Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 Rebuilding

It's been two weeks, Zero has been taking care of Yuki. Making her eat and giving her therapy. He even takes her in the pool each day. Letting her use her legs to walk to him, in the water. Helping to build her strength. He is always with her. Never leaving her side. Letting her know, that he is there for her. They have become, what they once were. Best friends. Nothing sexual has taken place. Hugs, and holding each other close, like they use to, but nothing more. He sees her doing a lot better. She is eating more and can stand and walk some. She does prefer Zero Carrying her around though. She seems to take advantage of that. Just so she could be that close to him. He doesn't really mind though. He is just glad to see parts of her old self back. Yet there are parts that are still sad and scared. Zero working on that too.

Takuma is Kaname's spy. He watches everything that takes place. How close Yuki has gotten to Zero. How they talk and interact together. How he doesn't leave her side. He also noticed how Yuki is coming back. How she is happy again. Zero brings out the good in her. He also sees that the Yuki that was with Kaname isn't back. The parts that went dark, filled with hatred. Zero hasn't seen that part yet. Takuma wasn't sure if he would. Or that was just what Kaname took out in her. There was a lot hidden between the two. Four years is a long time. Things just didn't become this way. There were many things that caused it. She seemed to go back to being the innocent little Yuki around Zero. She hasn't been that in at least three years. Takuma wasn's sure if it was Zero, that brought her back to the person. She use to be. Or she was hiding it, not to scare him off. Either way, Takuma was keeping his eyes open. Intending on letting Kaname know it all.

"Zero if I may have a word with you?" Takuma says." Sure. What's wrong?" Zero asks. "Nothing, I just wanted to let you know. That Kaname will be coming home tomorrow. You may want to tell Yuki. She hasn't seen him since she woke. It might be best coming from you."Takuma states. "I will tell her later after dinner. Normally, she always loved to hear, he would be around. She use to throw herself at him. Get all goggly. It was awful."Zero says. "That was school days Zero. They have been a married couple for four years. Two of them being disturbing. I think. She is past the teen crush phase."Takuma answers."I still can't see any of this. It doesn't seem real."Zero remarks. "A lot happened Zero. You were the main cause but there were other reasons."Takuma replies. "If you say so. He isn't going to get in the way of things. When he comes home. Is he? Its been a pleasure without him." Zero admits. "No, I doubt he will get in the way. He won't be staying that long anyway. He goes away often so you will have free range." Takuma comments. "Good."Zero replies.

Zero takes Yuki to the dining room. They eat and enjoy there evening, after dinner, they go to Ai's room To tuck her into bed. Zero has been letting Yuki, see more and more of her. To try to build a relationship. Make her there for the child. He goes to, not minding the child at all. They tuck her in and read her a story. Then head off to there own room. Zero picks her up midway to carry her the rest of the way.

"I see you like carrying me as well?" Zero says. "Yes. I kinda got used to it. I am glad you are walking on your own though. I am also glad your doing better."Zero says. "I am so glad your here Zero. It makes me at peace."Yuki admits. "Me too. I am glad I came. I don't want to think. What would have happened, if I didn't."Zero responds. Walking into the bedroom. Placing Yuki on the bed. "I have something to tell you Yuki," Zero says. "What?" She responds. "Kaname is coming home tomorrow," Zero announces. Yuki's face goes pale. Her eyes are dark. Panic written all over her. "Yuki are you ok?" Zero says rushing over to her." No. He is going to make you go home. He is going to take you away from me." She says panicking. Freaking out. Tears streaming down her face. 

So upset, she tries to get up from the bed but she falls. Her legs going limp. Landing right on her bottom.

 "Yuki stop. It's going to be ok. I promise." Zero says. Picking her up into his arms. "No. It won't be. He isn't going to let you stay here. He will find some way to ruin this. Some way to take you away. I will never see you again." Yuki Cries.

 Zero doing his best to calm her, but she seems to only get worse. In all the years Zero knew her. He has never seen her like this. She also never had this reaction to Kaname.

"Yuki he is the one who asked me to come here. He said. I could stay. We are ok for now. You need to calm down and relax. This isn't good for you." Zero replies.

Yuki doesn't answer. She just holds Zero closer to her. Crying. Feeling this wasn't going to last. Somehow. Some way. Kaname would make this end with him being the winner. Kaname never accepted defeat. He wouldn't now either. Yuki just shakes in Zero's arms. Her pain and panic are very evident. Scared that her love will be taken away. Just for good this time. Zero tries to let her lay down. Holding her in his arms all night. She doesn't get any sleep. She just thinks about, what Kaname might do. Maybe not today but in the future. How these two weeks were a dream come true, but for how long? The reality of her life flooding back to her. All she can do is cry.

Zero feels the tears on his chest. How she just lays there on his chest sobbing. He knew the concerns she had. He had the same ones. Just trying not to show her. To make things worse. He knew what Kaname was. He just was going to wait and see. How they interacted when he came home. What he said and did. Kaname said do whatever it takes to bring her back. He didn't think, he would send him home just yet. She wasn't fully herself. Not to mention sending him home now would put her right back where she was. Just this time, she wouldn't come out of it. He knew if nothing else. Kaname didn't want that. If he did. He wouldn't have called him at all. He would of just let her rot away. So Zero had something on his side. He also knew. He was going to have to think of something for the future. They couldn't stay here. Yet how was he going to take her away? That wouldn't be too easy. He also didn't know. What Kaname's Long run plan was. He knew there had to be something Just not exactly what.

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