Chapter 113

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Chapter 113 Darkness

When its time for Zero to go home, He is still thinking about everything. Not knowing if he could handle any of it. How if what he is thinking is true. His wife is a Murder. Among other things. When she said she did things she regretted. It just made Zero wonder more. What did Kaname turn her into? Living with him, just made her even worse than him. To be honest, she was even eviler. She just knew how to hide it. Kaname was protecting her. Letting her get away with anything. Zero sat in his car and couldn't hate him for that. He wouldn't be able to turn her in either. He just couldn't believe someone so sweet, caring and loving. Would turn into this. The site of the Mayor was gruesome. It was worse than anything Zero has ever seen. And he had seen a lot. Even killed a lot. This just was the worse.

Zero gets home to Yuki in the kitchen with Ren in his high chair. Making dinner. Talking to him sweetly and her normal self. Zero just walks in trying his best to keep his mouth closed. Even though everything is bubbling up inside of him.

They sit down to dinner, Yuki her normal bubbly self. Zero just picking at his dinner as the site of her made him sick.."How can she sit there and act as if everything is ok?" He said to himself. "Yuki did you go to see Ai today." Zero asks.. "No, I had earns to run and things to do around the house. Maybe tomorrow. "Yuki states. "What really took place? I think. I know Yuki."Zero snaps. "Not in front of Ren, please. Can we finish our dinner and put him to bed. Before you start whatever you're going to?" Yuki asks."For the Sake of Ren yes." Zero replies. Being quiet for the rest of the dinner. Yuki knowing that Zero figured it out. Her heart hurting and scared of what he is going to do. Will he ever forgive her for either thing? I guess this would tell the tale.

After dinner, Yuki cleans up. Then they put Ren to bed tucking him into his Crib safely. Walking out into there own bedroom. Zero closing the door behind him. "Now, I know what you did." Zero states. "What did I do?" Yuki asks. "Ok play it that way. I know you were the one to kill the Mayor. Kaname just played a role in it but it was you. Then I'm not sure when. You gave yourself to him. You fucked him, didn't you? Its why you won't go near him. Or is it because he knows too much? " Zero blurts out coldly.

"Yes, I killed the Mayor. I couldn't let him come after our son or us again. I couldn't let him get away with what he did to us. Before I was able to tell you. Kaname stepped up and said he did it." Yuki states coldly. The Dark Yuki stepping right back up. Zero seeing her change in front of him. It was like the Dark Yuki was there to protect her now. When there were things Yuki couldn't handle. It was her other side. "How could you do that? What you did to him was brutal!" Zero shouts. "So? My Dear Native Zero. I am a pureblood. I can't just do something small. When I do it. I have to prove a point. I have to say it loud and clear. " She says in a dark tone. "And what were you trying to prove?" Zero asks. "Don't fuck with me. Or this will be you." Yuki says bluntly without even thinking. "So the dark you is here?" Zero says. "Of course. I haven't left. I just stay under her control till she needs me. Till things are out of her control and I can come out." Yuki states. "You screwed Kaname, didn't you. " Zero snaps. "Of course. I needed my full. I needed him. The power that was inside of me that night was incredible. I knew you wouldn't except or handle it. But he would. So? It's part of the agreement. He is my husband as well. You did tell me as long as it wasn't in front of you. Which I have to say, that would be hot." Yuki says with a dark laugh.

"What is wrong with you? Give me my wife back!" Zero shouts. "I am your wife. You just don't accept that. You don't want to see this side of me. I have desires that you are scared of. Kaname isn't. So wouldn't it be better to give you the soft gentle side you crave? And the rough beast side to him?" Yuki Smirks. "Damn it. He was right. You want us both."Zero answers. "Why not? This is a pureblood world. I can have you both. Not that either of you said no. To get me in your beds you both married me. Both did everything I wanted. Your just as much at blame as I am." She states. "I want my girl back, not this thing in front of me. She would never talk to me this way. Never think this." Zero huffs. "Why, You don't think she likes screwing you both? I do have to say. She fought it for a year and a half. Being your goodie goodie wife. Then I got to appear again and take over somewhat. Would you like for Kaname to watch as you screw me? Show him who is boss?" SHe says with an evil grin. "You're sick!" Zero shouts. "Am I? You need to let go some. Stop being so tense, Stop being such a baby." She states. Zero going over to her and shaking her." Give me my Yuki back." Zero replies. "Oh stop that, she will come back. When she feels you aren't mad at her. God forbid that. Oh, that's right your not use to this. She never turned on you. Just Kaname. This would only turn him on. Wanna play? Bet ya can't handle me like this. IS that what you are afraid of? Does Kaname have more power than you? Can he control me better than you?"She smirks. "Fuck Kaname. He doesn't have anything on me! You're trying to use him against me." Zero snaps. "I am trying to see if you are up to the challenge?" She says standing there boldly. Waiting to see Zero's responds. If he can handle her or not.

Zero standing there not sure what to think. If he walks away he is showing her that he can't handle this side of her. That Kaname wins. That when she gets like this, she will have to go to Kaname. Which makes Zero's blood boil. At the same time seeing her like this kills him. He isn't sure what to do, but the drive to not make Kaname win. Is there in full effect. Even after everything she has done.

He throughs Yuki against the wall ripping off her clothes. Kissing her roughly. She just hisses and she rips off his clothes and kisses him back. The roughness he is giving her only seems to turn her on more. He remembers the last time. How bruised he got from this. Not really wanting to head there. At the same time being turned on by this. Which confused him greatly. She throws him onto the bed. Licking his neck and taking his blood. Letting him do the same to her. Which only intensifies the heat between them. Making there love making if you will call it that, even more passionate. This lasts a few hours. Zero on a high he has never been on before. Seeing her full vampire self let out, let him finally let his own out. Seeing for the first time in their whole relationship she isn't scared to show him what she is. Giving him all she has. It's like it was another person there inside their bedroom. Even the rough dark Yuki wanted him though. She couldn't get enough. And to be honest with himself at the moment neither could he.

Vampire Knight Lover's Betrayal (#Watty2019) (#FloVamp2019) PT 1Where stories live. Discover now