Chapter 101

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Chapter 101 Heading Home.

Kaname, Ren, and Zero walking to the jeep. Zero holding his son. Talking to him. "How is my boy? I missed you so much. So did mommy. Wait till she sees you." Zero says to the little boy. Ren just making baby noises and smiling at Zero. Even smiling at Kaname. Zero gets in the Jeep holding the child close to him. Kaname driving. Zero making a call.

"Babe, We have our son. He is coming home." Zero says. "Zero really?" Yuki says holding back tears. "Yes. He is in my arms and safe." Zero responds. "Oh, God. I am so happy. I can't wait to hold him. They didn't hurt him?" Yuki asks. "No, he is fine. He is his sweet self. Sitting on my lap. Playing with my fingers. We will be home in a few hours."Zero responds. "Thank you Zero. I can't wait. I love you both." Yuki says. "I love you too." Zero comments. Kaname just listening. Driving the car. "I bet she is happy now." Kaname states. "Yes very. She will be waiting for our return." Zero remarks. "I will drive as fast as I can. I am glad to see Ren is ok." Kaname states. "Me too. I don't know what I would have done. If he wasn't. Yuki would have never been the same. We might not even be able to have any more children. It makes this even worse. I guess. We will cross that bridge when we get there." Zero states.

"I know that hurt Yuki a lot. She wants children with you. Next time we see Alex we will need to ask him more about, what he did with the pill. He created it. He should know how strong it is. And if it would work on her. I do think. No matter how much she wants to know what is going on. In that department. We should keep it quiet, that we are asking. Until we find out the truth about the pills. We don't need to get her hopes up or bring up the matter again. If he says she is infertile. "Zero states. " I agree with you. But you do know this is part of the reason, she pulled away from me. I was always trying to save her from hurting. She didn't take it that way. She tells me I lie to her. Keep things from her. I will do as you say. Just I want to warn you. If she finds out. She isn't going to be very happy with you Zero." Kaname comments. "I see why you hid a few things. I don't need her going dark on me again. I don't need her trying to kill herself again either. I am not sure. I like either way. Why does it have to be so dramatic? Zero asks.

"Because she is fighting within herself, to be the person you want her to be, and what she has truly become. There is part human that she remembers. Growing up with you. How you looked at her. The innocent sweet Yuki. And then the Dark Yuki that came out while being here with me. The pureblood in her. The vampire in her. With me, she didn't mind showing the dark side. She knew I had my own. Which I was as bad as her trying to hide it from her. Not wanting her to see it. Trying to be the calm sweet Kaname she knew all those years of growing up. Once her side came out, I showed mine on occasion. Mostly when it had to do with you. The dark Yuki loved to torment me with you. How much she wanted you. How she felt about you. Not hiding it at all. But pushing it. Hurting me. Doing her best so I would let her go. I just couldn't. I love her way too much for that. It was like I wanted to watch her grow and spread her wings and then at the same time. I didn't want to let her go." Kaname remarks.

"I wish. She didn't have to go dark. If it could just merge somehow. Being a little of each. Not either one or the other." Zero states. it could it will just take time. It was another reason I didn't let her out. At first, she couldn't control her thirst. I wasn't enough for her. She would drink yet still need more. I didn't want her to just go out and bite people. I knew she craved you. Wanted you in the way. She would bite herself at times it was so bad. The tablets wouldn't work. She would take them but they never did her any good. Once she went dark, I didn't want anyone seeing. What a real bitch she could be. No one would ever expect Yuki to be that. I know. I had my hand in turning her dark though. Her want and love for you brought it out more. The more I kept her away from you. The more it was there. Then she just gave up." Kaname states. "She thought I didn't want her. That I wasn't writing her back because I didn't want her. Thanks to you. You just made a big mess. Worse then what it was before. You could of just put your feelings on the side and let her go."Zero comments. "I couldn't. I love and wanted her too badly. Could you?"Kaname asks. "I did once. I watched as she walked away with you. With my heart in her hands. She picked you. Did you ever realize how much that hurt?" Zero asks. "No. At the time I wanted her. It was all that mattered. I did tell her she didn't have to come with me. It was her choice. She also was honest with me. Telling me half her heart was mine, the other half was yours." Kaname reveals. "I will tell you something right now Kaname. I might have watched her walk away then. But I will never do it again. I will never let her go either. So as you say, She has us both. It does seem, its what she wanted. It's sick and twisted. I guess. That's part of her Dark side as well." Zero replies. "In a way yes. In a way, she knew it would be too hard for us to get divorced. Not to mention the Council and mayor. Not wanting you two together. She figured with me on her side. It would be more possible to have you as well. And Yes I am sure her dark side liked the idea of having us both. It does seem that her regular self, fights with itself though. She will want to be with me intimately then think of you. And change her mind." Kaname responds

"I can't deny. That doesn't make me feel good. I can't stand the thought of her with you. I don't think. I will ever get used to that fact of sharing her." Zero answers. "I had to. Do you really think its something I wanted? Something I like? Not to mention she sleeps with you every night. I only get once a week or month depending on when you leave for work. When I am her original husband? I thought. I would have been her first and only. Not that I would be sharing her with you or anyone for that matter." Kaname hisses. "Its just something we will have to deal with. We both are stubborn and not giving her up." Zero states.

Ren falling asleep on Zero's lap during the long drive. Zero listening to everything that Kaname told him. Understanding a little bit more. Seeing that this isn't something Kaname really wanted either. It was something he was thrown into, just like Zero. Just to be with the one he loved. Zero hoped that the Dark Yuki would stay away now. She would have their son back. Maybe they could get back to normal life.

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