Chapter 58

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Chapter 58 Moving in

A couple of weeks later the townhouse is done enough for Zero and Yuki to move in. Zero stays home from work. On the day of moving in. Kaname is off on a trip. So it's just him her and Ai. Kaname let them have there time. Since Yuki has been spending time with him. Once a week while he is home. They are getting along really well and he didn't want to ruin it. So he figured. He would give her this. Not even saying anything about her bringing AI. But the arrangement was, he would come when he was home. It was nice being able to be around each other. It did make things a little easier. She was just scared of what was going to take place after the child was born.

Zero and Yuki go to there new home. Yuki very happy. Zero happy as well. Yuki turned the dump into a very pretty comfty home. There super large kitchen was very nice with there sliding doors to enter their garden. Fireplaces in there bedrooms and downstairs. Hardwood floors in every room. It was a breath of fresh air. Comparing to what it used to be. Zero heads to the new kitchen to make them some dinner, as Yuki sets the table. Putting Ai in her high chair. Letting her eat dinner with them. Yuki's tummy bigger than ever. Zero just smiles looking at her. As he comes out with the food to place on the table. They sit down to there first meal in there new home. "Thank you for cooking Zero." Yuki states. "No problem. You don't really look Like your moving around so good lately." Zero responds. "No, it's getting harder. I get tired more easily. It won't be much longer. We will have our child. I can't wait for it Zero." Yuki says. rubbing her tummy. "Me either. Its great seeing you so happy. It's also nice to be in our own home. You did a great job."Zero states. "Thank you. I feel the same. I so wanted a place of our own. I know he will be here,  and there but it won't be like at the Manor. I am hoping things will get better." Yuki answers. "I have noticed that you two are nicer to each other. you spend more time together." Zero states. "Yes, we are trying. It's been better than what it was before. " Yuki states. "I wish we didn't have to have him in our lives." Zero hisses. "Me too. But we did know how it was going to be. This house is a step in the right direction." Yuki says.

They finish their dinner and put Ai to bed. Going to there own room. Taking their shower. Zero gets into his new King size bed. With overstuffed pillows and blankets. He puts the TV on while he is towel drying his hair. Yuki comes in and heads to the bed, where she gets in. Just watching him. "Whats wrong?" Zero asks. "Nothing. I am so happy with you." Yuki says smiling at him."Same here. "Zero replies getting into bed. Curling up against her. Rubbing her tummy. "Good night in their little one. I hope to meet you soon." Zero says. Yuki looking up into his eyes giving him a kiss. "I love you." Yuki says. "I love you too." He replies.

They Stay in each other's arms watching tv. Cuddling up real close. Zero not pushing anything sexual. He knows she is tired and huge at this moment. He is fine with just being close to her. Its all he needs. His need to protect her out weights anything else. He knows it will be soon this child will be here. He can't wait. Just the thought of having his own child makes him very happy. It was honestly something, he never thought. He would have. Once Yuki left Cross, Zero pretty much gave up on the family idea. He never got with another girl. The marriage, dating, and love really didn't enter his mind with anyone else. He just wanted her. If he couldn't have her. No one else would do. So laying here next to her, carrying his child Was his dream come true. That she loved him so much, She would die for him. Was unimaginable. He really got the woman he loved. The life he dreamed of.

He wasn't going to let Kaname take it away or ruin it. He knew he stepped into Kaname's life. That he ran it over and took it over. It made him feel happy to know he did. Also felt a little bad for Kaname at the same time. Feeling that he wouldn't want anyone to do that to him. He would knock out anyone who tried. Yuki was his. Yet he still had to share her with Kaname. That was something he thought he would never really get over. But if it meant he could live like this and have what he wanted. Then he would deal. It beat not having her at all and just dreaming. Every situation has its up and downs. This one had Kaname.

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