Chapter 77

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Chapter 77 Daily Life

At the end of the week. Zero had to go away on another trip. Which left the day for Kaname. He was coming over bright and early. To spend the day with his girls and even Ren. They have been doing this for months now. Making Yuki and Kaname's relationship a bit better. A bit stronger. Not as violent as it use to be. Yuki keeps her word in spending the night in Kaname's bed. When Zero is away. Kaname also keeps his, by not forcing himself on her. Enjoying what she offers. Laying there being close and her goodnight kiss. It makes Kaname feel, he can work on getting her closer in time. He knows he has forever and has taken a step back. Instead of pushing and forcing. He noticed that wasn't getting him anywhere.

When Zero leaves, Kaname shows up. Heading to his quarters at the start. Spending a few hours taking care of work. While Yuki got the kids up and ready for the day. Yuki getting Ai ready for Preschool.

"Kaname." Yuki saying knocking on his door. "Yes, my dear? What's the matter?" Kaname asks. "I was wondering if you would like to drop Ai off at preschool? I think she would like that." Yuki asks. " Sure, that would be lovely. Let me get my jacket." Kaname replies. Getting his jacket and heading downstairs. Picking the little girl up carrying her to the car. "Don't you look adorable with that little backpack." Kaname states. "Smiling at Yuki. Who is holding Baby Ren in his arms. "Father, I been using this backpack for a while now." Ai responds. "I know. Its the first time, I saw it on you. It looks so cute. You look like a big such a girl." Kaname states. "I am a big girl father. I am three and half." Ai responds. "Oh yes. I know." Kaname comments. Smiling at Yuki. They get to the preschool. Where parents and kids are all around. heading into the building. "Father, will you take me in today? Normally daddy does."Ai states. "Of course. I will take you in." Kaname says. Taking her hand and walking proudly into the building. Yuki waits in the car with Ren. Just smiling at Kaname as he walks back into the car about ten minutes later.

"Wow, that took you a bit." Yuki says."Why yes. She had to introduce me to her class. Telling everyone. I am her father. And Zero is daddy. That she has two daddies. She seemed really happy, telling the class this. I wasn't going to spoil it for her. " Kaname says. "Did you mind about the two daddys?" Yuki asks. "No, not really. She is happy. It's all I could ask for. She did tell them. I am her real father. Daddy Zero picked her. To be honest with you I think she has a crush on him as well. Not sure what my girls are seeing in him. But anyway they are both happy. So, I am as well." Kaname remarks. "Yes, she does have a crush on him. He takes her here every morning. He gives her a lot of time and attention. The attention she craves from you." Yuki admits. "I know. I'm not always here for you or her. I am busy trying to save the world. I can't be in two places. I will try to be here more often. In a way, its good that Zero is here. He picks up the slack. He does this every morning?" Kaname asks. "Yes, every morning before work. He use to pick her up as well when I first had Ren. Now I pick her up and he takes her. We share it. Maybe on your days off. You should. "Yuki states. "That's fine. Just let me know the time and I will do it."Kaname answers. "Sounds good. She will be very happy. I need to go on a few errands. Do you mind coming with me? Or do you want me to drop you home?" Yuki asks. "No, I will come with you. I want to spend as much time with you as I can." Kaname states. "Ok. Off to the supermarket, we go." Yuki remarks.

Kaname drives Yuki to the supermarket. Kaname lost. He isn't used to this. He has maids and servants that do this for him. They pull up into the parking lot. Getting out and placing baby Ren into the Shopping Cart. Kaname taking it and driving it. While Yuki is walking on the side of him. They enter the store. Where Kaname is just floored. "They have a lot of stuff in here."Kaname states. "Its a supermarket. Of course, they do. You really do need to get out more." Yuki says. "I am seeing this." Kaname returns.

Yuki puts things on her list for dinner and snacks into the cart. While Kaname is putting everything and anything in the cart that looks good to him. "Are you really going to eat all this?" Yuki asks. "If I don't you will." Kaname Chuckles. Yuki just shaking her head at him. They continue to walk around the store picking up items. Kaname has a cart of his own now. Filled with all the things he wants to try.

They get up to the cash register. Where they pay. Yuki packing the bags up. Kaname starts to help. Putting them into the cart. Yuki not believing how Kaname just adjusted to this. Mr. fancy pants. Wearing a black suit and tie. Bagging his own food. She can't help but smile at him. They pack the car and head home.

Now having to unpack the car. Which Kaname does without any issues or complaints. Being a regular family man. For the first time in his whole life. And it didn't bother him at all. He actually loved it. They keep all the food together. Cleaning up and getting Ren something to eat. Yuki also makes them some lunch. Sitting in the kitchen talking and eating. Having a really nice time. Kaname puts his hand on her's and she just squeezes it in return. Kaname happy she didn't push away. They spend the rest of the afternoon together.

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