Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 Kaname returns

The next morning comes fast, As Yuki and Zero just lay there in each other's arms. Yuki's face a site. Swollen and red from a night of sadness. Seeing her like this just makes Zero upset. He just knows. He needs to put on a brave face. So she feels everything will be ok.

"Time to get up for breakfast Yuki," Zero says. "I'm not hungry." Yuki replies in a soft low tone."None of that. Remember our deal? You need to eat. No missing any meals. You are finally putting on some weight."Zero says. "I know, but I don't really feel like it."She replies just putting her head back down.

 Zero sees a flash of depression creeping back in. He knows he has to make that stop. 

"We have to get up. We have therapy in the pool today."He says picking her up into his arms. She just lays her head on his shoulder. Snuggling close to him. "You need to put your bathing suit on. So we can go. I will give you some privacy."Zero says. Putting her down gently. Walking out of the room. 

He waits a few minutes then heads back in. Yuki doesn't put on a regular suit. She is shy about her skinny body. So she wears a t-shirt and shorts. Trying to cover the way too slender body. The first time she did this. It didn't hide anything. Just showed it more. Just how big the shirt and shorts where on her body. Each day Zero sees that getting better. Her body filling out a little more. Getting toner from the exercise. Looking better. He knows he can't stop the progress. He doesn't want her to fall back into that rut. Rotting away. He walks in, Picking her up again. Just to make her happy. Not really because he has to anymore. and carries her to the pool. Telling Berta to serve breakfast outside today. He makes sure. She has some fruit and at least an egg. He sees she isn't really into it. Just doing it to make him happy. She is quiet and low. She changed from coming out of her shell to now heading right back into it.

"Ok, Yuki. Pool time. Zero takes off his shirt. Just being in his Swim Trunks. He hasn't done this before. He is just trying to get her attention off of Kaname coming home. She just watches as he removes his shirt. Her eyes open wide. He grabs her hand and takes her to the pool. Helping her in. Doing their regular exercises. The Sun and water just glistening off his slender now tan chest. He sees her just staring at him. He hasn't given her blood again. As he is trying not to stir the sexual desires up. Trying for her to regain her strength without that in the way. But a little teasing shouldn't hurt. He holds her hand letting her walk to him. Holding her in his arms. She can't help herself. She lays her head on his naked chest. Her arms on his wet strong back. She gives out a light moan. As she closes her eyes and takes in his scent. He lets her stay like that for a while before they return to therapy. She doesn't make any moves. She behaves herself and so does he.

They spend the rest of the day together. Zero doing his best. Getting her to laugh here and there. Letting her forget about him coming home tonight.

Dinner time arrives and Yuki isn't herself. She is very restless. She puts on a black dress with black heels brushing her hair. Getting ready for whatever takes place tonight. Zero heads to her door. To get her for dinner, seeing she dressed up and looks nice. She just smiles at him. While they walk down the stairs. Holding each other's hand, they then walk into the dining room holding hands. Where Kaname, Takuma, and Hanabusa are already seated. Kaname's eyes look up. Straight at Yuki. Hers darting straight at him.

"My dear. I see you are up and walking around. How wonderful." Kaname says. Yuki taking a seat at the table. Zero doing the same. She just smiles. Taking Zero's hand back into hers. "I knew that Kiryu would bring you back my dear," Kaname adds. "Yes. he is doing everything he can. To make me better." Yuki answers. "I knew he would. I am glad. It's nice seeing you up and about."Kaname replies. Yuki's handshakes under the table. Zero noticing it. Zero doesn't say much. He doesn't want to rock the boat in front of Yuki. He knew she was upset enough. He didn't want to make it worse. He would talk to Kaname alone and in private later.

