Chapter 127

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Chapter 127 Marking.

When Kaname leaves, its just Zero and Yuki. Who slides herself onto Zero. Kissing and being close to him. "So what was that all about?" Zero asks. "I am sorry my love. I had to. I had to mark him. I knew you would want to see or at least know. What was going on? So, I let you be there. I did keep my promise. He didn't touch my lower half. It's still just yours. As you asked." Yuki states. "I thank you for that. I don't like seeing him touch you. Or even near you. I do have to admit though. It was hot making him sit there. Watching me have full control over your body. It was the best revenge. I could have ever had." Zero comments. "Well, see. You have a dark side in you as well. You just need to let it out."Yuki replies. "You did still have to mark him as you say? That means you care."Zero admits. "Yes. I don't want anyone touching either of you. You both belong to me. And only me. As I belong to only you two. "Yuki responds. "I take it the dark one is still here?" Zero answers. "Yes, Do you want me to leave? I think we can have some fun if you let me stay. " Yuki responds. "You can stay. You seem to calm down a tad."Zero replies. "I did consider your feelings. Even The dark side of me cares very much for you Zero. You are the love of my life. I just need Kaname as well. The both of you together make me whole. Yet I do see that you tame me better. I hate to admit that, but its true. You can tame me." Yuki says as she grinds her body onto Zero. "I know. I can. Its what I love. That he cant. As long as you keep your promise, you can stay." Zero responds. "Good, I do so much like myself better this way. I hate hiding how i am. You did say to come to you. To share with you. So, I did. I want you to see what I am."Yuki announces. "Then show me." Zero responds.

Yuki kisses him passionately and makes love to him. Zero sees and feels that the dark side of her wants him even more than her regular side. He isn't even mad at her want for Kaname at the moment. Feeling it could never beat this. He does know that she is very controlling and jealous in the dark stage. Not that he could say anything. He felt the same over her when it came to Kaname. He knew Sara would have a problem. Yuki wasn't letting go of Kaname for anything. She even marked him. Which Zero found funny in a way. He took it all in his stride. Enjoying her making love to him. Letting the Dark side stay to see what she was really about. After all, it was part of Yuki. Sooner or later she would come out as Kaname said. If Zero would let her come out freely maybe things would go smoother. Maybe better. Zero could only hope.

In the morning Zero gets up getting ready to go to work. Yuki staying behind, wanting to talk to Kaname and spend the afternoon with Ai. Zero leaves her there feeling that she won't go against him, with having intercourse with Kaname. She will just make sure. She marks him. Zero knew Kanamewasn'tt getting off so light. He figured God knows what she would do to him. He rather not think about it and go to work. He was going to trust her. He knew this was part of the relationship. She was trying to be open and honest. If he flipped out, it wouldn't be that way. She would feel. She couldn't go to him or trust him. He didn't want that. He didn't want any of this to be honest but he was in it now.

When Zero leaves for work, Yuki goes down to Kaname's office. "Good Morning my dear." Kaname says. "Morning."Yuki says sitting down in the chair. "I have to say. I enjoyed last night a lot. I did wish for a bit more. But I am happy I was invited. Your touch drove me crazy. You did do the right punishment with not making me touch you. I have to say that was hard to handle." Kaname states. Yuki getting up for the chair and going over to Kaname in his desk chair. Sitting on his lap. "You deserved worse. But I couldn't frighten Zero. I had for it to be slow. Something light. Or he would have freaked out and left." Yuki admits. "I know you want him to be part of this. I don't think he will ever want to watch as I make love to you. That's not him."Kaname answers. "I know it's not. But if he sees some of it maybe he won't freak for me to be alone with you."Yuki says. Kissing him passionately. Kaname moving his hands all over her now. Squeezing her breasts as she grinds her lower half up against his. "I see how you want me. It turns me on. I want you Yuki. You and only you." Kaname says out of breath. "Then you better get rid of her. I mean it Kaname. You don't want me to get pissed. You don't want to see what I really can do." Yuki snaps. "I already know what you can do. I am not scared of you, more turned on by you." Kaname gloats. "Take me to your bed."Yuki hisses. Kaname's eyes gleam red with desire. He knows she wants to mark his bed and him. Letting Sara know, he is hers. Letting her know that Yuki had him. He knows her games and is more than willing to play them.

He picks her up taking her up into his quarters laying her on his bed. She takes off her clothes and his. Grinding up against him. Panting and moaning from his touch. Wanting him, Marking his bed with her scent. Not to mention his whole body. She kisses and licks him everywhere. Sliding her mouth on his member, going up and down and licking the underside. Making him moan and pant. She knew just what to do to him. As she has done this to him many times in the past. She sucks him till he explodes. Which doesn't take long. She knows how to hit every part that turned him on. He then turns her over onto the bed doing the same to her. Making her come undone. She squeezes the sheets and arches her back up, Pushing herself into his face even more. He holds her hips down licking and tonguing her. Making her climax. He then crawls up to his mouth where he kisses her. Wanting more access to her. Spreading her legs and wanting to enter. "No! Only on the outside. No entering." Yuki states. "Is that my punishment?" Kaname asks. "Yes." Yuki answers. Not being completely honest. She was doing it for Zero. Keeping her promise to him. She was in dark mode but still not willing to break his trust.

Kaname excepts his punishment. Just rubbing and teasing on the outside. Till they both climax again. Falling on his side of the bed taking her with him. Holding her in his arms. "I know this was to mark me and my bed, Missy." Kaname says with a grin. "Good. You tell that bitch tonight its over. Do you hear me?" Yuki snaps. "Yes. For you, I would do anything. I do want more of this. You hear me? I want you. All of you. I will do anything for you. I know you love him. I just want in your life as well." Kaname states. "We will see. She needs to go first." Yuki says. "Tonight I promise. She isn't going to be happy about this. She wants to be Queen."Kaname admits. "I am Queen. I am your Queen. No one else will ever be with you. Or him. You are both mine and I am yours." Yuki growls. "You sure can be obsessive. I thought that was only for Kiryu."Kaname Chuckles. "No, it seems to be for you also. I don't like others touching what's mine."Yuki hisses.

"Than you now know how I feel." Kaname states. "Yes, but you did keep me away from him. I told you that I wanted him. You wouldn't listen to me. So this is what you get." Yuki responds. "I didn't want to lose you. So I guess in a way of letting you have him. You came back to me as well."Kaname says. "I guess so. Just don't make me regret it Kaname. I am not that little girl you locked up anymore." Yuki comments. "I know trust me. She is long gone. Even though Kiryu wants to think your still in there. He doesn't know how malipitive you really are yet. Does he?" Kaname girns. "You can say whatever you want. I do truly love him. Even in this form. You need to realize that no matter what I will protect him. Beast or no beast. He is my one desire. Just for some reason, I can't seem to let go of you either." Yuki admits. "My dear. It's your vampire nature. Your beast side doesn't want to share or give me up. Its only natural for us. I was hoping it would come out."Kaname gloats. Laying with her in his arms. Yuki feeling at peace. Kissing his chest and curling up to him. Something they haven't shared in a long time. A closeness they both felt and wanted. Yuki just taking in his scent laying there for a while. Just being close. Kaname loving every minute. It was the nicest time they ever shared. Even from the beginning. Something was different. They now both understood the other. They both played the same games and were on the same level. It drove them more. Yuki stayed in his arms for most of the morning. Kaname not saying a word. He knew he had work to do but wouldn't give this up for anything. He took it all in enjoying every second.

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