Chapter 96

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Chapter 96 Interrogation.

A few days go by, Seiren comes to the Manor. Bringing Thomas to the dungeons. Then going to Kaname's office to let him know he is here. "My Lord. Thomas is in the dungeon. You can interrogate him at any time." Serien says. "Thank you. I will let the others know. Did anyone see you take him?" Kaname asks. "No. There wasn't even anyone around. He was in the middle of nowhere. Trying to keep himself hidden. It just didn't work. I found him." Serien states. "I know. That's why I asked you. I knew if anyone could find him it was you. You are very good at what you do." Kaname answers. "Why, Thank you, My lord. I will be going now. If you need me for anything else. Just let me know." Serien replies. Walking out of the office.

Kaname goes into the dining room, Where Zero and Yuki are sitting. Having some lunch. "Sorry to disturb you both. But the person we need to talk to. Is here." Kaname remarks. "Great. "I will be right there." Yuki states. Looking darkly at Kaname. Kaname takes a deep breathe knowing what the real Yuki is like. Just wondering if she will let it out in front of her dear darling Zero. Will she hold back? Or go, full bitch? Kaname can't wait to see. He also knows what comes with this. Her deep dark desires. He knows she won't show them to Zero. He will be expecting her visit soon.

"Zero you don't have to come to this. You can wait here." Yuki says. "No, this is my son also Yuki. I want to be there. I want to hear what he has to say first hand." Zero says. "Are you sure? You are ready for anything that takes place down there?" Yuki asks. "Yes. I told you. There isn't anything you can say or do. That will make me change. How I feel about you." Zero answers. "Careful with that statement Zero. You haven't seen anything yet. Just always remember. I do love you. Anything I do in this form. I can't control all of it. Some takes over and I just follow my vampire instincts. If I do anything to hurt you. I am truly sorry." Yuki says. Walking away. Zero standing there, a little unsure of what he is going to witness. Not really knowing, what she is going to do.

She walks in front of him, giving off a different Arora. Kaname in the back of them. Just Smiling from ear to ear. Letting Yuki take the lead. Just watching as she glides down the stairs into the dungeon. Her eyes turning red at the smell of Thomas. Locked up in a cell.

"You too. Stand there. He is mine!"Yuki growls. Opening the cell door. To get a better look at Thomas, who is sitting on the floor in terror. Of the two purebloods before him. Not to mention the Vampire hunter.

"So you took my Ren?" Yuki says in a cold dry voice. Eyes red as fire. Thomas not answering. "You know you're not answering me. Isn't going to help you in any way. If I lose my temper. You lose your balls. I just want you to think about that Thomas."Yuki says bluntly. Zero's eyes widen at what he just heard. He Never thought something like that. Would come from her. He looks over at Kaname. Who just smirks. Zero sees this is not the first time for him.

"I would do as she asks. She isn't playing with you." Kaname states. "If I tell you, I die anyway. He will never make me live." Thomas answers. "Well, You can die smoothly or painfully. Very Very painfully for that matter." Yuki says. Pulling out one of his Teeth. Then watching it as she throws it on the floor. Zero taken back wanting to help this man, then knowing he is the one who took his child. He stands back. "So I will ask you again. You took Ren?" Yuki says. "Yes, my lady I did." Thomas answers. "Who hired you?" Yuki asks. Thomas gets quiet again. Not wanting to answer that one. Yuki goes over to him, Placing her hand on his lap. "Do you think I am playing with you?" Yuki asks. "No, my lady." He answers. "Then I would wisely answer the question. Or I will do as I said." Yuki replies. Thomas still not answering her question. "Fine then. Don't say I didn't warn you." Yuki comments. Grabbing his balls in her hands and yanking them off. Handing them to him in his hand. "You won't be needing them. NOW answer my question before you lose the one sitting in front of those!" Yuki shouts..

Zero and Kaname both feeling a little uncomfortable. Feeling Thomas's pain. Zero a little scared Of Yuki a the moment. Never thinking she would go this far. This really wasn't the Yuki he knew. That was a very unpleasant scene to watch. Yet Yuki didn't flicker an eyelash. Kaname and he did. But not her. She wouldn't let up. He was fearless.

Thomas bleeding and in major shock. Never thinking she would do as she said. "Do you want to me to remove your penis next?" Yuki says without flicking an eyelash."No, my lady, please. The Mayor Hired me. He told me to take the child. To Make sure No one was home. To bring Ren to him. I did as he said."Thomas answers. "Now was that so hard? That might of just saved your manhood. Even though children will never be happening in your future. The Mayor isn't the only one, who can be in charge of that!" Yuki snaps. "Where did the Major take Ren? I would answer wisely if I were you. You're losing a good amount of blood. You wouldn't want to lose more. Would you?" Yuki asks. "No, My lady. He took him to some man named Alex. He is a doctor. He lives in a cabin deep in the woods. He is also a pureblood." Thomas answers. Holding himself. "Good. I will not harm you for now. I will need to make sure all your information is true. Don't let me find any of that was false. Or you will lose parts, piece by piece still being alive to feel each. As I remove them. DO you hear me?" Yuki remarks in a sinister voice. "Yes, my lady. I promise you. It's all true. "It better be." Yuki says Walking away, going up the stairs.

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