The dinner goes well. Nothing major takes place. Kaname Sees, how Yuki looks at Zero. How she stays close to him. She isn't mean to Kaname but she isn't loving either. She is neutral. Kaname also knows not to start anything. Its only been two weeks. She isn't back fully. Anything could set her off again. He knew he could do that to her in a heartbeat. Zero tells Yuki to head upstairs to bed. That he will be there in a few minutes. He was going to get them, Dessert. When he sees her head to her room. He walks to Kaname's office. Knocking on the door.

"Come in Zero." Kaname already knowing Zero was out there. "I see. You got her to come back. I knew you would do the job." Kaname states. "Yea. After you completely tore her down. She is terrified of you."Zero huffs. "There is no need for her to be afraid of me Zero. I never hurt her."Kaname remarks. "No just lock her away. She is scared you're going to make me go home. Send me away. Are you?" Zero asks. "No. It's been two weeks. She needs more than that. If I sent you home now, she would only go back into her shell. I am not that stupid Zero." Kaname remarks. "Yea but you are that evil." Zero grunts. "Don't let that innocent act fool you Zero. She is anything but Innocent anymore. Hasn't she ravished you yet?" Kaname asks. "What the hell kind of question is that? You're her husband. You think I would sleep with her?"Zero shouts. "You may be a gentleman. But she isn't a lady when it comes to you."Kaname barks. "Watch it! I Don't know what your playing, but she isn't like that." Zero snaps. "You don't know her. Have you given her blood?" Kaname asks. "Yes once. She didn't come on to me. Just stayed close."Zero answers. "Wait. It was only once. She was pretty weak. You just wait. Why do you think I said anything it took to make her better?" Kaname asks. "Because you're an evil bastard." Zero answers. "Yes maybe. But I know what's coming. I am not dumb. Or in denial." Kaname comments. "Why are you so into her screwing me. Does it turn you on that much?" Zero barks. "No, not at all. It makes my skin crawl. I just know how she truly feels about you. How she would come to my room. Doing things to me you wouldn't imagine. Thinking it was you. Granted it was fun. But not the way I wanted. I wanted those actions to be for me. NOT you! How the thought of you drove her insane." Kaname admits. "I think you just take out the bad part of her. She isn't like that. If she is. She hasn't done anything to me but hugs, and holding me tight. Not to mention, whatever we do in our bed is our business. Not yours!" Zero hisses. "She is still my wife. So it does concern me. This whole thing Concerns me. Do you think I like the idea of having you here? Having you in her bed? Knowing that at any time. She will claim you." Kaname asks. "If you wouldn't have been an ass from the start. Maybe this wouldn't be happening now. You created this mess. Why didn't you just leave her at Cross? She was happy there. You had to whisk her away to this place. Hiding her. Did it get you anywhere? You got lucky with her and had a baby, and she hates you for it all." Zero states. "Blame me for everything Zero. It's always my fault. She had a say in this as well. It wasn't only my doing. If she knew she felt like this about you. She shouldn't have come with me. She was good hearted and thought things would have been ok. It was for a while. It was great. Then changed. She pushed herself away from me. " Kaname remarks. "I wonder why. Knowing you. "Zero answers. "Keep blaming me. If that makes you happy. Anyway, I will be leaving again shortly. So, I am sure that will make you both happy. Just keep bringing her back to herself." Kaname states.

Zero walks out of Kaname's office. The words he spoke about Yuki, Zero not knowing whether to believe or not. She hasn't done anything to him. Not like what Kaname was explaining. He felt the same way towards her. He didn't think anything wrong with it. Just a little shocked she felt that way. He was happy Kaname was leaving again. It would give them time to be together in peace. Time for him to get her back on her feet. She was at peace when Kaname wasn't there. Him being around was heading in the wrong direction.

He went up to her room bringing the ice cream and a bunch of goodies. Walking over to the bed handing her, her spoon. As he sits on the bed. She just smiles. Not even asking what took him so long. She was scared of the answer. They just talk about regular things. About what they are going to do tomorrow. Eating their ice cream.

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