Chapter 126

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Chapter 126 Dinner.

On Saturday they are getting ready to leave. Zero holding in how he really feels. The dread in being with Kaname. Also wondering how they would be around each other now. After the encounter with Sara. Zero knew something changed that day. He just kept it to himself since Yuki stayed away.

They get into the car for the long drive to the Manor. Taking Zimma with them to take care of Ren. To make sure he would be ok. Yuki would guard him with her life. She knew Zimma would also. Not to mention being at the Manor was the safest place to be. No one really would dare go there to hurt any of them. Not in Kaname's presence. They all knew better.

Once at he Manor they are all greeted by Berta who takes there coats and shows them into the dining room. Where the table is set up. Everything looking wonderful. Little Ai running to her mother and Zero. For hugs and kisses. Yuki just picks up the little girl and holds her close. Giving her a lot of attention.

Kaname coming out of his office and going into the dining room. Looking dashing as always. "Yuki my love. It's so nice to see you." Kaname says walking over and kissing her cheek."Same. Thank you for having us." Yuki replies. "No problem. How have you been Zero?" Kaname asks. "I was great. Then you showed up again. Than bad pennies always do." Zero replies. "Still the same old Zero I see." Kaname replies. "The one and only." Zero remarks.

They all sit down to a pleasant meal. Zero and Kaname doing there best not to piss the other one off too much. Kaname sees that Yuki doesn't pay too much attention to either of them. She is too busy with Ai and Ren. Giving her time to them. Cutting their food and making sure both of them eat.

When dinner is over Zimma takes the kids upstairs, while the grown-ups have a drink. While they are in the dining room Sara walks in. "My darling Kaname. I thought I would stop by."Sara says. Giving Kaname a long passionate kiss. Yuki just glaring at her. Zero watching as Yuki's eyes turn different shades of Red. "I am having a family dinner party. I am a bit busy at the moment." Kaname states. "And you didn't invite me."Sara silks sitting on Kaname's lap rubbing his chest. Yuki sits there quietly. Yet Zero can see something inside her stirring. "Well, I guess I will be going. I will see you tomorrow night for our date. I hope you're ready for me Kaname." Sara says with a gleam in her eye. Sara walks out the door. Then Yuki gets out of her chair. An air different about her. She isn't sweet Yuki anymore. The dark one is here.

She gets up and walks over to Kaname. Taking a seat on his lap. Zero wanting to get up and pull her off but stays still. Yuki Grabs Kaname's Tie, Pulling on it roughly. Almost choking him. "You are still with that slut?" Yuki asks in a cold dark manner. "Yes. She is my playmate. You seem not to want to play with me. So I found someone that would."Kaname answers. "Really? Our little talk the last time didn't make you get rid of it. You do know how that makes me feel."Yuki answers. "Why don't you show me?" Kaname answers with a red gleam in his eyes. Zero gets up walking over to them. Yuki just gets up off of Kaname's lap. Laying her hand on Zero's Chest. "Kaname you need to be punished. I will not tolerate you with her. Or anyone for that matter."She says then turning to Zero. "And you never better even think about it. I would chop the woman into pieces right in front of you." Yuki hisses. "What are you going to do with him?" Zero asks. "Don't you worry your pretty little head about it. You will be there to see it all." Yuki says with an evil grin.

"I want both of you to get upstairs into Zero's Quarters now! I don't want to hear a peep out of either of you."Yuki states. "And if I don't want to?" Zero states coldly. "Then I guess you can't take what I really am. You told me to come to you first. I am here taking you with me. Come to see." Yuki says taking his hand and taking him upstairs. Kaname in front. Not shocked about any of it. Just looking forward to it. Not able to wait to see what his punishment is.

Once in the room. Yuki sits Zero gently on the bed. "You stay here." She says as she rubs his chest "Now for you. Your punishment is, You get to watch him do everything and anything he wants to me. And you can't touch. You can touch yourself just not me." Yuki says, pushing Kaname into the chair in front of the bed. Zero's eyes just widen. Relieved in a way that Kaname can't touch her. Also liking that he is in control. That even the Dark side of her is still protecting his feelings. She walks over to Zero taking off his clothes piece by piece. Looking into his eyes the whole time. "You can handle this?" Yuki asks. "Yes."He replies throwing her down on the bed removing her clothes. Getting on top of her and making Kaname watch as he makes her come undone. Even if the Dark stage. She would melt into his hands. It actually being quite hot for Zero. It was like his best revenge. He takes his time, being nice and slow, Making her beg for it. Right in front of Kaname. Who is sitting there, stroking himself. Yearning to touch her. Knowing she picked the right punishment for him. At the same time knowing she was easing Zero into this. He knew what she was after and it made him even hotter.

When Zero was done making love to her. She kisses him passionately. Sitting up. "Kaname get over here."She says. "I swear you're the only man, to even jerk off in an uptight manner," Yuki says rolling her eyes. Zero chuckles to that one. "What do you mean?" Kaname asks. "Really?" She pulls him close to her which makes Zero sit up. Wanting to stop her but he holds back. Just watching what she does. "You still have your tie, jacket, and shirt on. The only thing you did was unzip your pants and used a tissue."Yuki states taking piece by piece of Kaname's clothes off. Kaname so hot he lets her do anything she wants to him. He loved when she was like this. "Now sit on the bed on this side of me. You still can't touch me. But you can tell Zero what you would like to see him do to me. And he will do it." Yuki says with a grin. "I would like to watch him make love to you doggy style," Kaname says plainly. "Is that ok with you Zero? Can you take me?"She says Moving her body over to him. Kissing him. Zero isn't sure about any of this, but the hell he was going to show Kaname that. He was ok with it so far as long as Kaname couldn't touch. So he agreed.

Turning Yuki over on her stomach, sideways on the bed. Where Kaname was on the side of her. Zero slowly entered her and rid her hard. As he did, She would stroke Kaname. Making his gasp and pant. As Zero kept pounding into her. Being the rough lover the dark side liked. As Zero kept pounding she kept stroking. Till they all climaxed together. Once they all catch there breath she moves closer to Zero. Snuggling up to his warm body. As one of her legs is over Kaname's. Trying to keep him in the loop, just knowing to go slow. Not to piss Zero off.

She made Zero in full control of her body. Kaname knew what she was after, he went along with it. Kissing her leg as he got up and dressed. To leave to go to his own room. Trying to give Zero some personal space. He wanted more of her. He just knew she was making Zero adjust. Even letting him witness the sex. So that way he didn't have to ask what happened. Or wonder. Kaname just hoped it would grow into more. He also loved that Sara had this effect on her. Yuki wanted to show that Kaname was still her's. She made that clear by marking him, with her scent. So when Sara would see him again. She would know. The dark Yuki played hard. She was one up on you. Nothing she did was without reason. Yuki managed to do two things at once that night. Kaname was proud.

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