Chapter 128

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Chapter 128

After the morning they shared, they both got up. Kaname getting ready for his daily work in his office. Yuki going to spend time with Ai. Kaname was happy and at peace. Hoping this would stay, and grow into even more then it was at the second. Not even caring that he had to share her with Zero. If that is how it had to be, so be it. What they shared this morning made up for everything. He had his love. It's all that mattered.

When its time for lunch they sit down outside in the garden, Yuki bringing out a little picnic. Laying a blanket down on the lawn and sitting down. Kaname following suit. Little Ai with them. They eat their sandwiches and spend time together as a family. Something they haven't done in ages. "Yuki this is what I want us to be. I am so glad we can get back here. Maybe in time be better than what we were. Different. No more lies. No more holding the other back."Kaname states. "I would like that. You accept me for what I really am. I want to give Ai a regular family. Both parents that can at least be in the same room together. You do know that this includes Zero?"Yuki states. "But of course. Who could forget Kiryu? At this stage, if it means I will have you the way I want you. I accept Kiryu. He makes you happy. To be honest he tames you. It makes it best for both of us."Kaname admits.

"He is the only thing that can tame me. That doesn't mean. I will let him or you walk over me. I will not be locked up by either of you anymore. I am tired of it. Either you both accept what I am. Or I can't be with you."Yuki hisses. "Well, you already know that I accept you. Does he?"Kaname asks. "He has been doing better. He even let the dark side stay. He didn't say too much about me bringing you into our bed either. So I feel things are growing. " Yuki answers. "You know as well as I do. Even if he didn't accept it. Your not letting him go. I know better than that. No matter how tough you're trying to be. You would give me up faster than you ever give him up."Kaname comments. "I hate that you know me so well. There is just something about him. I can't help it. Its what started all this. I love him no matter what."Yuki confesses. "I know. So be it. We have gone this far. We are all married. Now we just need to live like we are and be happy with it. Not fight it."Kaname states. "You mean it?" Yuki asks. "Yes. You will just have to get Kiryu to go along with it. I am fine with whatever you do. As long as you include me. So we can spend time like this together as a family. Not only the sex Yuki. Yes, I love being that close to you. But that isn't all I want. I want a family. Me you and Ai. I always wanted that. Its why I pushed her on you."Kaname admits. "I know. It's just not us anymore. It's Ren and Zero." Yuki states. "I know. I don't mind having family dinners with them as well. We can combine our families. Be one. Like we are supposed to be."Kaname says. "We just have to let Zero see it this way. I am sure it will take time. But we will get there. Its been a great afternoon with you Kaname. Thank you for everything."Yuki answers.

When lunch is over its getting late and Yuki needs to head home to get dinner ready for Ren and Zero. Feeling at peace that she and Kaname are now at a place where they can be together without any hate or fights. It was nice. it was a start. "I will be leaving now Kaname. I have to go home." Yuki says. "Ok, my love. You be careful. I hope to see you soon?" Kaname asks. "Yes later in the week. I can come to see you and Ai?"Yuki replies. "Yes, that will be great. We can do something together. Something nice."Kaname answers. "You are getting rid of her tonight right?" Yuki says looking deep into his eyes. Hers turning red. Kaname knowing that the dark one is still there. "Yes. I promise she will be gone. No more messing around with her." Kaname responds. "You better. Don't let me come here and find her again. It won't be pretty." Yuki states. "I am not sure if I like you like this or not."Kaname says with an evil grin. "Who are you kidding. You love it."Yuki says with a smile. Kissing him tenderly on his lips. Making it linger. Kaname's arms wrap around her. Holding her tight. Pushing her body closer to him. Not wanting to let her go. "I have to go. I will see you later this week."Yuki says. "I wish you didn't have to go."Kaname replies. "We are getting there. Slow remember?" Yuki answers. "Yes. Be safe."Kaname says. Watching her get into the car and drive away.

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