Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 On the way.

A few hours later, Yagari decides to call Takuma.

 "Hello, Takuma. Zero decided to take the job." Yagari states. 

"That's wonderful news. Tell him to pack his things. That a car will be picking him up later today. To take him to the Manor, he won't need much. As this place has everything. In case there is something needed the staff will get it for him." Takuma replies.

 "I will let him know. I need to say one thing, don't screw with him. Anything happens to Zero, I will come there myself, you don't want to deal with me." Yagari comments.

 "We are not looking for any trouble. I assure you. This is just to take care of Yuki and the child."Takuma states.

 "It better be. "Yagari remarks. Hanging up the phone.

Yagari walks down the hall to Zero's office.

 "Zero they said to grab your things. A Car will be picking you up in a few hours. If you need anything, Just tell their staff. They will get it for you." Yagari states. 

"Thank you, Master. I will get ready. Did they say for how long I would be needed?" Zero asks. 

No. they didn't. I am sure once there you can ask all the questions you need to." Yagari responds. 

"True." Zero replies.

Zero goes back to his two-room apartment. Not really having much to pack. He just throws in a few clothes, underwear, his toothbrush, and socks. Then heading to his weapons. Making sure, he has Artemis and bloody rose. Not to mention, a few more Knives that he hides under his shirt and one in his sock. Always prepared for anything. He locks up the dump. Heading back to the Association, waiting for his pickup.

While waiting, he thinks about what he is doing. Is this the right choice? He hopes it is. When he would have to leave her again. Would it be any easier this time? Maybe he wouldn't feel the same about her now? Maybe the vampire in her would have taken over her? Like she said, and he wouldn't even want to be near her. He really wasn't sure, what to expect. He did know. He wasn't into seeing Kaname again. It was nice not having him in his life for four years. It was peaceful.

While he is waiting outside the Association, a limo pulls up to pick Zero up.

 "That bastard always has to make an entrance. Doesn't he." Zero says. 

But Kaname isn't the one to get out of the car. Takuma is. 

"Hello, Zero. It's very nice to see you." Takuma says.

 Takuma was the nicest vampire out of them all. He was always the one with reason. The one cordial and nice. He could deal with him. Anything was better than dealing with Kaname.

 "Hello, Takuma. It's nice to see you also. I never really thought, I would see any of you again." Zero admits. 

"Same, but life has a way of doing, what we never thought would happen," Takuma says. 

"True. Why am I being needed really?" Zero asks.

 "Kaname will explain all that to you. I am here to pick you up. Making sure you get there safely. He wanted you greeted by someone you would trust."Takuma states.

 "He knew, I didn't want to see him. " Zero responds. 

"Yes," Takuma says. "Did the old coot change much?" Zero asks.

 "No. He is still the same. " Takuma says. 

"Still a mutilative bastard? I thought so. How is Yuki?" Zero asks.

 "Yuki isn't the same. You will see a lot has changed. To be honest with you, It's best you see for yourself." Takuma says. 

"Did he hurt her?" Zero snaps. 

"No. Whatever she is going through, Is her own doing. You would have to ask her yourself to find out, what is really going on with her. No one really knows." Takuma states.

Zero just sits in the car, thinking. "What the hell are they talking about? I guess, I will see. When I get there."

 Zero has a bit of a wait. Since the Manor is hidden in the woods at least two hours away from the Association. Hidden so deep, if you haven't been there before. There was no finding it. That was done on purpose for protection. As they get closer Takuma even blindfolds Zero. So he can't tell. Where he is going.

"I am sorry for this Zero. It's for your protection and theirs." Takuma says. 

"Whatever," Zero responds.

 Knowing where he is going anyway. Zero was a hunter. He had very good instincts. They was no hiding. Where they were going with him. He could tell which way they were going. He just kept silent. Going along with Takuma's stupid idea.

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