Chapter 69

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Chapter 69 be with me.

The next morning came. Bright and early. Yuki laying in bed wondering. What today would bring? A little scared to get up and moving, knowing that Kaname was still here. She knew. He was being nice, but she also knew his reasoning. How long can she fight him? She only had to wait till tomorrow morning for Zero to come home. She can get through this. What would she tell Zero? Should she tell Zero? So many things went through her mind. When she would think about the night before. She couldn't help but like it. Kaname always made her feel all kinds of desires. She was free with him. Being her self. Letting out all her vampire desires. Which she never really did with Zero. She was scared if she did. It may frighten him off. She always felt Zero was different then Kaname. Kaname didn't care what Yuki did in bed. He was used to her. He could handle her. Its what they had for a while, till even that faded. Why was it back now? Kaname was going slow and being gentle. Trying to get her vampire desires to come out. Even though, he was close. She remained calm and wouldn't let her true self out. All she thought about was Zero. It was the thing holding her back.

Yuki got dressed. Getting the kids and taking them downstairs for breakfast. Kaname up getting his morning coffee. "Good Morning my dear." Kaname says. "Morning," Yuki replies. "How are you feeling?" Kaname asks. "I'm fine. Do you want any breakfast?" She asks. "Sure. I will take whatever your making." Kaname replies. Sitting down at the Kitchen island. Playing with Ai and even Ren. "He should does look like Zero." Kaname admits. "Yes. Its what I love most about him. He is Zero's mini. It's so cute. I love his white hair. His sweet smile."Yuki states. "I know you really wanted this child, but you do know the Counsel and Others. Are not going to be very happy, about who his father is. Kaname states. "I don't care. I wanted something of Zero's. Why does everyone always have to get in the way." Yuki hisses. "That is life, my dear. You chose to have a Vampire Hunters child. You're a pureblood." Kaname answers. "Whatever. He is my son. I love him dearly. I don't care what blood he has. I don't care that Zero is a vampire hunter. To me he is just the man, I love." Yuki replies. "Not everyone thinks like that."Kaname remarks. Taking a good look at Ren.

Breakfast is over and Kaname goes back to his quarters. Giving Yuki freedom for most of the day. She does her daily things, washing clothes, taking care of the kids, making dinner. Just like any other person. Kaname watches all this. Not believing this is Yuki. When she had Ai, she did nothing. Just get more and more into depression. Now she is super mom. Could it be? What made Ren so Speical. Kaname thought. Oh, yea that's right. It's Zero's. Kaname remarked to himself. Finding himself rolling his eyes. That white-haired bastard is so special. I use to be that special to her.  Kaname filled with resentment toward Zero.

Kaname goes downstairs for dinner. Yuki setting the table. Ai sitting there, and Ren in his bassinet. He wished. She would have done this for him. For his Child. He felt a little More resentment. But tried to not let it ruin the night.

"Everything looks great Yuki." Kaname says. Looking at the chicken, potatoes, salad, corn, and biscuits. "Where did you learn to cook?" Kaname asks. "Zero. I watched him. We would cook together at Cross. Then when he came back into my life and we came here for the holiday, he would cook us dinner. I watched and helped. I learned. I am still not as good as he is. But I am better, than what I use to be." Yuki states. "I see." Kaname replies. While taking a piece of everything. He was surprised. It was actually good. Just another thing Kiryu did. The thought of it burning at Kaname.

After dinner, Kaname helps with the dishes. Washing and drying. As Yuki goes to put Ren and Ai to bed. Kaname likes the family life with Yuki. He just wished they had more of it. That Zero wasn't the cause of them having it now. That they would have had it on there own. He figured at least they had it now. It was a lot better than the years prior to this. Where she was a shell of herself. Now she took care of both children and a home. No help. It was nice to see.

When Kaname was done cleaning up. He headed upstairs. He tucked AI in and said goodnight. Then going to look for Yuki. Finding her in Ren's room. "He is sleeping." Yuki states. "Good. I was just looking for you." Kaname says. Putting his arms around her. "Kaname please." Yuki says looking into his eyes. "Don't push me away Yuki. I want to be close to you. I want to be with you." Kaname says. "I know. I just don't think. I am ready for the next step." Yuki admits. "Only because of him. You are holding back because of him. You both know the part of the deal. Not to mention, we are both married to you. I am your husband as well. It was fine to sleep with him while married to me. But not fine to sleep with me, while married to him?" Kaname states. " Yuki puts her head on Kaname's chest. Knowing that statement was hurtful to him. She didn't know how to say it was true. Instead, she just hugged him. Which in turn, he hugged her back. Holding her close to him. "Yuki spend the night with me, in my bed. We don't have to go all the way. I just want you to lie next to me. Be with me."Kaname asks. "You promise nothing I'm not ready for?" Yuki asks. "I promise." Kaname responds. Yuki agrees.

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