands there punching Sara in the face breaking her jaw. Letting her face look beaten and battered. She then pulls out her ribs One by one. As Sara fights back trying to pull Yuki away. Pulling at her hair. Ripping Yuki's hair out from the roots. Yet Yuki doesn't stop. She holds one of Sara's ribs in her hand. "Now what should I do with this one?"Yuki grins with an evil laugh."You are worse then Kaname."Sara states. "Yes, that may be true. It takes one to know one. I can't let you take over my life. You picked on the wrong person."Yuki States. As she gets the rib bone and slams it through Sara's heart. "I may not get to be the queen, but hell if I will let Kaname get what he wants."Sara yells as she gets up and throws a potion at Yuki. "May all he has done be revealed," Sara says while she throws the potion at Yuki.

Yuki not thinking anything of it. Just that Sara is crazy. As Yuki is standing there bleeding and beaten. Her hair and clothes in shambles. Kaname and Zero burst into the castle. Kaname going up to her putting his arms around her. "My love. Are you ok?" Kaname asks. "Yes. I'm fine." She replies. Seeing Zero and running to him. Into his arms. "Babe. What did she do to you? Are you ok?" Zero asks as he looks at her broken and beaten." I will be fine now."Yuki replies holding onto Zero for dear life. "Zero take her home. Serien and I will clean up here. Get Yuki medical help."Kaname states. Zero picks up Yuki carrying her to the car. Relieved that she is alive. She just kisses him as he puts her down into the car. Driving her back to the castle. "How did you find me?" Yuki asks. "Serien did, with the help of your details. She knew right away. Your hints were very helpful."Zero states. "I was hoping they would be." Yuki says taking a deep breath. "You defeated her? That took a lot Yuki." Zero says. "I did what I had to for my family. I couldn't let her win." Yuki answers.

Once back at the manor Zero carries Yuki up to there quarters. Laying her on the bed. Seeing her pretty banged in. Looking her over waiting for the dark side to come out. But noticing she isn't dark. She is normal. She is weak and tired. "Take my blood. It will help you heal."Zero says. "Yuki looking into his lavender eyes. Putting her arms around his neck. Lightly biting into his soft white flesh. Differently than before. So tenderly. Without any pain.

Once she has drank enough Zero goes to remove her torn ragged clothes. Yuki looking up at him with a blush on her cheeks. "Zero please don't look."Yuki says. "Babe, I have seen you naked tons of times. It's nothing."Zero responds. Seeing a different side to her. This wasn't the dark side that had no fears. No cares. It as more like the girl he knew at school. The Good Girl Yuki. He brought a towel from the bathroom to her. Wrapping her up in it. Letting her still wear her bra and panties. Going along with whatever this was. Just feeling she had been through a lot. Not knowing the full extent. Not wanting to hurt her.

He carries her to a warm bath, filled with lavender bath salts. "I won't look. You get in and tell me when I can open my eyes. Ok?" Zero says. "Ok."She replies. Taking off the towel. Then her bra and panties. Than Taking a seat in the warm tub water. "That feels so good. You Can look now." Yuki replies. "Yuki you have a lot of wounds. She really hurt you."Zero answers. "Yes, but I won. I am home. I missed you so much Zero. I never want to be away from you again." Yuki replies. "Same here. I was so worried about you. I am so glad you're ok."Zero comments. Washing Yuki up. He washes her hair and body. Going slow. Trying not to hurt her. Knowing she is very weak still.

After her bath, he carries her back to there bed. Where he dries her off. Handing her her underwear and nightie. He turns around so she can slide each of them on. "Zero you're coming to bed too? Please stay."Yuki says in a soft voice. "Of course. I'm not leaving you. "Zero responds.

Getting into bed right alongside of her. Holding her tight. Yuki moves her body over to his. Yet differently again. Her head goes on his chest. Her arms around his waist and her bottom half just on the side of him. Not over him or on him like normal. Zero knows something is wrong. Not in a bad way just really different. Where is the hot sexy Yuki? The one that her whole body would be on top of his? ALl over his? Is she just weaK? Tired? Or is it more?

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