Chapter 3

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Review Please. It helps me know. If I should go on. Who thinks Kaname just made the worse choice ever? LOL

Chapter 3 The Call

Later in the day, Takuma calls up, Yagari. Asking him if Zero Kiryu would be able to take a job. Working at the Kuran Mansion.

 "Takuma, it has been a while since Zero was near these people. Four years is a long time. You know. How things ended. He isn't very happy with them. I doubt, he would want to work for them. No matter, how much he will pay."Yagari states. 

"I know, How he may feel, But he is the only one that can do the job. Kaname wants only the best for his family. Zero is that. He wouldn't really have to worry about being around Kaname. He is out of town most of the time. It's Just Yuki Ai, Hanabusa and the staff here. To be fully honest with you Yagari. Yuki isn't herself lately. She wouldn't be able to fight off an attack if it was to happen. To be honest, I think she would let the intruder have his way." Takuma states. 

"That's very disturbing to hear. What the hell? Did Kaname do to her?"Yagari asks.

 "Nothing to be honest. Things have just taken a turn. We need someone to watch over her. Zero is the first person Kaname thought of." Takuma admits.

 "I will ask him today. I can't promise you anything. I know, how he likes Kaname, and last I heard. He wasn't too happy with Yuki either." Yagari remarks.

 "I understand. Please let us know either way. The pay will be good. He has a free home and board here. He will have his own quarters. Remember to tell him that Kaname isn't here much. I am sure that will help."Takuma says.

 "Ok. I will. Thank you for letting me know." Yagari states getting off the phone.

After a while, of thinking about the Call, Yagari calls Zero into his office.

 "Sorry to call you in here. Today I got a call from Takuma. It seems that Kuran Mansion needs a bodyguard." Yagari states.

 "Yea right. That bastard could kill anyone just with his glare. What does he need anyone else for?"Zero scuffs.

 "He said. That he is away for the most part and fears someone might want to hurt his family. He even said that Yuki isn't doing very well. She wouldn't defend herself." Yagari comments. 

Zero taken back. It's been four years since he, heard her name. Four years since he saw her. His love, his Yuki. No, he feels he can't think that way. As he would never have her. Even though for the last four years. All he has done is dream about her.

 "What do you mean? She wouldn't fight back? She is the most feisty girl, I ever knew." Zero huffs.

 "Maybe back then but not now. Something has taken place. He wouldn't go into details. He just figured if anyone would take care of her. It would be you." Yagari states. 

"Yea use me again. It's all that pureblood bastard ever knew. God forbid. He did anything without using someone for his own personal gain. What did he do to Yuki?" Zero Snaps.

 "I have no clue Zero. The only way, you will know is if you go there and find out. He will pay you well. Give you, your quarters and most of all, he won't be there often. Its a win, win situation." Yagari states. 

"I am not sure about that. I don't know if I want to get into the middle of these two again. I have been free for four years. Why be his pawn again?" Zero remarks. 

"I see your point Zero. I also know you still care about her. This way you would get to see her. Also getting paid and living for free. You're not losing anything." Yagari reveals.

"Yea they make you think that. Till your there." Zero comments "Look it's your choice. Let me know tomorrow if you want the job or not. IF not I will just tell him, no. Not a big deal. Just sleep on it."Yagari asks.

 "Will do. Thank you, Master." Zero replies walking out the door.

Zero goes back to his small dingy apartment. The two room place was nothing special. It was cheap and falling apart. Yet, it was enough for Zero. It had a small kitchen, bathroom, and bedroom. The kitchen and bedroom in the same room. The kitchen had a small fridge, oven and sink with some cabinets. So Zero could make his meals. His bedroom had a dresser tv and a bed. Zero lived a simple life. Never really wanting for anything more. All he ever did was work anyway. So if he needed something, he would use or get it at work. He only really went here to sleep. There were times, he was so tired. He didn't even do that. He would just stay at the Association. Zero stayed to himself. He really didn't fit in. Everyone knew. He was part Vampire. Some of the hunters held that against him. Where the vampires only saw him as a lonely level D. Nothing special. Zero really didn't care though. He was alone for most of his life. The only person that made him feel anything was Yuki. She was gone. Zero never thought. He would see her ever again. After hearing, she married Lord Kaname. To him Asshole Kaname. That was more fitting. Zero thought.

 He felt Kaname won the girl. It was over. Why bother? It didn't stop him from dreaming about her. From wanting her. From wondering time to time, how she was. What she was doing. He even heard they had a child together. That bothered him most. Something, he would have loved to do with Yuki. He wished so many times it was him. That he would have just had the courage to tell her, how he really felt. Instead of pushing her away. Telling her he would kill her if he ever saw her again. How could he go work for her? What would she say to him? Would she even want to see him? What were they talking about? She wasn't the same? All these things ran through Zero's mind. And so much more.

Would he want to take this job? Put himself in the middle of these two purebloods again? Put his heart on the line again? Could he handle this?

 " It's not like she wants to see me anyway, or even wants to talk to me. I would probably just be standing there guarding her. She probably hates me for what I said. That I didn't accept her as a pureblood. Zero thought. Then maybe I could say. I was sorry? Maybe we can be friends again? Oh, that bastard of Kaname would never let that happen. Zero growled.

"The hell with it. IF that smug bastard wants to pay me and give me his money. So be it. I will take it. I will guard and do my job. When its over just leave and say see ya." Zero says to himself. "If he doesn't hire me it will just be someone else getting the money and I can use it."

Zero goes to work the next day going to Yagari's Office.

 "I thought about it. I will take it,I want the money." Zero states.

 "Ok, I will call Takuma and let him know. I will get the information on when you should be there." Yagari states.

 "Ok, just let me know the details. I will do my job like its any other place."Zero replies. 

"That's my boy, I knew you would." Yagari comments.

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